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The search results on this publication page are automated on a monthly schedule based on acknowledgement of NIH Common Fund award numbers and intramural awards. Therefore, this list is not an exhaustive or error-free account of the program’s publications.

Title Author Journal Name PubMedID Journal Abbreviation Publication Date
Macrocephaly and developmental delay caused by missense variants in RAB5C. Koop K, Yuan W, Tessadori F, Rodriguez-Polanco WR, Grubbs J, Zhang B, Osmond M, Graham G, Sawyer S, Conboy E, Vetrini F, Treat K, Płoski R, Pienkowski VM, Kłosowska A, Fieg E, Krier J, Mallebranche C, Alban Z, Aldinger KA, Ritter D, Macnamara E, Sullivan B, Herriges J, Alaimo JT, Helbig C, Ellis CA, van Eyk C, Gecz J, Farrugia D, Osei-Owusu I, Adès L, van den Boogaard MJ, Fuchs S, Bakker J, Duran K, Dawson ZD, Lindsey A, Huang H, Baldridge D, Silverman GA, Grant BD, Raizen D, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, van Haaften G, Pak SC, Rehmann H, Schedl T, van Hasselt P Human molecular genetics 37552066 Hum Mol Genet 2023 Oct 17
Improved detection of aberrant splicing using the Intron Jaccard Index. Scheller IF, Lutz K, Mertes C, Yépez VA, Gagneur J medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37066374 medRxiv 2023 Apr 3
Dominant negative variants in KIF5B cause osteogenesis imperfecta via down regulation of mTOR signaling. Marom R, Zhang B, Washington ME, Song IW, Burrage LC, Rossi VC, Berrier AS, Lindsey A, Lesinski J, Nonet ML, Chen J, Baldridge D, Silverman GA, Sutton VR, Rosenfeld JA, Tran AA, Hicks MJ, Murdock DR, Dai H, Weis M, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Caswell R, Pottinger C, Cilliers D, Stals K, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Eyre D, Krakow D, Schedl T, Pak SC, Lee BH PLoS genetics 37934770 PLoS Genet 2023 Nov
Functional analysis of a novel de novo variant in PPP5C associated with microcephaly, seizures, and developmental delay. Fielder SM, Rosenfeld JA, Burrage LC, Emrick L, Lalani S, Attali R, Bembenek JN, Hoang H, Baldridge D, Silverman GA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Schedl T, Pak SC Molecular genetics and metabolism 35361529 Mol Genet Metab 2022 May
Improved detection of aberrant splicing with FRASER 2.0 and the intron Jaccard index. Scheller IF, Lutz K, Mertes C, Yépez VA, Gagneur J American journal of human genetics 38006880 Am J Hum Genet 2023 Dec 7
Functional analysis of a de novo variant in the neurodevelopment and generalized epilepsy disease gene NBEA. Boulin T, Itani O, El Mouridi S, Leclercq-Blondel A, Gendrel M, Macnamara E, Soldatos A, Murphy JL, Gorman MP, Lindsey A, Shimada S, Turner D, Silverman GA, Baldridge D, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Malicdan MC, Schedl T, Pak SC Molecular genetics and metabolism 34412939 Mol Genet Metab 2021 Sep-Oct
A dominant negative variant of RAB5B disrupts maturation of surfactant protein B and surfactant protein C. Huang H, Pan J, Spielberg DR, Hanchard NA, Scott DA, Burrage LC, Dai H, Murdock D, Rosenfeld JA, Mohammad A, Huang T, Lindsey AG, Kim H, Chen J, Ramu A, Morrison SA, Dawson ZD, Hu AZ, Tycksen E, Silverman GA, Baldridge D, Wambach JA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Pak SC, Brody SL, Schedl T Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35121658 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 Feb 8
Simulation of undiagnosed patients with novel genetic conditions. Alsentzer E, Finlayson SG, Li MM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Kobren SN, Kohane IS Nature communications 37828001 Nat Commun 2023 Oct 12
MARRVEL: Integration of Human and Model Organism Genetic Resources to Facilitate Functional Annotation of the Human Genome. Wang J, Al-Ouran R, Hu Y, Kim SY, Wan YW, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Chao HT, Comjean A, Mohr SE, UDN, Perrimon N, Liu Z, Bellen HJ American journal of human genetics 28502612 Am J Hum Genet 2017 Jun 1
yippee like 3 (ypel3) is a novel gene required for myelinating and perineurial glia development. Blanco-Sánchez B, Clément A, Stednitz SJ, Kyle J, Peirce JL, McFadden M, Wegner J, Phillips JB, Macnamara E, Huang Y, Adams DR, Toro C, Gahl WA, Malicdan MCV, Tifft CJ, Zink EM, Bloodsworth KJ, Stratton KG, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Koeller DM, Metz TO, Washbourne P, Westerfield M PLoS genetics 32544203 PLoS Genet 2020 Jun
Correction: yippee like 3 (ypel3) is a novel gene required for myelinating and perineurial glia development. Blanco-Sánchez B, Clément A, Stednitz SJ, Kyle J, Peirce JL, McFadden M, Wegner J, Phillips JB, Macnamara E, Huang Y, Adams DR, Toro C, Gahl WA, Malicdan MCV, Tifft CJ, Zink EM, Bloodsworth KJ, Stratton KG, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Koeller DM, Metz TO, Washbourne P, Westerfield M PLoS genetics 33104717 PLoS Genet 2020 Oct
'Fly-ing' from rare to common neurodegenerative disease mechanisms. Ma M, Moulton MJ, Lu S, Bellen HJ Trends in genetics : TIG 35484057 Trends Genet 2022 Sep
The microRNA processor DROSHA is a candidate gene for a severe progressive neurological disorder. Barish S, Senturk M, Schoch K, Minogue AL, Lopergolo D, Fallerini C, Harland J, Seemann JH, Stong N, Kranz PG, Kansagra S, Mikati MA, Jasien J, El-Dairi M, Galluzzi P, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Ariani F, Renieri A, Mari F, Wangler MF, Arur S, Jiang YH, Yamamoto S, Shashi V, Bellen HJ Human molecular genetics 35405010 Hum Mol Genet 2022 Aug 25
COPB2 loss of function causes a coatopathy with osteoporosis and developmental delay. Marom R, Burrage LC, Venditti R, Clément A, Blanco-Sánchez B, Jain M, Scott DA, Rosenfeld JA, Sutton VR, Shinawi M, Mirzaa G, DeVile C, Roberts R, Calder AD, Allgrove J, Grafe I, Lanza DG, Li X, Joeng KS, Lee YC, Song IW, Sliepka JM, Batkovskyte D, Washington M, Dawson BC, Jin Z, Jiang MM, Chen S, Chen Y, Tran AA, Emrick LT, Murdock DR, Hanchard NA, Zapata GE, Mehta NR, Weis MA, Scott AA, Tremp BA, Phillips JB, Wegner J, Taylor-Miller T, Gibbs RA, Muzny DM, Jhangiani SN, Hicks J, Stottmann RW, Dickinson ME, Seavitt JR, Heaney JD, Eyre DR, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Westerfield M, De Matteis MA, Lee B American journal of human genetics 34450031 Am J Hum Genet 2021 Sep 2
De novo FZR1 loss-of-function variants cause developmental and epileptic encephalopathies. Manivannan SN, Roovers J, Smal N, Myers CT, Turkdogan D, Roelens F, Kanca O, Chung HL, Scholz T, Hermann K, Bierhals T, Caglayan HS, Stamberger H, MAE Working Group of EuroEPINOMICS RES Consortium, Mefford H, de Jonghe P, Yamamoto S, Weckhuysen S, Bellen HJ Brain : a journal of neurology 34788397 Brain 2022 Jun 3
TNPO2 variants associate with human developmental delays, neurologic deficits, and dysmorphic features and alter TNPO2 activity in Drosophila. Goodman LD, Cope H, Nil Z, Ravenscroft TA, Charng WL, Lu S, Tien AC, Pfundt R, Koolen DA, Haaxma CA, Veenstra-Knol HE, Wassink-Ruiter JSK, Wevers MR, Jones M, Walsh LE, Klee VH, Theunis M, Legius E, Steel D, Barwick KES, Kurian MA, Mohammad SS, Dale RC, Terhal PA, van Binsbergen E, Kirmse B, Robinette B, Cogné B, Isidor B, Grebe TA, Kulch P, Hainline BE, Sapp K, Morava E, Klee EW, Macke EL, Trapane P, Spencer C, Si Y, Begtrup A, Moulton MJ, Dutta D, Kanca O, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Bellen HJ, Tan QK American journal of human genetics 34314705 Am J Hum Genet 2021 Sep 2
IRF2BPL Is Associated with Neurological Phenotypes. Marcogliese PC, Shashi V, Spillmann RC, Stong N, Rosenfeld JA, Koenig MK, Martínez-Agosto JA, Herzog M, Chen AH, Dickson PI, Lin HJ, Vera MU, Salamon N, Graham JM Jr, Ortiz D, Infante E, Steyaert W, Dermaut B, Poppe B, Chung HL, Zuo Z, Lee PT, Kanca O, Xia F, Yang Y, Smith EC, Jasien J, Kansagra S, Spiridigliozzi G, El-Dairi M, Lark R, Riley K, Koeberl DD, Golden-Grant K, Program for Undiagnosed Diseases (UD-PrOZA), Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Yamamoto S, Wangler MF, Mirzaa G, Hemelsoet D, Lee B, Nelson SF, Goldstein DB, Bellen HJ, Pena LDM American journal of human genetics 30057031 Am J Hum Genet 2018 Aug 2
A cell cycle-independent, conditional gene inactivation strategy for differentially tagging wild-type and mutant cells. Nagarkar-Jaiswal S, Manivannan SN, Zuo Z, Bellen HJ eLife 28561736 Elife 2017 May 31
SPTSSA variants alter sphingolipid synthesis and cause a complex hereditary spastic paraplegia. Srivastava S, Shaked HM, Gable K, Gupta SD, Pan X, Somashekarappa N, Han G, Mohassel P, Gotkine M, Doney E, Goldenberg P, Tan QKG, Gong Y, Kleinstiver B, Wishart B, Cope H, Pires CB, Stutzman H, Spillmann RC, Undiagnosed Disease Network, Sadjadi R, Elpeleg O, Lee CH, Bellen HJ, Edvardson S, Eichler F, Dunn TM Brain : a journal of neurology 36718090 Brain 2023 Apr 19
De novo variants in MRTFB have gain-of-function activity in Drosophila and are associated with a novel neurodevelopmental phenotype with dysmorphic features. Andrews JC, Mok JW, Kanca O, Jangam S, Tifft C, Macnamara EF, Russell BE, Wang LK, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Nelson SF, Bellen HJ, Yamamoto S, Malicdan MCV, Wangler MF Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 37013900 Genet Med 2023 Jun
SLC35A2-CDG: Functional characterization, expanded molecular, clinical, and biochemical phenotypes of 30 unreported Individuals. Ng BG, Sosicka P, Agadi S, Almannai M, Bacino CA, Barone R, Botto LD, Burton JE, Carlston C, Chung BH, Cohen JS, Coman D, Dipple KM, Dorrani N, Dobyns WB, Elias AF, Epstein L, Gahl WA, Garozzo D, Hammer TB, Haven J, Héron D, Herzog M, Hoganson GE, Hunter JM, Jain M, Juusola J, Lakhani S, Lee H, Lee J, Lewis K, Longo N, Lourenço CM, Mak CCY, McKnight D, Mendelsohn BA, Mignot C, Mirzaa G, Mitchell W, Muhle H, Nelson SF, Olczak M, Palmer CGS, Partikian A, Patterson MC, Pierson TM, Quinonez SC, Regan BM, Ross ME, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Scaglia F, Scheffer IE, Segal D, Singhal NS, Striano P, Sturiale L, Symonds JD, Tang S, Vilain E, Willis M, Wolfe LA, Yang H, Yano S, Powis Z, Suchy SF, Rosenfeld JA, Edmondson AC, Grunewald S, Freeze HH Human mutation 30817854 Hum Mutat 2019 Jul
Unweaving the role of nuclear Lamins in neural circuit integrity. Deal SL, Yamamoto S Cell stress 31223139 Cell Stress 2018 Sep 10
Making sense out of missense mutations: Mechanistic dissection of Notch receptors through structure-function studies in Drosophila. Yamamoto S Development, growth & differentiation 31943162 Dev Growth Differ 2020 Jan
Navigating MARRVEL, a Web-Based Tool that Integrates Human Genomics and Model Organism Genetics Information. Wang J, Liu Z, Bellen HJ, Yamamoto S Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 31475990 J Vis Exp 2019 Aug 15
The Undiagnosed Diseases Network: Accelerating Discovery about Health and Disease. Ramoni RB, Mulvihill JJ, Adams DR, Allard P, Ashley EA, Bernstein JA, Gahl WA, Hamid R, Loscalzo J, McCray AT, Shashi V, Tifft CJ, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wise AL American journal of human genetics 28157539 Am J Hum Genet 2017 Feb 2
A Syndromic Neurodevelopmental Disorder Caused by De Novo Variants in EBF3. Chao HT, Davids M, Burke E, Pappas JG, Rosenfeld JA, McCarty AJ, Davis T, Wolfe L, Toro C, Tifft C, Xia F, Stong N, Johnson TK, Warr CG, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Yamamoto S, Adams DR, Markello TC, Gahl WA, Bellen HJ, Wangler MF, Malicdan MCV American journal of human genetics 28017372 Am J Hum Genet 2017 Jan 5
Genetic strategies to tackle neurological diseases in fruit flies. Şentürk M, Bellen HJ Current opinion in neurobiology 29128849 Curr Opin Neurobiol 2018 Jun
A gene-specific T2A-GAL4 library for Drosophila. Lee PT, Zirin J, Kanca O, Lin WW, Schulze KL, Li-Kroeger D, Tao R, Devereaux C, Hu Y, Chung V, Fang Y, He Y, Pan H, Ge M, Zuo Z, Housden BE, Mohr SE, Yamamoto S, Levis RW, Spradling AC, Perrimon N, Bellen HJ eLife 29565247 Elife 2018 Mar 22
The fruit fly at the interface of diagnosis and pathogenic mechanisms of rare and common human diseases. Bellen HJ, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S Human molecular genetics 31227826 Hum Mol Genet 2019 Nov 21
De Novo Variants in WDR37 Are Associated with Epilepsy, Colobomas, Dysmorphism, Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability, and Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Kanca O, Andrews JC, Lee PT, Patel C, Braddock SR, Slavotinek AM, Cohen JS, Gubbels CS, Aldinger KA, Williams J, Indaram M, Fatemi A, Yu TW, Agrawal PB, Vezina G, Simons C, Crawford J, Lau CC, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Chung WK, Markello TC, Dobyns WB, Adams DR, Gahl WA, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Bellen HJ, Malicdan MCV American journal of human genetics 31327508 Am J Hum Genet 2019 Aug 1
Post-Developmental Roles of Notch Signaling in the Nervous System. Salazar JL, Yang SA, Yamamoto S Biomolecules 32630239 Biomolecules 2020 Jul 1
Loss- or Gain-of-Function Mutations in ACOX1 Cause Axonal Loss via Different Mechanisms. Chung HL, Wangler MF, Marcogliese PC, Jo J, Ravenscroft TA, Zuo Z, Duraine L, Sadeghzadeh S, Li-Kroeger D, Schmidt RE, Pestronk A, Rosenfeld JA, Burrage L, Herndon MJ, Chen S, Members of Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Shillington A, Vawter-Lee M, Hopkin R, Rodriguez-Smith J, Henrickson M, Lee B, Moser AB, Jones RO, Watkins P, Yoo T, Mar S, Choi M, Bucelli RC, Yamamoto S, Lee HK, Prada CE, Chae JH, Vogel TP, Bellen HJ Neuron 32169171 Neuron 2020 May 20
