The NIH Common Fund's 4D Nucleome (4DN) program has made awards for its second stage. A total of thirty awards have been made for six initiatives. The 4DN program will continue to support research on the three-dimensional organization of the nucleus and how it shifts over time (the fourth dimension). Stage 1 of 4DN successfully developed important technologies and datasets that will be leveraged in Stage 2. The 4DN Organization and Function in Human Health and Disease initiative supports ten projects to monitor and/or manipulate the 4D nucleome in the context of human health and disease. Additionally, six projects from early stage investigators are supported by the New Investigator Projects on 4DN Organization and Function in Human Health and Disease. The 4DN program will focus on further developing single cell analysis technology to address the fourth dimension of time. This will be carried out through the eight projects of the Real-Time Chromatin Dynamics and Function initiative. As part of the 4DN Centers for Data Integration, Modeling and Visualization, four research centers will generate comprehensive maps of genome structure, dynamics and function. The 4DN Organizational Hub (https://www.4dnucleome.org) will continue to administer and coordinate the consortium, and the 4DN Data Coordination & Integration Center will continue to be responsible for data collection, storage, curation, and dissemination (https://data.4dnucleome.org).
Read more about the awards here!