Bi-allelic Variants in TONSL Cause SPONASTRIME Dysplasia and a Spectrum of Skeletal Dysplasia Phenotypes. Burrage LC, Reynolds JJ, Baratang NV, Phillips JB, Wegner J, McFarquhar A, Higgs MR, Christiansen AE, Lanza DG, Seavitt JR, Jain M, Li X, Parry DA, Raman V, Chitayat D, Chinn IK, Bertuch AA, Karaviti L, Schlesinger AE, Earl D, Bamshad M, Savarirayan R, Doddapaneni H, Muzny D, Jhangiani SN, Eng CM, Gibbs RA, Bi W, Emrick L, Rosenfeld JA, Postlethwait J, Westerfield M, Dickinson ME, Beaudet AL, Ranza E, Huber C, Cormier-Daire V, Shen W, Mao R, Heaney JD, Orange JS, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bertola D, Yamamoto GL, Baratela WAR, Butler MG, Ali A, Adeli M, Cohn DH, Krakow D, Jackson AP, Lees M, Offiah AC, Carlston CM, Carey JC, Stewart GS, Bacino CA, Campeau PM, Lee B American journal of human genetics 30773277 Am J Hum Genet 2019 Mar 7
Extracutaneous manifestations in phacomatosis cesioflammea and cesiomarmorata: Case series and literature review. Kumar A, Zastrow DB, Kravets EJ, Beleford D, Ruzhnikov MRZ, Grove ME, Dries AM, Kohler JN, Waggott DM, Yang Y, Huang Y, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Mackenzie KM, Eng CM, Fisher PG, Ashley EA, Teng JM, Stevenson DA, Shieh JT, Wheeler MT, Bernstein JA American journal of medical genetics. Part A 30920161 Am J Med Genet A 2019 Jun
An expanded toolkit for Drosophila gene tagging using synthesized homology donor constructs for CRISPR-mediated homologous recombination. Kanca O, Zirin J, Hu Y, Tepe B, Dutta D, Lin WW, Ma L, Ge M, Zuo Z, Liu LP, Levis RW, Perrimon N, Bellen HJ eLife 35723254 Elife 2022 Jun 20
Autolysosomal exocytosis of lipids protect neurons from ferroptosis. Ralhan I, Chang J, Moulton MJ, Goodman LD, Lee NYJ, Plummer G, Pasolli HA, Matthies D, Bellen HJ, Ioannou MS The Journal of cell biology 37036445 J Cell Biol 2023 Jun 5
Rare deleterious de novo missense variants in Rnf2/Ring2 are associated with a neurodevelopmental disorder with unique clinical features. Luo X, Schoch K, Jangam SV, Bhavana VH, Graves HK, Kansagra S, Jasien JM, Stong N, Keren B, Mignot C, Ravelli C, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bellen HJ, Wangler MF, Shashi V, Yamamoto S Human molecular genetics 33864376 Hum Mol Genet 2021 Jun 26
A fish with no sex: gonadal and adrenal functions partition between zebrafish NR5A1 co-orthologs. Yan YL, Titus T, Desvignes T, BreMiller R, Batzel P, Sydes J, Farnsworth D, Dillon D, Wegner J, Phillips JB, Peirce J, Dowd J, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Buck CL, Miller A, Westerfield M, Postlethwait JH Genetics 33724412 Genetics 2021 Feb 9
Unravelling spatial gene associations with SEAGAL: a Python package for spatial transcriptomics data analysis and visualization. Wang L, Liu C, Gao Y, Zhang XH, Liu Z Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 37436699 Bioinformatics 2023 Jul 1
Loss-of-function in RBBP5 results in a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder associated with microcephaly. Huang Y, Jay KL, Yen-Wen Huang A, Wan J, Jangam SV, Chorin O, Rothschild A, Barel O, Mariani M, Iascone M, Xue H, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Huang J, Mignot C, Keren B, Saillour V, Mah-Som AY, Sacharow S, Rajabi F, Costin C, Yamamoto S, Kanca O, Bellen HJ, Rosenfeld JA, Palmer CGS, Nelson SF, Wangler MF, Martinez-Agosto JA Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 39036895 Genet Med 2024 Nov
Loss of the endoplasmic reticulum protein Tmem208 affects cell polarity, development, and viability. Dutta D, Kanca O, Shridharan RV, Marcogliese PC, Steger B, Morimoto M, Frost FG, Macnamara E, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Jenny A, Adams D, Malicdan MC, Bellen HJ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38381787 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024 Feb 27
Cdk8/CDK19 promotes mitochondrial fission through Drp1 phosphorylation and can phenotypically suppress pink1 deficiency in Drosophila. Liao JZ, Chung HL, Shih C, Wong KKL, Dutta D, Nil Z, Burns CG, Kanca O, Park YJ, Zuo Z, Marcogliese PC, Sew K, Bellen HJ, Verheyen EM Nature communications 38637532 Nat Commun 2024 Apr 18
Building dialogues between clinical and biomedical research through cross-species collaborations. Chao HT, Liu L, Bellen HJ Seminars in cell & developmental biology 28579453 Semin Cell Dev Biol 2017 Oct
Clinically severe CACNA1A alleles affect synaptic function and neurodegeneration differentially. Luo X, Rosenfeld JA, Yamamoto S, Harel T, Zuo Z, Hall M, Wierenga KJ, Pastore MT, Bartholomew D, Delgado MR, Rotenberg J, Lewis RA, Emrick L, Bacino CA, Eldomery MK, Coban Akdemir Z, Xia F, Yang Y, Lalani SR, Lotze T, Lupski JR, Lee B, Bellen HJ, Wangler MF, Members of the UDN PLoS genetics 28742085 PLoS Genet 2017 Jul
Neutral Competition for Drosophila Follicle and Cyst Stem Cell Niches Requires Vesicle Trafficking Genes. Cook MS, Cazin C, Amoyel M, Yamamoto S, Bach E, Nystul T Genetics 28512187 Genetics 2017 Jul
Very-long-chain fatty acids induce glial-derived sphingosine-1-phosphate synthesis, secretion, and neuroinflammation. Chung HL, Ye Q, Park YJ, Zuo Z, Mok JW, Kanca O, Tattikota SG, Lu S, Perrimon N, Lee HK, Bellen HJ Cell metabolism 37084732 Cell Metab 2023 May 2
Rare de novo gain-of-function missense variants in DOT1L are associated with developmental delay and congenital anomalies. Nil Z, Deshwar AR, Huang Y, Barish S, Zhang X, Choufani S, Le Quesne Stabej P, Hayes I, Yap P, Haldeman-Englert C, Wilson C, Prescott T, Tveten K, Vøllo A, Haynes D, Wheeler PG, Zon J, Cytrynbaum C, Jobling R, Blyth M, Banka S, Afenjar A, Mignot C, Robin-Renaldo F, Keren B, Kanca O, Mao X, Wegner DJ, Sisco K, Shinawi M, Undiagnosed Disease Network, Wangler MF, Weksberg R, Yamamoto S, Costain G, Bellen HJ American journal of human genetics 37827158 Am J Hum Genet 2023 Nov 2
Comparative Flavivirus-Host Protein Interaction Mapping Reveals Mechanisms of Dengue and Zika Virus Pathogenesis. Shah PS, Link N, Jang GM, Sharp PP, Zhu T, Swaney DL, Johnson JR, Von Dollen J, Ramage HR, Satkamp L, Newton B, Hüttenhain R, Petit MJ, Baum T, Everitt A, Laufman O, Tassetto M, Shales M, Stevenson E, Iglesias GN, Shokat L, Tripathi S, Balasubramaniam V, Webb LG, Aguirre S, Willsey AJ, Garcia-Sastre A, Pollard KS, Cherry S, Gamarnik AV, Marazzi I, Taunton J, Fernandez-Sesma A, Bellen HJ, Andino R, Krogan NJ Cell 30550790 Cell 2018 Dec 13
Functional variants in TBX2 are associated with a syndromic cardiovascular and skeletal developmental disorder. Liu N, Schoch K, Luo X, Pena LDM, Bhavana VH, Kukolich MK, Stringer S, Powis Z, Radtke K, Mroske C, Deak KL, McDonald MT, McConkie-Rosell A, Markert ML, Kranz PG, Stong N, Need AC, Bick D, Amaral MD, Worthey EA, Levy S, Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), Wangler MF, Bellen HJ, Shashi V, Yamamoto S Human molecular genetics 29726930 Hum Mol Genet 2018 Jul 15
Model organisms contribute to diagnosis and discovery in the undiagnosed diseases network: current state and a future vision. Baldridge D, Wangler MF, Bowman AN, Yamamoto S, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Schedl T, Pak SC, Postlethwait JH, Shin J, Solnica-Krezel L, Bellen HJ, Westerfield M Orphanet journal of rare diseases 33962631 Orphanet J Rare Dis 2021 May 7
Heterozygous loss-of-function variants significantly expand the phenotypes associated with loss of GDF11. Ravenscroft TA, Phillips JB, Fieg E, Bajikar SS, Peirce J, Wegner J, Luna AA, Fox EJ, Yan YL, Rosenfeld JA, Zirin J, Kanca O, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Benke PJ, Cameron ES, Strehlow V, Platzer K, Jamra RA, Klöckner C, Osmond M, Licata T, Rojas S, Dyment D, Chong JSC, Lincoln S, Stoler JM, Postlethwait JH, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Krier J, Westerfield M, Bellen HJ Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 34113007 Genet Med 2021 Oct
A defect in mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis impairs iron metabolism and causes elevated ceramide levels. Dutta D, Kanca O, Byeon SK, Marcogliese PC, Zuo Z, Shridharan RV, Park JH, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Lin G, Ge M, Heimer G, Kohler JN, Wheeler MT, Kaipparettu BA, Pandey A, Bellen HJ Nature metabolism 37653044 Nat Metab 2023 Sep
The recurrent de novo c.2011C>T missense variant in MTSS2 causes syndromic intellectual disability. Huang Y, Lemire G, Briere LC, Liu F, Wessels MW, Wang X, Osmond M, Kanca O, Lu S, High FA, Walker MA, Rodan LH, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Care4Rare Canada Consortium, Kernohan KD, Sweetser DA, Boycott KM, Bellen HJ American journal of human genetics 36067766 Am J Hum Genet 2022 Oct 6
A Recurrent De Novo Heterozygous COG4 Substitution Leads to Saul-Wilson Syndrome, Disrupted Vesicular Trafficking, and Altered Proteoglycan Glycosylation. Ferreira CR, Xia ZJ, Clément A, Parry DA, Davids M, Taylan F, Sharma P, Turgeon CT, Blanco-Sánchez B, Ng BG, Logan CV, Wolfe LA, Solomon BD, Cho MT, Douglas G, Carvalho DR, Bratke H, Haug MG, Phillips JB, Wegner J, Tiemeyer M, Aoki K, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Scottish Genome Partnership, Nordgren A, Hammarsjö A, Duker AL, Rohena L, Hove HB, Ek J, Adams D, Tifft CJ, Onyekweli T, Weixel T, Macnamara E, Radtke K, Powis Z, Earl D, Gabriel M, Russi AHS, Brick L, Kozenko M, Tham E, Raymond KM, Phillips JA 3rd, Tiller GE, Wilson WG, Hamid R, Malicdan MCV, Nishimura G, Grigelioniene G, Jackson A, Westerfield M, Bober MB, Gahl WA, Freeze HH American journal of human genetics 30290151 Am J Hum Genet 2018 Oct 4
Effect of Genetic Diagnosis on Patients with Previously Undiagnosed Disease. Splinter K, Adams DR, Bacino CA, Bellen HJ, Bernstein JA, Cheatle-Jarvela AM, Eng CM, Esteves C, Gahl WA, Hamid R, Jacob HJ, Kikani B, Koeller DM, Kohane IS, Lee BH, Loscalzo J, Luo X, McCray AT, Metz TO, Mulvihill JJ, Nelson SF, Palmer CGS, Phillips JA 3rd, Pick L, Postlethwait JH, Reuter C, Shashi V, Sweetser DA, Tifft CJ, Walley NM, Wangler MF, Westerfield M, Wheeler MT, Wise AL, Worthey EA, Yamamoto S, Ashley EA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network The New England journal of medicine 30304647 N Engl J Med 2018 Nov 29
In Vivo Functional Study of Disease-associated Rare Human Variants Using Drosophila. Harnish JM, Deal SL, Chao HT, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 31498321 J Vis Exp 2019 Aug 20
Using MARRVEL v1.2 for Bioinformatics Analysis of Human Genes and Variant Pathogenicity. Wang J, Mao D, Fazal F, Kim SY, Yamamoto S, Bellen H, Liu Z Current protocols in bioinformatics 31524990 Curr Protoc Bioinformatics 2019 Sep
Unraveling Novel Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration Through a Large-Scale Forward Genetic Screen in Drosophila. Deal SL, Yamamoto S Frontiers in genetics 30693015 Front Genet 2018
De novo EIF2AK1 and EIF2AK2 Variants Are Associated with Developmental Delay, Leukoencephalopathy, and Neurologic Decompensation. Mao D, Reuter CM, Ruzhnikov MRZ, Beck AE, Farrow EG, Emrick LT, Rosenfeld JA, Mackenzie KM, Robak L, Wheeler MT, Burrage LC, Jain M, Liu P, Calame D, Küry S, Sillesen M, Schmitz-Abe K, Tonduti D, Spaccini L, Iascone M, Genetti CA, Koenig MK, Graf M, Tran A, Alejandro M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Lee BH, Thiffault I, Agrawal PB, Bernstein JA, Bellen HJ, Chao HT American journal of human genetics 32197074 Am J Hum Genet 2020 Apr 2
De novo mutations in TOMM70, a receptor of the mitochondrial import translocase, cause neurological impairment. Dutta D, Briere LC, Kanca O, Marcogliese PC, Walker MA, High FA, Vanderver A, Krier J, Carmichael N, Callahan C, Taft RJ, Simons C, Helman G, Network UD, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Sweetser DA, Bellen HJ Human molecular genetics 32356556 Hum Mol Genet 2020 Jun 3
ModelMatcher: A scientist-centric online platform to facilitate collaborations between stakeholders of rare and undiagnosed disease research. Harnish JM, Li L, Rogic S, Poirier-Morency G, Kim SY, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Boycott KM, Wangler MF, Bellen HJ, Hieter P, Pavlidis P, Liu Z, Yamamoto S Human mutation 35224820 Hum Mutat 2022 Jun
AI-MARRVEL - A Knowledge-Driven AI System for Diagnosing Mendelian Disorders. Mao D, Liu C, Wang L, Ai-Ouran R, Deisseroth C, Pasupuleti S, Kim SY, Li L, Rosenfeld JA, Meng L, Burrage LC, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Santana M, Perez V, Shukla P, Eng CM, Lee B, Yuan B, Xia F, Bellen HJ, Liu P, Liu Z NEJM AI 38962029 NEJM AI 2024 May
Drosophila as a Model for Infectious Diseases. Harnish JM, Link N, Yamamoto S International journal of molecular sciences 33800390 Int J Mol Sci 2021 Mar 8
Using Drosophila to drive the diagnosis and understand the mechanisms of rare human diseases. Link N, Bellen HJ Development (Cambridge, England) 32988995 Development 2020 Sep 28
De novo and inherited variants in ZNF292 underlie a neurodevelopmental disorder with features of autism spectrum disorder. Mirzaa GM, Chong JX, Piton A, Popp B, Foss K, Guo H, Harripaul R, Xia K, Scheck J, Aldinger KA, Sajan SA, Tang S, Bonneau D, Beck A, White J, Mahida S, Harris J, Smith-Hicks C, Hoyer J, Zweier C, Reis A, Thiel CT, Jamra RA, Zeid N, Yang A, Farach LS, Walsh L, Payne K, Rohena L, Velinov M, Ziegler A, Schaefer E, Gatinois V, Geneviève D, Simon MEH, Kohler J, Rotenberg J, Wheeler P, Larson A, Ernst ME, Akman CI, Westman R, Blanchet P, Schillaci LA, Vincent-Delorme C, Gripp KW, Mattioli F, Guyader GL, Gerard B, Mathieu-Dramard M, Morin G, Sasanfar R, Ayub M, Vasli N, Yang S, Person R, Monaghan KG, Nickerson DA, van Binsbergen E, Enns GM, Dries AM, Rowe LJ, Tsai ACH, Svihovec S, Friedman J, Agha Z, Qamar R, Rodan LH, Martinez-Agosto J, Ockeloen CW, Vincent M, Sunderland WJ, Bernstein JA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network,, Eichler EE, Vincent JB, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG),, Bamshad MJ Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 31723249 Genet Med 2020 Mar
Mutations in ANKLE2, a ZIKA Virus Target, Disrupt an Asymmetric Cell Division Pathway in Drosophila Neuroblasts to Cause Microcephaly. Link N, Chung H, Jolly A, Withers M, Tepe B, Arenkiel BR, Shah PS, Krogan NJ, Aydin H, Geckinli BB, Tos T, Isikay S, Tuysuz B, Mochida GH, Thomas AX, Clark RD, Mirzaa GM, Lupski JR, Bellen HJ Developmental cell 31735666 Dev Cell 2019 Dec 16
Developing a genomics rotation: Practical training around variant interpretation for genetic counseling students. Grove ME, White S, Fisk DG, Rego S, Dagan-Rosenfeld O, Kohler JN, Reuter CM, Bonner D, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wheeler MT, Bernstein JA, Ormond KE, Hanson-Kahn AK Journal of genetic counseling 30706981 J Genet Couns 2019 Apr
Cog4 is required for protrusion and extension of the epithelium in the developing semicircular canals. Clément A, Blanco-Sánchez B, Peirce JL, Westerfield M Mechanisms of development 30287385 Mech Dev 2019 Feb
Biallelic Mutations in ATP5F1D, which Encodes a Subunit of ATP Synthase, Cause a Metabolic Disorder. Oláhová M, Yoon WH, Thompson K, Jangam S, Fernandez L, Davidson JM, Kyle JE, Grove ME, Fisk DG, Kohler JN, Holmes M, Dries AM, Huang Y, Zhao C, Contrepois K, Zappala Z, Frésard L, Waggott D, Zink EM, Kim YM, Heyman HM, Stratton KG, Webb-Robertson BM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Snyder M, Merker JD, Montgomery SB, Fisher PG, Feichtinger RG, Mayr JA, Hall J, Barbosa IA, Simpson MA, Deshpande C, Waters KM, Koeller DM, Metz TO, Morris AA, Schelley S, Cowan T, Friederich MW, McFarland R, Van Hove JLK, Enns GM, Yamamoto S, Ashley EA, Wangler MF, Taylor RW, Bellen HJ, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT American journal of human genetics 29478781 Am J Hum Genet 2018 Mar 1
IRF2BPL Is Associated with Neurological Phenotypes. Marcogliese PC, Shashi V, Spillmann RC, Stong N, Rosenfeld JA, Koenig MK, Martínez-Agosto JA, Herzog M, Chen AH, Dickson PI, Lin HJ, Vera MU, Salamon N, Graham JM Jr, Ortiz D, Infante E, Steyaert W, Dermaut B, Poppe B, Chung HL, Zuo Z, Lee PT, Kanca O, Xia F, Yang Y, Smith EC, Jasien J, Kansagra S, Spiridigliozzi G, El-Dairi M, Lark R, Riley K, Koeberl DD, Golden-Grant K, Program for Undiagnosed Diseases (UD-PrOZA), Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Yamamoto S, Wangler MF, Mirzaa G, Hemelsoet D, Lee B, Nelson SF, Goldstein DB, Bellen HJ, Pena LDM American journal of human genetics 30193138 Am J Hum Genet 2018 Sep 6
Integration of Drosophila and Human Genetics to Understand Notch Signaling Related Diseases. Salazar JL, Yamamoto S Advances in experimental medicine and biology 30030826 Adv Exp Med Biol 2018
Model Organisms Facilitate Rare Disease Diagnosis and Therapeutic Research. Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Chao HT, Posey JE, Westerfield M, Postlethwait J, Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), Hieter P, Boycott KM, Campeau PM, Bellen HJ Genetics 28874452 Genetics 2017 Sep
A Recurrent De Novo Variant in NACC1 Causes a Syndrome Characterized by Infantile Epilepsy, Cataracts, and Profound Developmental Delay. Schoch K, Meng L, Szelinger S, Bearden DR, Stray-Pedersen A, Busk OL, Stong N, Liston E, Cohn RD, Scaglia F, Rosenfeld JA, Tarpinian J, Skraban CM, Deardorff MA, Friedman JN, Akdemir ZC, Walley N, Mikati MA, Kranz PG, Jasien J, McConkie-Rosell A, McDonald M, Wechsler SB, Freemark M, Kansagra S, Freedman S, Bali D, Millan F, Bale S, Nelson SF, Lee H, Dorrani N, UCLA Clinical Genomics Center, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Goldstein DB, Xiao R, Yang Y, Posey JE, Martinez-Agosto JA, Lupski JR, Wangler MF, Shashi V American journal of human genetics 28132692 Am J Hum Genet 2017 Feb 2
Recurrent De Novo and Biallelic Variation of ATAD3A, Encoding a Mitochondrial Membrane Protein, Results in Distinct Neurological Syndromes. Harel T, Yoon WH, Garone C, Gu S, Coban-Akdemir Z, Eldomery MK, Posey JE, Jhangiani SN, Rosenfeld JA, Cho MT, Fox S, Withers M, Brooks SM, Chiang T, Duraine L, Erdin S, Yuan B, Shao Y, Moussallem E, Lamperti C, Donati MA, Smith JD, McLaughlin HM, Eng CM, Walkiewicz M, Xia F, Pippucci T, Magini P, Seri M, Zeviani M, Hirano M, Hunter JV, Srour M, Zanigni S, Lewis RA, Muzny DM, Lotze TE, Boerwinkle E, Baylor-Hopkins Center for Mendelian Genomics, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Gibbs RA, Hickey SE, Graham BH, Yang Y, Buhas D, Martin DM, Potocki L, Graziano C, Bellen HJ, Lupski JR American journal of human genetics 27640307 Am J Hum Genet 2016 Oct 6
An estrogen-sensitive hypothalamus-midbrain neural circuit controls thermogenesis and physical activity. Ye H, Feng B, Wang C, Saito K, Yang Y, Ibrahimi L, Schaul S, Patel N, Saenz L, Luo P, Lai P, Torres V, Kota M, Dixit D, Cai X, Qu N, Hyseni I, Yu K, Jiang Y, Tong Q, Sun Z, Arenkiel BR, He Y, Xu P, Xu Y Science advances 35044814 Sci Adv 2022 Jan 21
Defining the clinical phenotype of Saul-Wilson syndrome. Ferreira CR, Zein WM, Huryn LA, Merker A, Berger SI, Wilson WG, Tiller GE, Wolfe LA, Merideth M, Carvalho DR, Duker AL, Bratke H, Haug MG, Rohena L, Hove HB, Xia ZJ, Ng BG, Freeze HH, Gabriel M, Russi AHS, Brick L, Kozenko M, Earl DL, Tham E, Nishimura G, Phillips JA 3rd, Gahl WA, Hamid R, Jackson AP, Grigelioniene G, Bober MB Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 31949312 Genet Med 2020 May
BICRA, a SWI/SNF Complex Member, Is Associated with BAF-Disorder Related Phenotypes in Humans and Model Organisms. Barish S, Barakat TS, Michel BC, Mashtalir N, Phillips JB, Valencia AM, Ugur B, Wegner J, Scott TM, Bostwick B, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Murdock DR, Dai H, Perenthaler E, Nikoncuk A, van Slegtenhorst M, Brooks AS, Keren B, Nava C, Mignot C, Douglas J, Rodan L, Nowak C, Ellard S, Stals K, Lynch SA, Faoucher M, Lesca G, Edery P, Engleman KL, Zhou D, Thiffault I, Herriges J, Gass J, Louie RJ, Stolerman E, Washington C, Vetrini F, Otsubo A, Pratt VM, Conboy E, Treat K, Shannon N, Camacho J, Wakeling E, Yuan B, Chen CA, Rosenfeld JA, Westerfield M, Wangler M, Yamamoto S, Kadoch C, Scott DA, Bellen HJ American journal of human genetics 33232675 Am J Hum Genet 2020 Dec 3
Disruptive mutations in TANC2 define a neurodevelopmental syndrome associated with psychiatric disorders. Guo H, Bettella E, Marcogliese PC, Zhao R, Andrews JC, Nowakowski TJ, Gillentine MA, Hoekzema K, Wang T, Wu H, Jangam S, Liu C, Ni H, Willemsen MH, van Bon BW, Rinne T, Stevens SJC, Kleefstra T, Brunner HG, Yntema HG, Long M, Zhao W, Hu Z, Colson C, Richard N, Schwartz CE, Romano C, Castiglia L, Bottitta M, Dhar SU, Erwin DJ, Emrick L, Keren B, Afenjar A, Zhu B, Bai B, Stankiewicz P, Herman K, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Mercimek-Andrews S, Juusola J, Wilfert AB, Abou Jamra R, Büttner B, Mefford HC, Muir AM, Scheffer IE, Regan BM, Malone S, Gecz J, Cobben J, Weiss MM, Waisfisz Q, Bijlsma EK, Hoffer MJV, Ruivenkamp CAL, Sartori S, Xia F, Rosenfeld JA, Bernier RA, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Xia K, Stegmann APA, Bellen HJ, Murgia A, Eichler EE Nature communications 31616000 Nat Commun 2019 Oct 15
Promoting validation and cross-phylogenetic integration in model organism research. Cheng KC, Burdine RD, Dickinson ME, Ekker SC, Lin AY, Lloyd KCK, Lutz CM, MacRae CA, Morrison JH, O'Connor DH, Postlethwait JH, Rogers CD, Sanchez S, Simpson JH, Talbot WS, Wallace DC, Weimer JM, Bellen HJ Disease models & mechanisms 36125045 Dis Model Mech 2022 Sep 1
A de novo missense variant in EZH1 associated with developmental delay exhibits functional deficits in Drosophila melanogaster. Jangam SV, Briere LC, Jay KL, Andrews JC, Walker MA, Rodan LH, High FA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Yamamoto S, Sweetser DA, Wangler MF Genetics 37314226 Genetics 2023 Aug 9
De novo variants in PLCG1 are associated with hearing impairment, ocular pathology, and cardiac defects. Ma M, Zheng Y, Lu S, Pan X, Worley KC, Burrage LC, Blieden LS, Allworth A, Chen WL, Merla G, Mandriani B, Rosenfeld JA, Li-Kroeger D, Dutta D, Yamamoto S, Wangler MF, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Glass IA, Strohbehn S, Blue E, Prontera P, Lalani SR, Bellen HJ medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38260438 medRxiv 2024 Jan 9
A de novo missense variant in EZH1 associated with developmental delay exhibits functional deficits in Drosophila melanogaster. Jangam S, Briere LC, Jay K, Andrews JC, Walker MA, Rodan LH, High FA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Yamamoto S, Sweetser DA, Wangler M medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 36778246 medRxiv 2023 Feb 3
Bi-allelic variants in INTS11 are associated with a complex neurological disorder. Tepe B, Macke EL, Niceta M, Weisz Hubshman M, Kanca O, Schultz-Rogers L, Zarate YA, Schaefer GB, Granadillo De Luque JL, Wegner DJ, Cogne B, Gilbert-Dussardier B, Le Guillou X, Wagner EJ, Pais LS, Neil JE, Mochida GH, Walsh CA, Magal N, Drasinover V, Shohat M, Schwab T, Schmitz C, Clark K, Fine A, Lanpher B, Gavrilova R, Blanc P, Burglen L, Afenjar A, Steel D, Kurian MA, Prabhakar P, Gößwein S, Di Donato N, Bertini ES, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Tartaglia M, Klee EW, Bellen HJ American journal of human genetics 37054711 Am J Hum Genet 2023 May 4
Resolution of SLC6A1 variable expressivity in a multi-generational family using deep clinical phenotyping and Drosophila models. Jay KL, Gogate N, Ezell K, Andrews JC, Jangam SV, Hall PI, Pan H, Pham K, German R, Gomez V, Jellinek-Russo E, Storch E, Brain Gene Registry Consortium, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Yamamoto S, Kanca O, Bellen HJ, Dierick H, Cogan JD, Phillips JA, Hamid R, Cassini T, Rives L, Posey JE, Wangler MF medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 39399018 medRxiv 2024 Sep 28
Representing glycophenotypes: semantic unification of glycobiology resources for disease discovery. Gourdine JF, Brush MH, Vasilevsky NA, Shefchek K, Köhler S, Matentzoglu N, Munoz-Torres MC, McMurry JA, Zhang XA, Robinson PN, Haendel MA Database : the journal of biological databases and curation 31735951 Database (Oxford) 2019 Jan 1
Statistically Driven Metabolite and Lipid Profiling of Patients from the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Webb-Robertson BM, Stratton KG, Kyle JE, Kim YM, Bramer LM, Waters KM, Koeller DM, Metz TO Analytical chemistry 31742994 Anal Chem 2020 Jan 21
A resource of lipidomics and metabolomics data from individuals with undiagnosed diseases. Kyle JE, Stratton KG, Zink EM, Kim YM, Bloodsworth KJ, Monroe ME, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Waters KM, Webb-Robertson BM, Koeller DM, Metz TO Scientific data 33883556 Sci Data 2021 Apr 21
The Clinical Sequencing Evidence-Generating Research Consortium: Integrating Genomic Sequencing in Diverse and Medically Underserved Populations. Amendola LM, Berg JS, Horowitz CR, Angelo F, Bensen JT, Biesecker BB, Biesecker LG, Cooper GM, East K, Filipski K, Fullerton SM, Gelb BD, Goddard KAB, Hailu B, Hart R, Hassmiller-Lich K, Joseph G, Kenny EE, Koenig BA, Knight S, Kwok PY, Lewis KL, McGuire AL, Norton ME, Ou J, Parsons DW, Powell BC, Risch N, Robinson M, Rini C, Scollon S, Slavotinek AM, Veenstra DL, Wasserstein MP, Wilfond BS, Hindorff LA, CSER consortium, Plon SE, Jarvik GP American journal of human genetics 30193136 Am J Hum Genet 2018 Sep 6
Secondary findings from clinical genomic sequencing: prevalence, patient perspectives, family history assessment, and health-care costs from a multisite study. Hart MR, Biesecker BB, Blout CL, Christensen KD, Amendola LM, Bergstrom KL, Biswas S, Bowling KM, Brothers KB, Conlin LK, Cooper GM, Dulik MC, East KM, Everett JN, Finnila CR, Ghazani AA, Gilmore MJ, Goddard KAB, Jarvik GP, Johnston JJ, Kauffman TL, Kelley WV, Krier JB, Lewis KL, McGuire AL, McMullen C, Ou J, Plon SE, Rehm HL, Richards CS, Romasko EJ, Miren Sagardia A, Spinner NB, Thompson ML, Turbitt E, Vassy JL, Wilfond BS, Veenstra DL, Berg JS, Green RC, Biesecker LG, Hindorff LA Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 30287922 Genet Med 2019 May
Development of FamilyTalk: an Intervention to Support Communication and Educate Families About Colorectal Cancer Risk. Bowen DJ, Hyams T, Laurino M, Woolley T, Cohen S, Leppig KA, Jarvik G Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education 30737640 J Cancer Educ 2020 Jun
Synchronized long-read genome, methylome, epigenome, and transcriptome for resolving a Mendelian condition. Vollger MR, Korlach J, Eldred KC, Swanson E, Underwood JG, Cheng YH, Ranchalis J, Mao Y, Blue EE, Schwarze U, Munson KM, Saunders CT, Wenger AM, Allworth A, Chanprasert S, Duerden BL, Glass I, Horike-Pyne M, Kim M, Leppig KA, McLaughlin IJ, Ogawa J, Rosenthal EA, Sheppeard S, Sherman SM, Strohbehn S, Yuen AL, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG), Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), Reh TA, Byers PH, Bamshad MJ, Hisama FM, Jarvik GP, Sancak Y, Dipple KM, Stergachis AB bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 37808736 bioRxiv 2023 Sep 27
Commonalities across computational workflows for uncovering explanatory variants in undiagnosed cases. Kobren SN, Baldridge D, Velinder M, Krier JB, LeBlanc K, Esteves C, Pusey BN, Züchner S, Blue E, Lee H, Huang A, Bastarache L, Bican A, Cogan J, Marwaha S, Alkelai A, Murdock DR, Liu P, Wegner DJ, Paul AJ, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Sunyaev SR, Kohane IS Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 33580225 Genet Med 2021 Jun
Synchronized long-read genome, methylome, epigenome and transcriptome profiling resolve a Mendelian condition. Vollger MR, Korlach J, Eldred KC, Swanson E, Underwood JG, Bohaczuk SC, Mao Y, Cheng YH, Ranchalis J, Blue EE, Schwarze U, Munson KM, Saunders CT, Wenger AM, Allworth A, Chanprasert S, Duerden BL, Glass I, Horike-Pyne M, Kim M, Leppig KA, McLaughlin IJ, Ogawa J, Rosenthal EA, Sheppeard S, Sherman SM, Strohbehn S, Yuen AL, Stacey AW, University of Washington Center for Rare Disease Research, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Reh TA, Byers PH, Bamshad MJ, Hisama FM, Jarvik GP, Sancak Y, Dipple KM, Stergachis AB Nature genetics 39880924 Nat Genet 2025 Feb
Patient preferences for massively parallel sequencing genetic testing of colorectal cancer risk: a discrete choice experiment. Weymann D, Veenstra DL, Jarvik GP, Regier DA European journal of human genetics : EJHG 29802320 Eur J Hum Genet 2018 Sep
Clinical exome sequencing vs. usual care for hereditary colorectal cancer diagnosis: A pilot comparative effectiveness study. Niu X, Amendola LM, Hart R, Bennette CS, Heagerty P, Horike-Pyne M, Trinidad SB, Rosenthal EA, Comstock B, Nefcy C, Hisama FM, Bennett RL, Grady WM, Gallego CJ, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Fullerton SM, Burke W, Regier DA, Dorschner MO, Shirts BH, Robertson PD, Nickerson DA, Patrick DL, Jarvik GP, Veenstra DL Contemporary clinical trials 31400517 Contemp Clin Trials 2019 Sep
Unfolding of hidden white blood cell count phenotypes for gene discovery using latent class mixed modeling. Hall TO, Stanaway IB, Carrell DS, Carroll RJ, Denny JC, Hakonarson H, Larson EB, Mentch FD, Peissig PL, Pendergrass SA, Rosenthal EA, Jarvik GP, Crosslin DR Genes and immunity 30459343 Genes Immun 2019 Sep
Genetic counselor roles in the undiagnosed diseases network research study: Clinical care, collaboration, and curation. Kohler JN, Glanton E, Boyd BM, Sillari CH, Marwaha S, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wheeler MT Journal of genetic counseling 34374469 J Genet Couns 2022 Apr
A review and definition of 'usual care' in genetic counseling trials to standardize use in research. Biesecker BB, Lillie SE, Amendola LM, Donohue KE, East KM, Foreman AKM, Gilmore MJ, Greve V, Liangolou B, O'Daniel JM, Odgis JA, Rego S, Rolf B, Scollon S, Suckiel SA, Zepp J, Joseph G Journal of genetic counseling 33278053 J Genet Couns 2021 Feb
De novo missense variants in exon 9 of SEPHS1 cause a neurodevelopmental condition with developmental delay, poor growth, hypotonia, and dysmorphic features. Mullegama SV, Kiernan KA, Torti E, Pavlovsky E, Tilton N, Sekula A, Gao H, Alaimo JT, Engleman K, Rush ET, Blocker K, Dipple KM, Fettig VM, Hare H, Glass I, Grange DK, Griffin M, Phornphutkul C, Massingham L, Mehta L, Miller DE, Thies J, Merritt JL 2nd, Muller E 2nd, Osmond M, Sawyer SL, Slaugh R, Hickey RE, Wolf B, Care4Rare Canada Consortium, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Choudhary S, Simonović M, Zhang Y, Palculict TB, Telegrafi A, Carere DA, Wentzensen IM, Morrow MM, Monaghan KG, Yang J, Juusola J American journal of human genetics 38531365 Am J Hum Genet 2024 Apr 4
Dominant-negative variant in SLC1A4 causes an autosomal dominant epilepsy syndrome. Pujol-Giménez J, Mirzaa G, Blue EE, Albano G, Miller DE, Allworth A, Bennett JT, Byers PH, Chanprasert S, Chen J, Doherty D, Folta AB, Gillentine MA, Glass I, Hing A, Horike-Pyne M, Leppig KA, Parhin A, Ranchalis J, Raskind WH, Rosenthal EA, Schwarze U, Sheppeard S, Strohbehn S, Sybert VP, Timms A, Wener M, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG)a, Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), Bamshad MJ, Hisama FM, Jarvik GP, Dipple KM, Hediger MA, Stergachis AB Annals of clinical and translational neurology 37194416 Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2023 Jun
Why Patients Decline Genomic Sequencing Studies: Experiences from the CSER Consortium. Amendola LM, Robinson JO, Hart R, Biswas S, Lee K, Bernhardt BA, East K, Gilmore MJ, Kauffman TL, Lewis KL, Roche M, Scollon S, Wynn J, Blout C Journal of genetic counseling 29497922 J Genet Couns 2018 Sep
Insurance coverage does not predict outcomes of genetic testing: The search for meaning in payer decisions for germline cancer tests. Amendola LM, Hart MR, Bennett RL, Horike-Pyne M, Dorschner M, Shirts B, Jarvik GP Journal of genetic counseling 31317629 J Genet Couns 2019 Dec
Rare loss of function variants in candidate genes and risk of colorectal cancer. Rosenthal EA, Shirts BH, Amendola LM, Horike-Pyne M, Robertson PD, Hisama FM, Bennett RL, Dorschner MO, Nickerson DA, Stanaway IB, Nassir R, Vickers KT, Li C, Grady WM, Peters U, Jarvik GP, NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project Human genetics 30267214 Hum Genet 2018 Oct
Anticipated responses of early adopter genetic specialists and nongenetic specialists to unsolicited genomic secondary findings. Christensen KD, Bernhardt BA, Jarvik GP, Hindorff LA, Ou J, Biswas S, Powell BC, Grundmeier RW, Machini K, Karavite DJ, Pennington JW, Krantz ID, Berg JS, Goddard KAB Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 29388940 Genet Med 2018 Oct
Diversity, inclusion and equity in medical genetics: The time is now. Quintero-Rivera F, Hisama FM American journal of medical genetics. Part A 33010189 Am J Med Genet A 2020 Dec
A decision aid for additional findings in genomic sequencing: Development and pilot testing. Freed AS, Gruß I, McMullen CK, Leo MC, Kauffman TL, Porter KM, Muessig KR, Eubanks D, Goddard KAB, Wilfond BS, Liles EG Patient education and counseling 33191058 Patient Educ Couns 2021 May
Full-length isoform sequencing for resolving the molecular basis of Charcot-Marie-Tooth 2A. Stergachis AB, Blue EE, Gillentine MA, Wang LK, Schwarze U, Cortés AS, Ranchalis J, Allworth A, Bland AE, Chanprasert S, Chen J, Doherty D, Folta AB, Glass I, Horike-Pyne M, Huang AY, Khan AT, Leppig KA, Miller DE, Mirzaa G, Parhin A, Raskind W, Rosenthal EA, Sheppeard S, Strohbehn S, Sybert VP, Tran TT, Wener M, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG), Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), Byers PH, Nelson SF, Bamshad MJ, Dipple KM, Jarvik GP, Hoppins S, Hisama FM bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36798371 bioRxiv 2023 Feb 7
Dual diagnosis of UQCRFS1-related mitochondrial complex III deficiency and recessive GJA8-related cataracts. Blue EE, Huang SJ, Khan A, Golden-Grant K, Boyd B, Rosenthal EA, Gillentine MA, Fleming LR, Adams DR, Wolfe L, Allworth A, Bamshad MJ, Caruana NJ, Chanprasert S, Chen J, Dargie N, Doherty D, Friederich MW, Hisama FM, Horike-Pyne M, Lee JC, Donovan TE, Hock DH, Leppig KA, Miller DE, Mirzaa G, Ranchalis J, Raskind WH, Michel CR, Reisdorph R, Schwarze U, Sheppeard S, Strohbehn S, Stroud DA, Sybert VP, Wener MH, University of Washington Center for Rare Disease Research, the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Stergachis AB, Lam CT, Jarvik GP, Dipple KM, Van Hove JLK, Glass IA Rare (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 39421685 Rare 2024
Recurrent ATP1A1 variant Gly903Arg causes developmental delay, intellectual disability, and autism. Dohrn MF, Bademci G, Rebelo AP, Jeanne M, Borja NA, Beijer D, Danzi MC, Bivona SA, Gueguen P, Zafeer MF, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Tekin M, Züchner S Annals of clinical and translational neurology 38504481 Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2024 Apr
EFEMP1 haploinsufficiency causes a Marfan-like hereditary connective tissue disorder. Forghani I, Lang SH, Rodier MJ, Bivona SA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Morales AA, Zuchner S, Bademci G, Tekin M American journal of medical genetics. Part A 38348595 Am J Med Genet A 2024 Jun
H4C5 missense variant leads to a neurodevelopmental phenotype overlapping with Angelman syndrome. Borja N, Borjas-Mendoza P, Bivona S, Peart L, Gonzalez J, Johnson BK, Guo S, Yusupov R, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bademci G, Tekin M American journal of medical genetics. Part A 36987712 Am J Med Genet A 2023 Jul
Repeat expansions nested within tandem CNVs: a unique structural change in GLS exemplifies the diagnostic challenges of non-coding pathogenic variation. Fazal S, Danzi MC, van Kuilenburg ABP, Reich S, Traschütz A, Bender B, Leen R, Toro C, Usdin K, Hayward B, Adams DR, van Karnebeek CDM, Ferreira CR, D'Sousa P, Network UD, Tekin M, Züchner S, Synofzik M Human molecular genetics 35913761 Hum Mol Genet 2023 Jan 1
SNUPN deficiency causes a recessive muscular dystrophy due to RNA mis-splicing and ECM dysregulation. Nashabat M, Nabavizadeh N, Saraçoğlu HP, Sarıbaş B, Avcı Ş, Börklü E, Beillard E, Yılmaz E, Uygur SE, Kayhan CK, Bosco L, Eren ZB, Steindl K, Richter MF, Bademci G, Rauch A, Fattahi Z, Valentino ML, Connolly AM, Bahr A, Viola L, Bergmann AK, Rocha ME, Peart L, Castro-Rojas DL, Bültmann E, Khan S, Giarrana ML, Teleanu RI, Gonzalez JM, Pini A, Schädlich IS, Vill K, Brugger M, Zuchner S, Pinto A, Donkervoort S, Bivona SA, Riza A, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Streata I, Gläser D, Baquero-Montoya C, Garcia-Restrepo N, Kotzaeridou U, Brunet T, Epure DA, Bertoli-Avella A, Kariminejad A, Tekin M, von Hardenberg S, Bönnemann CG, Stettner GM, Zanni G, Kayserili H, Oflazer ZP, Escande-Beillard N Nature communications 38413582 Nat Commun 2024 Feb 27
Genome sequencing reveals novel noncoding variants in PLA2G6 and LMNB1 causing progressive neurologic disease. Borja N, Bivona S, Peart LS, Johnson B, Gonzalez J, Barbouth D, Moore H, Guo S, Undiagnosed Disease Network, Bademci G, Tekin M Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 35247231 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2022 Apr
KIF21A-associated peripheral neuropathy defined by impaired binding with TUBB3. Borja NA, Zafeer MF, Bivona S, Peart L, Gultekin SH, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bademci G, Tekin M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network NIH Journal of medical genetics 39643435 J Med Genet 2025 Jan 27
Beyond Race: A Wake-up Call for Drug Therapy Informed by Genotyping. Sirugo G, Wonkam A Annals of internal medicine 35724383 Ann Intern Med 2022 Aug
Very early-onset inflammatory bowel disease: an integrated approach. Sullivan KE, Conrad M, Kelsen JR Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology 30299395 Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2018 Dec
The quagmire of race, genetic ancestry, and health disparities. Sirugo G, Tishkoff SA, Williams SM The Journal of clinical investigation 34060479 J Clin Invest 2021 Jun 1
Characterizing the pathogenicity of genetic variants: the consequences of context. Ciesielski TH, Sirugo G, Iyengar SK, Williams SM NPJ genomic medicine 38195641 NPJ Genom Med 2024 Jan 9
Kagami Ogata syndrome: a small deletion refines critical region for imprinting. Kilich G, Hassey K, Behrens EM, Falk M, Vanderver A, Rader DJ, Cahill PJ, Raper A, Zhang Z, Westerfer D, Jadhav T, Conlin L, Izumi K, Rajagopalan R, Sullivan KE, UDN Consortium NPJ genomic medicine 38212313 NPJ Genom Med 2024 Jan 11
Pitfalls of genetic testing in a patient with IKBKG deficiency. Kilich G, Patel S, Hassey K, Weinberger T, Sullivan KE Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology 38897406 Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2024 Oct
Predominant and novel de novo variants in 29 individuals with ALG13 deficiency: Clinical description, biomarker status, biochemical analysis, and treatment suggestions. Ng BG, Eklund EA, Shiryaev SA, Dong YY, Abbott MA, Asteggiano C, Bamshad MJ, Barr E, Bernstein JA, Chelakkadan S, Christodoulou J, Chung WK, Ciliberto MA, Cousin J, Gardiner F, Ghosh S, Graf WD, Grunewald S, Hammond K, Hauser NS, Hoganson GE, Houck KM, Kohler JN, Morava E, Larson AA, Liu P, Madathil S, McCormack C, Meeks NJL, Miller R, Monaghan KG, Nickerson DA, Palculict TB, Papazoglu GM, Pletcher BA, Scheffer IE, Schenone AB, Schnur RE, Si Y, Rowe LJ, Serrano Russi AH, Russo RS, Thabet F, Tuite A, Villanueva MM, Wang RY, Webster RI, Wilson D, Zalan A, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics (UW-CMG), Wolfe LA, Rosenfeld JA, Rhodes L, Freeze HH Journal of inherited metabolic disease 32681751 J Inherit Metab Dis 2020 Nov
Beyond race: Recruitment of diverse participants in clinical genomics research for rare disease. Young JL, Halley MC, Anguiano B, Fernandez L, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT, Tabor HK, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Consortium Frontiers in genetics 36072659 Front Genet 2022
The Intersection of Work and Home Challenges Faced by Physician Mothers During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Analysis. Halley MC, Mathews KS, Diamond LC, Linos E, Sarkar U, Mangurian C, Sabry H, Goyal MK, Olazo K, Miller EG, Jagsi R, Linos E Journal of women's health (2002) 33761277 J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2021 Apr
Functional and structural analysis of cytokine-selective IL6ST defects that cause recessive hyper-IgE syndrome. Chen YH, Zastrow DB, Metcalfe RD, Gartner L, Krause F, Morton CJ, Marwaha S, Fresard L, Huang Y, Zhao C, McCormack C, Bick D, Worthey EA, Eng CM, Gold J, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Montgomery SB, Fisher PG, Ashley EA, Wheeler MT, Parker MW, Shanmugasundaram V, Putoczki TL, Schmidt-Arras D, Laurence A, Bernstein JA, Griffin MDW, Uhlig HH The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 33771552 J Allergy Clin Immunol 2021 Aug
Compound heterozygous KCTD7 variants in progressive myoclonus epilepsy. Burke EA, Sturgeon M, Zastrow DB, Fernandez L, Prybol C, Marwaha S, Frothingham EP, Ward PA, Eng CM, Fresard L, Montgomery SB, Enns GM, Fisher PG, Wolfe LA, Harding B, Carrington B, Bishop K, Sood R, Huang Y, Elkahloun A, Toro C, Bassuk AG, Wheeler MT, Markello TC, Gahl WA, Malicdan MCV Journal of neurogenetics 33970744 J Neurogenet 2021 Mar-Jun
Genomics Research with Undiagnosed Children: Ethical Challenges at the Boundaries of Research and Clinical Care. Halley MC, Young JL, Tang C, Mintz KT, Lucas-Griffin S, Maghiro A, Ashley EA, Tabor HK, Undiagnosed Diseases Network The Journal of pediatrics 37271495 J Pediatr 2023 Oct
Impact of genome build on RNA-seq interpretation and diagnostics. Ungar RA, Goddard PC, Jensen TD, Degalez F, Smith KS, Jin CA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bonner DE, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT, Montgomery SB medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38260490 medRxiv 2024 Jan 12
Integration of transcriptomics and long-read genomics prioritizes structural variants in rare disease. Jensen TD, Ni B, Reuter CM, Gorzynski JE, Fazal S, Bonner D, Ungar RA, Goddard PC, Raja A, Ashley EA, Bernstein JA, Zuchner S, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Greicius MD, Montgomery SB, Schatz MC, Wheeler MT, Battle A medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38585781 medRxiv 2024 Mar 26
Recurring homozygous ACTN2 variant (p.Arg506Gly) causes a recessive myopathy. Donkervoort S, Mohassel P, O'Leary M, Bonner DE, Hartley T, Acquaye N, Brull A, Mozaffar T, Saporta MA, Dyment DA, Sampson JB, Pajusalu S, Austin-Tse C, Hurth K, Cohen JS, McWalter K, Warman-Chardon J, Crunk A, Foley AR, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Mammen AL, Wheeler MT, O'Donnell-Luria A, Bönnemann CG Annals of clinical and translational neurology 38311799 Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2024 Mar
A toolkit for genetics providers in follow-up of patients with non-diagnostic exome sequencing. Zastrow DB, Kohler JN, Bonner D, Reuter CM, Fernandez L, Grove ME, Fisk DG, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Yang Y, Eng CM, Ward PA, Bick D, Worthey EA, Fisher PG, Ashley EA, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT Journal of genetic counseling 30964584 J Genet Couns 2019 Apr
Expansion of the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) knowledge base and resources. Köhler S, Carmody L, Vasilevsky N, Jacobsen JOB, Danis D, Gourdine JP, Gargano M, Harris NL, Matentzoglu N, McMurry JA, Osumi-Sutherland D, Cipriani V, Balhoff JP, Conlin T, Blau H, Baynam G, Palmer R, Gratian D, Dawkins H, Segal M, Jansen AC, Muaz A, Chang WH, Bergerson J, Laulederkind SJF, Yüksel Z, Beltran S, Freeman AF, Sergouniotis PI, Durkin D, Storm AL, Hanauer M, Brudno M, Bello SM, Sincan M, Rageth K, Wheeler MT, Oegema R, Lourghi H, Della Rocca MG, Thompson R, Castellanos F, Priest J, Cunningham-Rundles C, Hegde A, Lovering RC, Hajek C, Olry A, Notarangelo L, Similuk M, Zhang XA, Gómez-Andrés D, Lochmüller H, Dollfus H, Rosenzweig S, Marwaha S, Rath A, Sullivan K, Smith C, Milner JD, Leroux D, Boerkoel CF, Klion A, Carter MC, Groza T, Smedley D, Haendel MA, Mungall C, Robinson PN Nucleic acids research 30476213 Nucleic Acids Res 2019 Jan 8
Identification of rare and common regulatory variants in pluripotent cells using population-scale transcriptomics. Bonder MJ, Smail C, Gloudemans MJ, Frésard L, Jakubosky D, D'Antonio M, Li X, Ferraro NM, Carcamo-Orive I, Mirauta B, Seaton DD, Cai N, Vakili D, Horta D, Zhao C, Zastrow DB, Bonner DE, HipSci Consortium, iPSCORE consortium, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, PhLiPS consortium, Wheeler MT, Kilpinen H, Knowles JW, Smith EN, Frazer KA, Montgomery SB, Stegle O Nature genetics 33664507 Nat Genet 2021 Mar
Wnt Signaling Interactor WTIP (Wilms Tumor Interacting Protein) Underlies Novel Mechanism for Cardiac Hypertrophy. De Jong HN, Dewey FE, Cordero P, Victorio RA, Kirillova A, Huang Y, Madhvani R, Seo K, Werdich AA, Lan F, Orcholski M, Liu WR, Erbilgin A, Wheeler MT, Chen R, Pan S, Kim YM, Bommakanti K, Marcou CA, Bos JM, Haddad F, Ackerman M, Vasan RS, MacRae C, Wu JC, de Jesus Perez V, Snyder M, Parikh VN, Ashley EA Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine 35671065 Circ Genom Precis Med 2022 Aug
Perceived utility and disutility of genomic sequencing for pediatric patients: Perspectives from parents with diverse sociodemographic characteristics. Halley MC, Young JL, Fernandez L, Kohler JN, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT, Tabor HK American journal of medical genetics. Part A 34981646 Am J Med Genet A 2022 Apr
The genetic landscape of axonal neuropathies in the middle-aged and elderly: Focus on MME. Senderek J, Lassuthova P, Kabzińska D, Abreu L, Baets J, Beetz C, Braathen GJ, Brenner D, Dalton J, Dankwa L, Deconinck T, De Jonghe P, Dräger B, Eggermann K, Ellis M, Fischer C, Stojkovic T, Herrmann DN, Horvath R, Høyer H, Iglseder S, Kennerson M, Kinslechner K, Kohler JN, Kurth I, Laing NG, Lamont PJ, Wolfgang N L, Ludolph A, Marques W Jr, Nicholson G, Ong R, Petri S, Ravenscroft G, Rebelo A, Ricci G, Rudnik-Schöneborn S, Schirmacher A, Schlotter-Weigel B, Schoels L, Schüle R, Synofzik M, Francou B, Strom TM, Wagner J, Walk D, Wanschitz J, Weinmann D, Weishaupt J, Wiessner M, Windhager R, Young P, Züchner S, Toegel S, Seeman P, Kochański A, Auer-Grumbach M Neurology 33144514 Neurology 2020 Dec 15
Impact of genome build on RNA-seq interpretation and diagnostics. Ungar RA, Goddard PC, Jensen TD, Degalez F, Smith KS, Jin CA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bonner DE, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT, Montgomery SB American journal of human genetics 38834072 Am J Hum Genet 2024 Jul 11
Telehealth Is Effective in the Evaluation of Individuals With Undiagnosed Rare Disorders: An Undiagnosed Diseases Network Study. Tan QK, McConkie-Rosell A, Mahoney R, Spillmann RC, Schoch K, Chanprasert S, Acosta MT, Toro C, Rosenfeld JA, Orengo JP, Scott DA, Granadillo JL, Sisco K, Wegner DJ, Tekin M, Bivona S, Peart L, Rodan L, Bonner D, Wheeler MT, Bernstein JA, Ruzhnikov M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Adams DR, Hisama FM, Shashi V American journal of medical genetics. Part A 39629753 Am J Med Genet A 2025 Apr
Immunological and hematological findings as major features in a patient with a new germline pathogenic CBL variant. Stellacci E, Carter JN, Pannone L, Stevenson D, Moslehi D, Venanzi S, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bernstein JA, Tartaglia M, Martinelli S American journal of medical genetics. Part A 38613168 Am J Med Genet A 2024 Aug
Identification of rare-disease genes using blood transcriptome sequencing and large control cohorts. Frésard L, Smail C, Ferraro NM, Teran NA, Li X, Smith KS, Bonner D, Kernohan KD, Marwaha S, Zappala Z, Balliu B, Davis JR, Liu B, Prybol CJ, Kohler JN, Zastrow DB, Reuter CM, Fisk DG, Grove ME, Davidson JM, Hartley T, Joshi R, Strober BJ, Utiramerur S, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Care4Rare Canada Consortium, Lind L, Ingelsson E, Battle A, Bejerano G, Bernstein JA, Ashley EA, Boycott KM, Merker JD, Wheeler MT, Montgomery SB Nature medicine 31160820 Nat Med 2019 Jun
Loss of UGP2 in brain leads to a severe epileptic encephalopathy, emphasizing that bi-allelic isoform-specific start-loss mutations of essential genes can cause genetic diseases. Perenthaler E, Nikoncuk A, Yousefi S, Berdowski WM, Alsagob M, Capo I, van der Linde HC, van den Berg P, Jacobs EH, Putar D, Ghazvini M, Aronica E, van IJcken WFJ, de Valk WG, Medici-van den Herik E, van Slegtenhorst M, Brick L, Kozenko M, Kohler JN, Bernstein JA, Monaghan KG, Begtrup A, Torene R, Al Futaisi A, Al Murshedi F, Mani R, Al Azri F, Kamsteeg EJ, Mojarrad M, Eslahi A, Khazaei Z, Darmiyan FM, Doosti M, Karimiani EG, Vandrovcova J, Zafar F, Rana N, Kandaswamy KK, Hertecant J, Bauer P, AlMuhaizea MA, Salih MA, Aldosary M, Almass R, Al-Quait L, Qubbaj W, Coskun S, Alahmadi KO, Hamad MHA, Alwadaee S, Awartani K, Dababo AM, Almohanna F, Colak D, Dehghani M, Mehrjardi MYV, Gunel M, Ercan-Sencicek AG, Passi GR, Cheema HA, Efthymiou S, Houlden H, Bertoli-Avella AM, Brooks AS, Retterer K, Maroofian R, Kaya N, van Ham TJ, Barakat TS Acta neuropathologica 31820119 Acta Neuropathol 2020 Mar
Supporting undiagnosed participants when clinical genomics studies end. Halley MC, Ashley EA, Tabor HK Nature genetics 35902745 Nat Genet 2022 Aug
Toward transcriptomics as a primary tool for rare disease investigation. Montgomery SB, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies 35217565 Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 2022 Feb
Large-scale mutational analysis identifies UNC93B1 variants that drive TLR-mediated autoimmunity in mice and humans. Rael VE, Yano JA, Huizar JP, Slayden LC, Weiss MA, Turcotte EA, Terry JM, Zuo W, Thiffault I, Pastinen T, Farrow EG, Jenkins JL, Becker ML, Wong SC, Stevens AM, Otten C, Allenspach EJ, Bonner DE, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT, Saxton RA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Liu B, Majer O, Barton GM The Journal of experimental medicine 38780621 J Exp Med 2024 Aug 5
Transcriptome-wide outlier approach identifies individuals with minor spliceopathies. Arriaga MT, Mendez R, Ungar RA, Bonner DE, Matalon DR, Lemire G, Goddard PC, Padhi EM, Miller AM, Nguyen JV, Ma J, Smith KS, Scott SA, Liao L, Ng Z, Marwaha S, Bademci G, Bivona SA, Tekin M, Undiagnosed Disease Network, Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare Diseases consortium, Bernstein JA, Montgomery SB, O'Donnell-Luria A, Wheeler MT, Ganesh VS medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 39802771 medRxiv 2025 Jan 3
Yield of whole exome sequencing in undiagnosed patients facing insurance coverage barriers to genetic testing. Reuter CM, Kohler JN, Bonner D, Zastrow D, Fernandez L, Dries A, Marwaha S, Davidson J, Brokamp E, Herzog M, Hong J, Macnamara E, Rosenfeld JA, Schoch K, Spillmann R, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Loscalzo J, Krier J, Stoler J, Sweetser D, Palmer CGS, Phillips JA, Shashi V, Adams DA, Yang Y, Ashley EA, Fisher PG, Mulvihill JJ, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT Journal of genetic counseling 31478310 J Genet Couns 2019 Dec
"Doctors can read about it, they can know about it, but they've never lived with it": How parents use social media throughout the diagnostic odyssey. Deuitch NT, Beckman E, Halley MC, Young JL, Reuter CM, Kohler J, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Ormond KE, Tabor HK Journal of genetic counseling 34096130 J Genet Couns 2021 Dec
Opportunities and pitfalls of social media research in rare genetic diseases: a systematic review. Miller EG, Woodward AL, Flinchum G, Young JL, Tabor HK, Halley MC Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 34282302 Genet Med 2021 Dec
Whole-Transcriptome Profiling of Human Heart Tissues Reveals the Potential Novel Players and Regulatory Networks in Different Cardiomyopathy Subtypes of Heart Failure. Liu CF, Ni Y, Moravec CS, Morley M, Ashley EA, Cappola TP, Margulies KB, Tang WHW Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine 33517678 Circ Genom Precis Med 2021 Feb
Caring for the Caregivers - Covid-19 Vaccination for Essential Members of the Health Care Team. Halley MC, Mangurian C The New England journal of medicine 33577149 N Engl J Med 2021 Mar 4
ClinPhen extracts and prioritizes patient phenotypes directly from medical records to expedite genetic disease diagnosis. Deisseroth CA, Birgmeier J, Bodle EE, Kohler JN, Matalon DR, Nazarenko Y, Genetti CA, Brownstein CA, Schmitz-Abe K, Schoch K, Cope H, Signer R, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Martinez-Agosto JA, Shashi V, Beggs AH, Wheeler MT, Bernstein JA, Bejerano G Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 30514889 Genet Med 2019 Jul
A Patient with Sjogren's Syndrome and Subsequent Diagnosis of Inclusion Body Myositis and Light-Chain Amyloidosis. Hom J, Marwaha S, Postolova A, Kittle J, Vasquez R, Davidson J, Kohler J, Dries A, Fernandez-Betancourt L, Majcherska M, Dearlove J, Raghavan S, Vogel H, Bernstein JA, Fisher P, Ashley E, Sampson J, Wheeler M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Journal of general internal medicine 30887439 J Gen Intern Med 2019 Jun
A call for an integrated approach to improve efficiency, equity and sustainability in rare disease research in the United States. Halley MC, Smith HS, Ashley EA, Goldenberg AJ, Tabor HK Nature genetics 35256804 Nat Genet 2022 Mar
Correction: Opportunities to implement a sustainable genomic medicine program: lessons learned from the IGNITE Network. Levy KD, Blake K, Fletcher-Hoppe C, Franciosi J, Goto D, Hicks JK, Holmes AM, Kanuri SH, Madden EB, Musty MD, Orlando L, Pratt VM, Ramos M, Wu R, Ginsburg GS Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 33288881 Genet Med 2021 Oct
Clinical sites of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network: unique contributions to genomic medicine and science. Schoch K, Esteves C, Bican A, Spillmann R, Cope H, McConkie-Rosell A, Walley N, Fernandez L, Kohler JN, Bonner D, Reuter C, Stong N, Mulvihill JJ, Novacic D, Wolfe L, Abdelbaki A, Toro C, Tifft C, Malicdan M, Gahl W, Liu P, Newman J, Goldstein DB, Hom J, Sampson J, Wheeler MT, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Cogan J, Bernstein JA, Adams DR, McCray AT, Shashi V Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 33093671 Genet Med 2021 Feb
Mind the Gap: The Complete Human Genome Unlocks Benefits for Clinical Genomics. Kim DS, Wiel L, Ashley EA Clinical chemistry 36112529 Clin Chem 2023 Jan 4
Blurred Boundaries: Toward an Expanded Ethics of Research and Clinical Care. Halley MC, Olson NW The American journal of bioethics : AJOB 38410998 Am J Bioeth 2023 Aug
Exome and genome sequencing in a heterogeneous population of patients with rare disease: Identifying predictors of a diagnosis. Pucel J, Briere LC, Reuter C, Gochyyev P, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, LeBlanc K Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 38436216 Genet Med 2024 Jun
Loss of function of FAM177A1, a Golgi complex localized protein, causes a novel neurodevelopmental disorder. Kohler JN, Legro NR, Baldridge D, Shin J, Bowman A, Ugur B, Jackstadt MM, Shriver LP, Patti GJ, Zhang B, Feng W, McAdow AR, Goddard P, Ungar RA, Jensen T, Smith KS, Fresard L, Alvarez R, Bonner D, Reuter CM, McCormack C, Kravets E, Marwaha S, Holt JM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Worthey EA, Ashley EA, Montgomery SB, Fisher PG, Postlethwait J, De Camilli P, Solnica-Krezel L, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 38767059 Genet Med 2024 Sep
Rare Disease, Advocacy and Justice: Intersecting Disparities in Research and Clinical Care. Halley MC, Halverson CME, Tabor HK, Goldenberg AJ The American journal of bioethics : AJOB 37204146 Am J Bioeth 2023 Jul
Arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation and congenital heart disease in Kleefstra syndrome: a possible epigenetic link. Vasireddi SK, Draksler TZ, Bouman A, Kummeling J, Wheeler M, Reuter C, Srivastava S, Harris J, Fisher PG, Narayan SM, Wang PJ, Badhwar N, Kleefstra T, Perez MV Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology 38195854 Europace 2023 Dec 28
A Just Genomics Needs an ELSI of Translation. Halley MC, Olson NW, Ashley EA, Goldenberg AJ, Tabor HK The Hastings Center report 39707956 Hastings Cent Rep 2024 Dec
De novo variants in the non-coding spliceosomal snRNA gene RNU4-2 are a frequent cause of syndromic neurodevelopmental disorders. Chen Y, Dawes R, Kim HC, Stenton SL, Walker S, Ljungdahl A, Lord J, Ganesh VS, Ma J, Martin-Geary AC, Lemire G, D'Souza EN, Dong S, Ellingford JM, Adams DR, Allan K, Bakshi M, Baldwin EE, Berger SI, Bernstein JA, Brown NJ, Burrage LC, Chapman K, Compton AG, Cunningham CA, D'Souza P, Délot EC, Dias KR, Elias ER, Evans CA, Ewans L, Ezell K, Fraser JL, Gallacher L, Genetti CA, Grant CL, Haack T, Kuechler A, Lalani SR, Leitão E, Fevre AL, Leventer RJ, Liebelt JE, Lockhart PJ, Ma AS, Macnamara EF, Maurer TM, Mendez HR, Montgomery SB, Nassogne MC, Neumann S, O'Leary M, Palmer EE, Phillips J, Pitsava G, Pysar R, Rehm HL, Reuter CM, Revencu N, Riess A, Rius R, Rodan L, Roscioli T, Rosenfeld JA, Sachdev R, Simons C, Sisodiya SM, Snell P, Clair L, Stark Z, Tan TY, Tan NB, Temple SE, Thorburn DR, Tifft CJ, Uebergang E, VanNoy GE, Vilain E, Viskochil DH, Wedd L, Wheeler MT, White SM, Wojcik M, Wolfe LA, Wolfenson Z, Xiao C, Zocche D, Rubenstein JL, Markenscoff-Papadimitriou E, Fica SM, Baralle D, Depienne C, MacArthur DG, Howson JM, Sanders SJ, O'Donnell-Luria A, Whiffin N medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38645094 medRxiv 2024 Apr 9
De novo variants in the RNU4-2 snRNA cause a frequent neurodevelopmental syndrome. Chen Y, Dawes R, Kim HC, Ljungdahl A, Stenton SL, Walker S, Lord J, Lemire G, Martin-Geary AC, Ganesh VS, Ma J, Ellingford JM, Delage E, D'Souza EN, Dong S, Adams DR, Allan K, Bakshi M, Baldwin EE, Berger SI, Bernstein JA, Bhatnagar I, Blair E, Brown NJ, Burrage LC, Chapman K, Coman DJ, Compton AG, Cunningham CA, D'Souza P, Danecek P, Délot EC, Dias KR, Elias ER, Elmslie F, Evans CA, Ewans L, Ezell K, Fraser JL, Gallacher L, Genetti CA, Goriely A, Grant CL, Haack T, Higgs JE, Hinch AG, Hurles ME, Kuechler A, Lachlan KL, Lalani SR, Lecoquierre F, Leitão E, Fevre AL, Leventer RJ, Liebelt JE, Lindsay S, Lockhart PJ, Ma AS, Macnamara EF, Mansour S, Maurer TM, Mendez HR, Metcalfe K, Montgomery SB, Moosajee M, Nassogne MC, Neumann S, O'Donoghue M, O'Leary M, Palmer EE, Pattani N, Phillips J, Pitsava G, Pysar R, Rehm HL, Reuter CM, Revencu N, Riess A, Rius R, Rodan L, Roscioli T, Rosenfeld JA, Sachdev R, Shaw-Smith CJ, Simons C, Sisodiya SM, Snell P, St Clair L, Stark Z, Stewart HS, Tan TY, Tan NB, Temple SEL, Thorburn DR, Tifft CJ, Uebergang E, VanNoy GE, Vasudevan P, Vilain E, Viskochil DH, Wedd L, Wheeler MT, White SM, Wojcik M, Wolfe LA, Wolfenson Z, Wright CF, Xiao C, Zocche D, Rubenstein JL, Markenscoff-Papadimitriou E, Fica SM, Baralle D, Depienne C, MacArthur DG, Howson JMM, Sanders SJ, O'Donnell-Luria A, Whiffin N Nature 38991538 Nature 2024 Aug
Novel molecular mechanism in Malan syndrome uncovered through genome sequencing reanalysis, exon-level Array, and RNA sequencing. Zhao J, Longo N, Lewis RG, Nicholas TJ, Boyden SE, Andrews A, Larson A, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bayrak-Toydemir P, Botto LD, Mao R American journal of medical genetics. Part A 38168088 Am J Med Genet A 2024 May
Variants in PRKAR1B cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with autism spectrum disorder, apraxia, and insensitivity to pain. Marbach F, Stoyanov G, Erger F, Stratakis CA, Settas N, London E, Rosenfeld JA, Torti E, Haldeman-Englert C, Sklirou E, Kessler E, Ceulemans S, Nelson SF, Martinez-Agosto JA, Palmer CGS, Signer RH, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Andrews MV, Grange DK, Willaert R, Person R, Telegrafi A, Sievers A, Laugsch M, Theiß S, Cheng Y, Lichtarge O, Katsonis P, Stocco A, Schaaf CP Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 33833410 Genet Med 2021 Aug
Personalized structural biology reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying heterogeneous epileptic phenotypes caused by de novo KCNC2 variants. Mukherjee S, Cassini TA, Hu N, Yang T, Li B, Shen W, Moth CW, Rinker DC, Sheehan JH, Cogan JD, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Newman JH, Hamid R, Macdonald RL, Roden DM, Meiler J, Kuenze G, Phillips JA, Capra JA HGG advances 36035247 HGG Adv 2022 Oct 13
Discovery of a novel CHD7 CHARGE syndrome variant by integrated omics analyses. Granadillo JL, Wegner DJ, Paul AJ, Willing M, Sisco K, Tedder ML, Sadikovic B, Wambach JA, Baldridge D, Cole FS, Undiagnosed Diseases Network American journal of medical genetics. Part A 33184947 Am J Med Genet A 2021 Feb
An Active Learning Framework Improves Tumor Variant Interpretation. Blee AM, Li B, Pecen T, Meiler J, Nagel ZD, Capra JA, Chazin WJ Cancer research 35687855 Cancer Res 2022 Aug 3
Case report: ocular manifestations of a gain-of-function mutation in CLCN6, a newly diagnosed disease. Kimera L, Nadimpalli S, Kurup S, Cole FS, Huang R, Sisco K, Ranaivo HR, Shinawi M, Dickson P, Mian A, Reynolds M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Ophthalmic genetics 38095064 Ophthalmic Genet 2024 Jun
A Recurrent Gain-of-Function Mutation in CLCN6, Encoding the ClC-6 Cl(-)/H(+)-Exchanger, Causes Early-Onset Neurodegeneration. Polovitskaya MM, Barbini C, Martinelli D, Harms FL, Cole FS, Calligari P, Bocchinfuso G, Stella L, Ciolfi A, Niceta M, Rizza T, Shinawi M, Sisco K, Johannsen J, Denecke J, Carrozzo R, Wegner DJ, Kutsche K, Tartaglia M, Jentsch TJ American journal of human genetics 33217309 Am J Hum Genet 2020 Dec 3
Social, neurodevelopmental, endocrine, and head size differences associated with atypical deletions in Williams-Beuren syndrome. Lugo M, Wong ZC, Billington CJ Jr, Parrish PCR, Muldoon G, Liu D, Pober BR, Kozel BA American journal of medical genetics. Part A 32077592 Am J Med Genet A 2020 May
Phenotypic expansion of KMT2D-related disorder: Beyond Kabuki syndrome. Baldridge D, Spillmann RC, Wegner DJ, Wambach JA, White FV, Sisco K, Toler TL, Dickson PI, Cole FS, Shashi V, Grange DK American journal of medical genetics. Part A 32083401 Am J Med Genet A 2020 May
Atypical free sialic acid storage disorder associated with tissue specific mosaicism of SLC17A5. Shinawi M, Wegner DJ, Paul AJ, Buchser W, Schmidt R, Sharma J, Sardiello M, Sisco K, Manwaring L, Reynolds M, Fulton R, Fronick C, Shaver A, Huang TY, Carroll A, Roessler K, Halpern AL, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Dickson PI, Wambach JA Molecular genetics and metabolism 39742826 Mol Genet Metab 2025 Jan
Diagnostic utility of transcriptome sequencing for rare Mendelian diseases. Lee H, Huang AY, Wang LK, Yoon AJ, Renteria G, Eskin A, Signer RH, Dorrani N, Nieves-Rodriguez S, Wan J, Douine ED, Woods JD, Dell'Angelica EC, Fogel BL, Martin MG, Butte MJ, Parker NH, Wang RT, Shieh PB, Wong DA, Gallant N, Singh KE, Tavyev Asher YJ, Sinsheimer JS, Krakow D, Loo SK, Allard P, Papp JC, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Palmer CGS, Martinez-Agosto JA, Nelson SF Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 31607746 Genet Med 2020 Mar
A recurrent p.Arg92Trp variant in steroidogenic factor-1 (NR5A1) can act as a molecular switch in human sex development. Bashamboo A, Donohoue PA, Vilain E, Rojo S, Calvel P, Seneviratne SN, Buonocore F, Barseghyan H, Bingham N, Rosenfeld JA, Mulukutla SN, Jain M, Burrage L, Dhar S, Balasubramanyam A, Lee B, Members of UDN, Dumargne MC, Eozenou C, Suntharalingham JP, de Silva K, Lin L, Bignon-Topalovic J, Poulat F, Lagos CF, McElreavey K, Achermann JC Human molecular genetics 28031288 Hum Mol Genet 2016 Dec 1
Reported environmental exposures are inversely associated with obtaining a genetic diagnosis in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Silverman EK, Allard P, Loscalzo J, Mulvihill JJ, Korrick SA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network American journal of medical genetics. Part A 30903737 Am J Med Genet A 2019 Jun
Heterozygous MAP3K20 variants cause ectodermal dysplasia, craniosynostosis, sensorineural hearing loss, and limb anomalies. Brooks D, Burke E, Lee S, Eble TN, O'Leary M, Osei-Owusu I, Rehm HL, Dhar SU, Emrick L, Bick D, Nehrebecky M, Macnamara E, Casas-Alba D, Armstrong J, Prat C, Martínez-Monseny AF, Palau F, Liu P, Adams D, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Lalani S, Rosenfeld JA, Burrage LC Human genetics 38451290 Hum Genet 2024 Mar
Loss of symmetric cell division of apical neural progenitors drives DENND5A-related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. Banks E, Francis V, Lin SJ, Kharfallah F, Fonov V, Lévesque M, Han C, Kulasekaran G, Tuznik M, Bayati A, Al-Khater R, Alkuraya FS, Argyriou L, Babaei M, Bahlo M, Bakhshoodeh B, Barr E, Bartik L, Bassiony M, Bertrand M, Braun D, Buchert R, Budetta M, Cadieux-Dion M, Calame DG, Cope H, Cushing D, Efthymiou S, Elmaksoud MA, El Said HG, Froukh T, Gill HK, Gleeson JG, Gogoll L, Goh ES, Gowda VK, Haack TB, Hashem MO, Hauser S, Hoffman TL, Hogue JS, Hosokawa A, Houlden H, Huang K, Huynh S, Karimiani EG, Kaulfuß S, Korenke GC, Kritzer A, Lee H, Lupski JR, Marco EJ, McWalter K, Minassian A, Minassian BA, Murphy D, Neira-Fresneda J, Northrup H, Nyaga DM, Oehl-Jaschkowitz B, Osmond M, Person R, Pehlivan D, Petree C, Sadleir LG, Saunders C, Schoels L, Shashi V, Spillmann RC, Srinivasan VM, Torbati PN, Tos T, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Zaki MS, Zhou D, Zweier C, Trempe JF, Durcan TM, Gan-Or Z, Avoli M, Alves C, Varshney GK, Maroofian R, Rudko DA, McPherson PS Nature communications 39174524 Nat Commun 2024 Aug 22
De Novo Truncating Variants in ASXL2 Are Associated with a Unique and Recognizable Clinical Phenotype. Shashi V, Pena LD, Kim K, Burton B, Hempel M, Schoch K, Walkiewicz M, McLaughlin HM, Cho M, Stong N, Hickey SE, Shuss CM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Freemark MS, Bellet JS, Keels MA, Bonner MJ, El-Dairi M, Butler M, Kranz PG, Stumpel CT, Klinkenberg S, Oberndorff K, Alawi M, Santer R, Petrovski S, Kuismin O, Korpi-Heikkilä S, Pietilainen O, Aarno P, Kurki MI, Hoischen A, Need AC, Goldstein DB, Kortüm F American journal of human genetics 27693232 Am J Hum Genet 2016 Oct 6
Bedside Back to Bench: Building Bridges between Basic and Clinical Genomic Research. Manolio TA, Fowler DM, Starita LM, Haendel MA, MacArthur DG, Biesecker LG, Worthey E, Chisholm RL, Green ED, Jacob HJ, McLeod HL, Roden D, Rodriguez LL, Williams MS, Cooper GM, Cox NJ, Herman GE, Kingsmore S, Lo C, Lutz C, MacRae CA, Nussbaum RL, Ordovas JM, Ramos EM, Robinson PN, Rubinstein WS, Seidman C, Stranger BE, Wang H, Westerfield M, Bult C Cell 28340351 Cell 2017 Mar 23
Phenotypic heterogeneity of ZMPSTE24 deficiency. Cassini TA, Robertson AK, Bican AG, Cogan JD, Hannig VL, Newman JH, Hamid R, Phillips JA 3rd, Undiagnosed Diseases Network American journal of medical genetics. Part A 29341437 Am J Med Genet A 2018 May
Characteristics of undiagnosed diseases network applicants: implications for referring providers. Walley NM, Pena LDM, Hooper SR, Cope H, Jiang YH, McConkie-Rosell A, Sanders C, Schoch K, Spillmann RC, Strong K, McCray AT, Mazur P, Esteves C, LeBlanc K, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wise AL, Shashi V BMC health services research 30134969 BMC Health Serv Res 2018 Aug 22
Looking beyond the exome: a phenotype-first approach to molecular diagnostic resolution in rare and undiagnosed diseases. Pena LDM, Jiang YH, Schoch K, Spillmann RC, Walley N, Stong N, Rapisardo Horn S, Sullivan JA, McConkie-Rosell A, Kansagra S, Smith EC, El-Dairi M, Bellet J, Keels MA, Jasien J, Kranz PG, Noel R, Nagaraj SK, Lark RK, Wechsler DSG, Del Gaudio D, Leung ML, Hendon LG, Parker CC, Jones KL, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Members, Goldstein DB, Shashi V Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 28914269 Genet Med 2018 Apr
A concurrent dual analysis of genomic data augments diagnoses: Experiences of 2 clinical sites in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Spillmann RC, Tan QK, Reuter C, Schoch K, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Kohler J, Bonner D, Zastrow D, Alkelai A, Baugh E, Cope H, Marwaha S, Wheeler MT, Bernstein JA, Shashi V, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 36481303 Genet Med 2023 Apr
Loss of symmetric cell division of apical neural progenitors drives DENND5A-related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. Banks E, Francis V, Lin SJ, Kharfallah F, Fonov V, Levesque M, Han C, Kulasekaran G, Tuznik M, Bayati A, Al-Khater R, Alkuraya FS, Argyriou L, Babaei M, Bahlo M, Bakhshoodeh B, Barr E, Bartik L, Bassiony M, Bertrand M, Braun D, Buchert R, Budetta M, Cadieux-Dion M, Calame D, Cope H, Cushing D, Efthymiou S, Elmaksoud MA, El Said HG, Froukh T, Gill HK, Gleeson JG, Gogoll L, Goh ES, Gowda VK, Haack TB, Hashem MO, Hauser S, Hoffman TL, Hogue JS, Hosokawa A, Houlden H, Huang K, Huynh S, Karimiani EG, Kaulfuß S, Korenke GC, Kritzer A, Lee H, Lupski JR, Marco EJ, McWalter K, Minassian A, Minassian BA, Murphy D, Neira-Fresneda J, Northrup H, Nyaga D, Oehl-Jaschkowitz B, Osmond M, Person R, Pehlivan D, Petree C, Sadleir LG, Saunders C, Schoels L, Shashi V, Spillman RC, Srinivasan VM, Torbati PN, Tos T, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Zaki MS, Zhou D, Zweier C, Trempe JF, Durcan TM, Gan-Or Z, Avoli M, Alves C, Varshney GK, Maroofian R, Rudko DA, McPherson PS medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38352438 medRxiv 2024 Jan 31
De Novo Truncating Variants in ASXL2 Are Associated with a Unique and Recognizable Clinical Phenotype. Shashi V, Pena LDM, Kim K, Burton B, Hempel M, Schoch K, Walkiewicz M, McLaughlin HM, Cho M, Stong N, Hickey SE, Shuss CM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Freemark MS, Bellet JS, Keels MA, Bonner MJ, El-Dairi M, Butler M, Kranz PG, Stumpel CTRM, Klinkenberg S, Oberndorff K, Alawi M, Santer R, Petrovski S, Kuismin O, Korpi-Heikkilä S, Pietilainen O, Aarno P, Kurki MI, Hoischen A, Need AC, Goldstein DB, Kortüm F American journal of human genetics 28061364 Am J Hum Genet 2017 Jan 5
The Undiagnosed Diseases Network of the National Institutes of Health: A National Extension. Gahl WA, Wise AL, Ashley EA JAMA 26375289 JAMA 2015 Nov 3
Understanding Adult Participant and Parent Empowerment Prior to Evaluation in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Palmer CGS, McConkie-Rosell A, Holm IA, LeBlanc K, Sinsheimer JS, Briere LC, Dorrani N, Herzog MR, Lincoln S, Schoch K, Spillmann RC, Brokamp E, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Journal of genetic counseling 29497923 J Genet Couns 2018 Sep
Whole genome sequencing reveals novel IGHMBP2 variant leading to unique cryptic splice-site and Charcot-Marie-Tooth phenotype with early onset symptoms. Cassini TA, Duncan L, Rives LC, Newman JH, Phillips JA, Koziura ME, Brault J, Hamid R, Cogan J, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 31020813 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2019 Jun
VarSight: prioritizing clinically reported variants with binary classification algorithms. Holt JM, Wilk B, Birch CL, Brown DM, Gajapathy M, Moss AC, Sosonkina N, Wilk MA, Anderson JA, Harris JM, Kelly JM, Shaterferdosian F, Uno-Antonison AE, Weborg A, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Worthey EA BMC bioinformatics 31615419 BMC Bioinformatics 2019 Oct 15
High-dimensional immunophenotyping reveals immune cell aberrations in patients with undiagnosed inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Mueller AA, Sasaki T, Keegan JW, Nguyen JP, Griffith A, Horisberger AM, Licata T, Fieg E, Cao Y, Elahee M, Marks KE, Simmons DP, Briere LC, Cobban LA, Pallais JC, High FA, Walker MA, Linnoila JJ, Sparks JA, Holers VM, Costenbader KH, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Sweetser DA, Krier JB, Loscalzo J, Lederer JA, Rao DA The Journal of clinical investigation 37874643 J Clin Invest 2023 Dec 15
Elucidation of the phenotypic spectrum and genetic landscape in primary and secondary microcephaly. Boonsawat P, Joset P, Steindl K, Oneda B, Gogoll L, Azzarello-Burri S, Sheth F, Datar C, Verma IC, Puri RD, Zollino M, Bachmann-Gagescu R, Niedrist D, Papik M, Figueiro-Silva J, Masood R, Zweier M, Kraemer D, Lincoln S, Rodan L, Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), Passemard S, Drunat S, Verloes A, Horn AHC, Sticht H, Steinfeld R, Plecko B, Latal B, Jenni O, Asadollahi R, Rauch A Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 30842647 Genet Med 2019 Sep
Kilquist syndrome: A novel syndromic hearing loss disorder caused by homozygous deletion of SLC12A2. Macnamara EF, Koehler AE, D'Souza P, Estwick T, Lee P, Vezina G, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Fauni H, Braddock SR, Torti E, Holt JM, Sharma P, Malicdan MCV, Tifft CJ Human mutation 30740830 Hum Mutat 2019 May
The NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program and Network: Applications to modern medicine. Gahl WA, Mulvihill JJ, Toro C, Markello TC, Wise AL, Ramoni RB, Adams DR, Tifft CJ, UDN Molecular genetics and metabolism 26846157 Mol Genet Metab 2016 Apr
A window into living with an undiagnosed disease: illness narratives from the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Spillmann RC, McConkie-Rosell A, Pena L, Jiang YH, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Schoch K, Walley N, Sanders C, Sullivan J, Hooper SR, Shashi V Orphanet journal of rare diseases 28416019 Orphanet J Rare Dis 2017 Apr 17
Clinical heterogeneity of mitochondrial NAD kinase deficiency caused by a NADK2 start loss variant. Pomerantz DJ, Ferdinandusse S, Cogan J, Cooper DN, Reimschisel T, Robertson A, Bican A, McGregor T, Gauthier J, Millington DS, Andrae JLW, Tschannen MR, Helbling DC, Demos WM, Denis S, Wanders RJA, Newman JN, Hamid R, Phillips JA 3rd, Collaborators of UDN American journal of medical genetics. Part A 29388319 Am J Med Genet A 2018 Mar
5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase deficiency causes a neurometabolic disorder associated with microcephaly, epilepsy, and cerebral hypomyelination. Rodan LH, Qi W, Ducker GS, Demirbas D, Laine R, Yang E, Walker MA, Eichler F, Rabinowitz JD, Anselm I, Berry GT, Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN) Molecular genetics and metabolism 30031689 Mol Genet Metab 2018 Sep
Molecular modeling in the age of clinical genomics, the enterprise of the next generation. Prokop JW, Lazar J, Crapitto G, Smith DC, Worthey EA, Jacob HJ Journal of molecular modeling 28204942 J Mol Model 2017 Mar
Transcriptome-directed analysis for Mendelian disease diagnosis overcomes limitations of conventional genomic testing. Murdock DR, Dai H, Burrage LC, Rosenfeld JA, Ketkar S, Müller MF, Yépez VA, Gagneur J, Liu P, Chen S, Jain M, Zapata G, Bacino CA, Chao HT, Moretti P, Craigen WJ, Hanchard NA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Lee B The Journal of clinical investigation 33001864 J Clin Invest 2021 Jan 4
PRUNE1 c.933G>A synonymous variant induces exon 7 skipping, disrupts the DHHA2 domain, and leads to an atypical NMIHBA syndrome presentation: Case report and review of the literature. Magyar CL, Murdock DR, Burrage LC, Dai H, Lalani SR, Lewis RA, Lin Y, Astudillo MF, Rosenfeld JA, Tran AA, Gibson JB, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bacino CA, Lee BH, Chao HT American journal of medical genetics. Part A 35194938 Am J Med Genet A 2022 Jun
Recurrent mosaic MTOR c.5930C > T (p.Thr1977Ile) variant causing megalencephaly, asymmetric polymicrogyria, and cutaneous pigmentary mosaicism: Case report and review of the literature. Handoko M, Emrick LT, Rosenfeld JA, Wang X, Tran AA, Turner A, Belmont JW, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Lee BH, Bacino CA, Chao HT American journal of medical genetics. Part A 30569621 Am J Med Genet A 2019 Mar
De novo TRIM8 variants impair its protein localization to nuclear bodies and cause developmental delay, epilepsy, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Weng PL, Majmundar AJ, Khan K, Lim TY, Shril S, Jin G, Musgrove J, Wang M, Ahram DF, Aggarwal VS, Bier LE, Heinzen EL, Onuchic-Whitford AC, Mann N, Buerger F, Schneider R, Deutsch K, Kitzler TM, Klämbt V, Kolb A, Mao Y, Moufawad El Achkar C, Mitrotti A, Martino J, Beck BB, Altmüller J, Benz MR, Yano S, Mikati MA, Gunduz T, Cope H, Shashi V, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Trachtman H, Bodria M, Caridi G, Pisani I, Fiaccadori E, AbuMaziad AS, Martinez-Agosto JA, Yadin O, Zuckerman J, Kim A, UCLA Clinical Genomics Center, John-Kroegel U, Tyndall AV, Parboosingh JS, Innes AM, Bierzynska A, Koziell AB, Muorah M, Saleem MA, Hoefele J, Riedhammer KM, Gharavi AG, Jobanputra V, Pierce-Hoffman E, Seaby EG, O'Donnell-Luria A, Rehm HL, Mane S, D'Agati VD, Pollak MR, Ghiggeri GM, Lifton RP, Goldstein DB, Davis EE, Hildebrandt F, Sanna-Cherchi S American journal of human genetics 33508234 Am J Hum Genet 2021 Feb 4
MAJIQ-CLIN: A novel tool for the identification of Mendelian disease-causing variants from RNA-Seq data. Aicher JK, Issakova D, Slaff B, Jewell S, Lahens NF, Grant GR, Baralle D, Rosenfeld JA, Scott DA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bhoj EJ, Barash Y medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 39974028 medRxiv 2025 Feb 2
A New Approach to Rare Diseases of Children: The Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Reuter CM, Brimble E, DeFilippo C, Dries AM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Enns GM, Ashley EA, Bernstein JA, Fisher PG, Wheeler MT The Journal of pediatrics 29331327 J Pediatr 2018 May
Expanding the Spectrum of BAF-Related Disorders: De Novo Variants in SMARCC2 Cause a Syndrome with Intellectual Disability and Developmental Delay. Machol K, Rousseau J, Ehresmann S, Garcia T, Nguyen TTM, Spillmann RC, Sullivan JA, Shashi V, Jiang YH, Stong N, Fiala E, Willing M, Pfundt R, Kleefstra T, Cho MT, McLaughlin H, Rosello Piera M, Orellana C, Martínez F, Caro-Llopis A, Monfort S, Roscioli T, Nixon CY, Buckley MF, Turner A, Jones WD, van Hasselt PM, Hofstede FC, van Gassen KLI, Brooks AS, van Slegtenhorst MA, Lachlan K, Sebastian J, Madan-Khetarpal S, Sonal D, Sakkubai N, Thevenon J, Faivre L, Maurel A, Petrovski S, Krantz ID, Tarpinian JM, Rosenfeld JA, Lee BH, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Campeau PM American journal of human genetics 30580808 Am J Hum Genet 2019 Jan 3
Spectrum of neurodevelopmental disease associated with the GNAO1 guanosine triphosphate-binding region. Kelly M, Park M, Mihalek I, Rochtus A, Gramm M, Pérez-Palma E, Axeen ET, Hung CY, Olson H, Swanson L, Anselm I, Briere LC, High FA, Sweetser DA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Kayani S, Snyder M, Calvert S, Scheffer IE, Yang E, Waugh JL, Lal D, Bodamer O, Poduri A Epilepsia 30682224 Epilepsia 2019 Mar
Missense variants in CTNNB1 can be associated with vitreoretinopathy-Seven new cases of CTNNB1-associated neurodevelopmental disorder including a previously unreported retinal phenotype. Rossetti LZ, Bekheirnia MR, Lewis AM, Mefford HC, Golden-Grant K, Tarczy-Hornoch K, Briere LC, Sweetser DA, Walker MA, Kravets E, Stevenson DA, Bruenner G, Sebastian J, Knapo J, Rosenfeld JA, Marcogliese PC, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wangler MF Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 33350591 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2021 Jan
Diagnostic Utility of Genome-wide DNA Methylation Analysis in Genetically Unsolved Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies and Refinement of a CHD2 Episignature. LaFlamme CW, Rastin C, Sengupta S, Pennington HE, Russ-Hall SJ, Schneider AL, Bonkowski ES, Almanza Fuerte EP, Galey M, Goffena J, Gibson SB, Allan TJ, Nyaga DM, Lieffering N, Hebbar M, Walker EV, Darnell D, Olsen SR, Kolekar P, Djekidel N, Rosikiewicz W, McConkey H, Kerkhof J, Levy MA, Relator R, Lev D, Lerman-Sagie T, Park KL, Alders M, Cappuccio G, Chatron N, Demain L, Genevieve D, Lesca G, Roscioli T, Sanlaville D, Tedder ML, Hubshman MW, Ketkar S, Dai H, Worley KC, Rosenfeld JA, Chao HT, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Neale G, Carvill GL, University of Washington Center for Rare Disease Research, Wang Z, Berkovic SF, Sadleir LG, Miller DE, Scheffer IE, Sadikovic B, Mefford HC medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37873138 medRxiv 2023 Oct 12
The clinical utility and diagnostic implementation of human subject cell transdifferentiation followed by RNA sequencing. Li S, Zhao S, Sinson JC, Bajic A, Rosenfeld JA, Neeley MB, Pena M, Worley KC, Burrage LC, Weisz-Hubshman M, Ketkar S, Craigen WJ, Clark GD, Lalani S, Bacino CA, Machol K, Chao HT, Potocki L, Emrick L, Sheppard J, Nguyen MTT, Khoramnia A, Hernandez PP, Nagamani SC, Liu Z, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Eng CM, Lee B, Liu P American journal of human genetics 38593811 Am J Hum Genet 2024 May 2
Genotype-phenotype correlations in individuals with pathogenic RERE variants. Jordan VK, Fregeau B, Ge X, Giordano J, Wapner RJ, Balci TB, Carter MT, Bernat JA, Moccia AN, Srivastava A, Martin DM, Bielas SL, Pappas J, Svoboda MD, Rio M, Boddaert N, Cantagrel V, Lewis AM, Scaglia F, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Kohler JN, Bernstein JA, Dries AM, Rosenfeld JA, DeFilippo C, Thorson W, Yang Y, Sherr EH, Bi W, Scott DA Human mutation 29330883 Hum Mutat 2018 May
Combined Genome Sequencing and RNA Analysis Reveals and Characterizes a Deep Intronic Variant in IGHMBP2 in a Patient With Spinal Muscular Atrophy With Respiratory Distress Type 1. Bodle EE, Zhu W, Velez-Bartolomei F, Tesi-Rocha A, Liu P, Bernstein JA Pediatric neurology 33189025 Pediatr Neurol 2021 Jan
Truncating variants in UBAP1 associated with childhood-onset nonsyndromic hereditary spastic paraplegia. Gu S, Chen CA, Rosenfeld JA, Cope H, Launay N, Flanigan KM, Waldrop MA, Schrader R, Juusola J, Goker-Alpan O, Milunsky A, Schlüter A, Troncoso M, Pujol A, Tan QK, Schaaf CP, Meng L Human mutation 31696996 Hum Mutat 2020 Mar
A recurrent single-exon deletion in TBCK might be under-recognized in patients with infantile hypotonia and psychomotor delay. Dai H, Zhu W, Yuan B, Walley N, Schoch K, Jiang YH, Phillips JA, Jones MS, Liu P, Murdock DR, Burrage LC, Lee B, Rosenfeld JA, Xiao R, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Human mutation 36317458 Hum Mutat 2022 Dec
De Novo Variants in CDK19 Are Associated with a Syndrome Involving Intellectual Disability and Epileptic Encephalopathy. Chung HL, Mao X, Wang H, Park YJ, Marcogliese PC, Rosenfeld JA, Burrage LC, Liu P, Murdock DR, Yamamoto S, Wangler MF, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Chao HT, Long H, Feng L, Bacino CA, Bellen HJ, Xiao B American journal of human genetics 32330417 Am J Hum Genet 2020 May 7
Pathogenic variants in USP7 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with speech delays, altered behavior, and neurologic anomalies. Fountain MD, Oleson DS, Rech ME, Segebrecht L, Hunter JV, McCarthy JM, Lupo PJ, Holtgrewe M, Moran R, Rosenfeld JA, Isidor B, Le Caignec C, Saenz MS, Pedersen RC, Morgan TM, Pfotenhauer JP, Xia F, Bi W, Kang SL, Patel A, Krantz ID, Raible SE, Smith W, Cristian I, Torti E, Juusola J, Millan F, Wentzensen IM, Person RE, Küry S, Bézieau S, Uguen K, Férec C, Munnich A, van Haelst M, Lichtenbelt KD, van Gassen K, Hagelstrom T, Chawla A, Perry DL, Taft RJ, Jones M, Masser-Frye D, Dyment D, Venkateswaran S, Li C, Escobar LF, Horn D, Spillmann RC, Peña L, Wierzba J, Strom TM, Parenti I, Kaiser FJ, Ehmke N, Schaaf CP Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 30679821 Genet Med 2019 Aug
A novel de novo intronic variant in ITPR1 causes Gillespie syndrome. Keehan L, Jiang MM, Li X, Marom R, Dai H, Murdock D, Liu P, Hunter JV, Heaney JD, Robak L, Emrick L, Lotze T, Blieden LS, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Lewis RA, Levin AV, Capasso J, Craigen WJ, Rosenfeld JA, Lee B, Burrage LC American journal of medical genetics. Part A 33949769 Am J Med Genet A 2021 Aug
Biallelic MADD variants cause a phenotypic spectrum ranging from developmental delay to a multisystem disorder. Schneeberger PE, Kortüm F, Korenke GC, Alawi M, Santer R, Woidy M, Buhas D, Fox S, Juusola J, Alfadhel M, Webb BD, Coci EG, Abou Jamra R, Siekmeyer M, Biskup S, Heller C, Maier EM, Javaher-Haghighi P, Bedeschi MF, Ajmone PF, Iascone M, Peeters H, Ballon K, Jaeken J, Rodríguez Alonso A, Palomares-Bralo M, Santos-Simarro F, Meuwissen MEC, Beysen D, Kooy RF, Houlden H, Murphy D, Doosti M, Karimiani EG, Mojarrad M, Maroofian R, Noskova L, Kmoch S, Honzik T, Cope H, Sanchez-Valle A, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Gelb BD, Kurth I, Hempel M, Kutsche K Brain : a journal of neurology 32761064 Brain 2020 Aug 1
Expansion of the clinical and molecular spectrum of WWOX-related epileptic encephalopathy. Chong SC, Cao Y, Fung ELW, Kleppe S, Gripp KW, Hertecant J, El-Hattab AW, Suleiman J, Clark G, von Allmen G, Rodziyevska O, Lewis RA, Rosenfeld JA, Dong J, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wang X, Miller MJ, Bi W, Liu P, Scaglia F American journal of medical genetics. Part A 36537114 Am J Med Genet A 2023 Mar
Diagnostic utility of DNA methylation analysis in genetically unsolved pediatric epilepsies and CHD2 episignature refinement. LaFlamme CW, Rastin C, Sengupta S, Pennington HE, Russ-Hall SJ, Schneider AL, Bonkowski ES, Almanza Fuerte EP, Allan TJ, Zalusky MP, Goffena J, Gibson SB, Nyaga DM, Lieffering N, Hebbar M, Walker EV, Darnell D, Olsen SR, Kolekar P, Djekidel MN, Rosikiewicz W, McConkey H, Kerkhof J, Levy MA, Relator R, Lev D, Lerman-Sagie T, Park KL, Alders M, Cappuccio G, Chatron N, Demain L, Genevieve D, Lesca G, Roscioli T, Sanlaville D, Tedder ML, Gupta S, Jones EA, Weisz-Hubshman M, Ketkar S, Dai H, Worley KC, Rosenfeld JA, Chao HT, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Neale G, Carvill GL, University of Washington Center for Rare Disease Research, Wang Z, Berkovic SF, Sadleir LG, Miller DE, Scheffer IE, Sadikovic B, Mefford HC Nature communications 39107278 Nat Commun 2024 Aug 6
Recessive loss-of-function variants in DPH1 identified as the molecular cause in a sibling pair previously diagnosed with Fine-Lubinsky syndrome. Waskow ER, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Emrick LT, Rosenfeld JA, Ketkar S, Burrage LC, Scott DA American journal of medical genetics. Part A 39166428 Am J Med Genet A 2025 Jan
Leveraging the T2T assembly to resolve rare and pathogenic inversions in reference genome gaps. Bilgrav Saether K, Eisfeldt J, Bengtsson JD, Lun MY, Grochowski CM, Mahmoud M, Chao HT, Rosenfeld JA, Liu P, Ek M, Schuy J, Ameur A, Dai H, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Hwang JP, Sedlazeck FJ, Bi W, Marom R, Wincent J, Nordgren A, Carvalho CMB, Lindstrand A Genome research 39486878 Genome Res 2024 Nov 20
Loss of Neuron Navigator 2 Impairs Brain and Cerebellar Development. Accogli A, Lu S, Musante I, Scudieri P, Rosenfeld JA, Severino M, Baldassari S, Iacomino M, Riva A, Balagura G, Piccolo G, Minetti C, Roberto D, Xia F, Razak R, Lawrence E, Hussein M, Chang EY, Holick M, Calì E, Aliberto E, De-Sarro R, Gambardella A, Network UD, Group SS, Emrick L, McCaffery PJA, Clagett-Dame M, Marcogliese PC, Bellen HJ, Lalani SR, Zara F, Striano P, Salpietro V Cerebellum (London, England) 35218524 Cerebellum 2023 Apr
Gain-of-function mutations in RPA1 cause a syndrome with short telomeres and somatic genetic rescue. Sharma R, Sahoo SS, Honda M, Granger SL, Goodings C, Sanchez L, Künstner A, Busch H, Beier F, Pruett-Miller SM, Valentine MB, Fernandez AG, Chang TC, Géli V, Churikov D, Hirschi S, Pastor VB, Boerries M, Lauten M, Kelaidi C, Cooper MA, Nicholas S, Rosenfeld JA, Polychronopoulou S, Kannengiesser C, Saintomé C, Niemeyer CM, Revy P, Wold MS, Spies M, Erlacher M, Coulon S, Wlodarski MW Blood 34767620 Blood 2022 Feb 17
Germline mutations in ABL1 cause an autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by congenital heart defects and skeletal malformations. Wang X, Charng WL, Chen CA, Rosenfeld JA, Al Shamsi A, Al-Gazali L, McGuire M, Mew NA, Arnold GL, Qu C, Ding Y, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Eng CM, Walkiewicz M, Xia F, Plon SE, Lupski JR, Schaaf CP, Yang Y Nature genetics 28288113 Nat Genet 2017 Apr
Microdeletions excluding YWHAE and PAFAH1B1 cause a unique leukoencephalopathy: further delineation of the 17p13.3 microdeletion spectrum. Emrick LT, Rosenfeld JA, Lalani SR, Jain M, Desai NK, Larson A, Kripps K, Vanderver A, Taft RJ, Bluske K, Perry D, Nagakura H, Immken LL, Burrage LC, Bacino CA, Belmont JW, Network UD, Lee B Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 30568308 Genet Med 2019 Jul
Heterozygous Truncating Variants in POMP Escape Nonsense-Mediated Decay and Cause a Unique Immune Dysregulatory Syndrome. Poli MC, Ebstein F, Nicholas SK, de Guzman MM, Forbes LR, Chinn IK, Mace EM, Vogel TP, Carisey AF, Benavides F, Coban-Akdemir ZH, Gibbs RA, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Carvalho CMB, Schady DA, Jain M, Rosenfeld JA, Emrick L, Lewis RA, Lee B, Undiagnosed Diseases Network members, Zieba BA, Küry S, Krüger E, Lupski JR, Bostwick BL, Orange JS American journal of human genetics 29805043 Am J Hum Genet 2018 Jun 7
Using the Delphi method to identify clinicians' perceived importance of pediatric exome sequencing results. Stevens Smith H, Russell HV, Lee BH, Morain SR, and the Value of Exome Sequencing Delphi Panel Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 31273346 Genet Med 2020 Jan
Haploinsufficiency of the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase gene TRIP12 causes intellectual disability with or without autism spectrum disorders, speech delay, and dysmorphic features. Zhang J, Gambin T, Yuan B, Szafranski P, Rosenfeld JA, Balwi MA, Alswaid A, Al-Gazali L, Shamsi AMA, Komara M, Ali BR, Roeder E, McAuley L, Roy DS, Manchester DK, Magoulas P, King LE, Hannig V, Bonneau D, Denommé-Pichon AS, Charif M, Besnard T, Bézieau S, Cogné B, Andrieux J, Zhu W, He W, Vetrini F, Ward PA, Cheung SW, Bi W, Eng CM, Lupski JR, Yang Y, Patel A, Lalani SR, Xia F, Stankiewicz P Human genetics 28251352 Hum Genet 2017 Apr
A recurrent p.Arg92Trp variant in steroidogenic factor-1 (NR5A1) can act as a molecular switch in human sex development. Bashamboo A, Donohoue PA, Vilain E, Rojo S, Calvel P, Seneviratne SN, Buonocore F, Barseghyan H, Bingham N, Rosenfeld JA, Mulukutla SN, Jain M, Burrage L, Dhar S, Balasubramanyam A, Lee B, Members of UDN, Dumargne MC, Eozenou C, Suntharalingham JP, de Silva K, Lin L, Bignon-Topalovic J, Poulat F, Lagos CF, McElreavey K, Achermann JC Human molecular genetics 27378692 Hum Mol Genet 2016 Aug 15
Phenotypic and molecular characterisation of CDK13-related congenital heart defects, dysmorphic facial features and intellectual developmental disorders. Bostwick BL, McLean S, Posey JE, Streff HE, Gripp KW, Blesson A, Powell-Hamilton N, Tusi J, Stevenson DA, Farrelly E, Hudgins L, Yang Y, Xia F, Wang X, Liu P, Walkiewicz M, McGuire M, Grange DK, Andrews MV, Hummel M, Madan-Khetarpal S, Infante E, Coban-Akdemir Z, Miszalski-Jamka K, Jefferies JL, Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Rosenfeld JA, Emrick L, Nugent KM, Lupski JR, Belmont JW, Lee B, Lalani SR Genome medicine 28807008 Genome Med 2017 Aug 14
The Expanding Role of Genetics in Cerebral Palsy. Emrick LT, DiCarlo SM Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America 31760988 Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 2020 Feb
Phenotypic expansion of CACNA1C-associated disorders to include isolated neurological manifestations. Rodan LH, Spillmann RC, Kurata HT, Lamothe SM, Maghera J, Jamra RA, Alkelai A, Antonarakis SE, Atallah I, Bar-Yosef O, Bilan F, Bjorgo K, Blanc X, Van Bogaert P, Bolkier Y, Burrage LC, Christ BU, Granadillo JL, Dickson P, Donald KA, Dubourg C, Eliyahu A, Emrick L, Engleman K, Gonfiantini MV, Good JM, Kalser J, Kloeckner C, Lachmeijer G, Macchiaiolo M, Nicita F, Odent S, O'Heir E, Ortiz-Gonzalez X, Pacio-Miguez M, Palomares-Bralo M, Pena L, Platzer K, Quinodoz M, Ranza E, Rosenfeld JA, Roulet-Perez E, Santani A, Santos-Simarro F, Pode-Shakked B, Skraban C, Slaugh R, Superti-Furga A, Thiffault I, van Jaabrsveld RH, Vincent M, Wang HG, Zacher P, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Rush E, Pitt GS, Au PYB, Shashi V Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 34163037 Genet Med 2021 Oct
Phenotypic and genetic spectrum of ATP6V1A encephalopathy: a disorder of lysosomal homeostasis. Guerrini R, Mei D, Kerti-Szigeti K, Pepe S, Koenig MK, Von Allmen G, Cho MT, McDonald K, Baker J, Bhambhani V, Powis Z, Rodan L, Nabbout R, Barcia G, Rosenfeld JA, Bacino CA, Mignot C, Power LH, Harris CJ, Marjanovic D, Møller RS, Hammer TB, DDD Study, Keski Filppula R, Vieira P, Hildebrandt C, Sacharow S, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Maragliano L, Benfenati F, Lachlan K, Benneche A, Petit F, de Sainte Agathe JM, Hallinan B, Si Y, Wentzensen IM, Zou F, Narayanan V, Matsumoto N, Boncristiano A, la Marca G, Kato M, Anderson K, Barba C, Sturiale L, Garozzo D, Bei R, ATP6V1A collaborators, Masuelli L, Conti V, Novarino G, Fassio A Brain : a journal of neurology 35675510 Brain 2022 Aug 27
RNA Sequencing as a Diagnostic Tool. Ketkar S, Burrage LC, Lee B JAMA 36525251 JAMA 2023 Jan 3
What Has the Undiagnosed Diseases Network Taught Us About the Clinical Applications of Genomic Testing? Murdock DR, Rosenfeld JA, Lee B Annual review of medicine 35084988 Annu Rev Med 2022 Jan 27
De novo missense variants in ZBTB47 are associated with developmental delays, hypotonia, seizures, gait abnormalities, and variable movement abnormalities. Ward SK, Wadley A, Tsai CA, Benke PJ, Emrick L, Fisher K, Houck KM, Dai H, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Craigen W, Glaser K, Murdock DR, Rohena L, Diderich KEM, Bruggenwirth HT, Lee B, Bacino C, Burrage LC, Rosenfeld JA American journal of medical genetics. Part A 37743782 Am J Med Genet A 2024 Jan
A syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder caused by rare variants in PPFIA3. Paul MS, Michener SL, Pan H, Chan H, Pfliger JM, Rosenfeld JA, Lerma VC, Tran A, Longley MA, Lewis RA, Weisz-Hubshman M, Bekheirnia MR, Bekheirnia N, Massingham L, Zech M, Wagner M, Engels H, Cremer K, Mangold E, Peters S, Trautmann J, Mester JL, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Person R, McDonnell PP, Cohen SR, Lusk L, Cohen ASA, Le Pichon JB, Pastinen T, Zhou D, Engleman K, Racine C, Faivre L, Moutton S, Denommé-Pichon AS, Koh HY, Poduri A, Bolton J, Knopp C, Julia Suh DS, Maier A, Toosi MB, Karimiani EG, Maroofian R, Schaefer GB, Ramakumaran V, Vasudevan P, Prasad C, Osmond M, Schuhmann S, Vasileiou G, Russ-Hall S, Scheffer IE, Carvill GL, Mefford H, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bacino CA, Lee BH, Chao HT American journal of human genetics 38181735 Am J Hum Genet 2024 Jan 4
Autosomal recessive Noonan syndrome associated with biallelic LZTR1 variants. Johnston JJ, van der Smagt JJ, Rosenfeld JA, Pagnamenta AT, Alswaid A, Baker EH, Blair E, Borck G, Brinkmann J, Craigen W, Dung VC, Emrick L, Everman DB, van Gassen KL, Gulsuner S, Harr MH, Jain M, Kuechler A, Leppig KA, McDonald-McGinn DM, Can NTB, Peleg A, Roeder ER, Rogers RC, Sagi-Dain L, Sapp JC, Schäffer AA, Schanze D, Stewart H, Taylor JC, Verbeek NE, Walkiewicz MA, Zackai EH, Zweier C, Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Zenker M, Lee B, Biesecker LG Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 29469822 Genet Med 2018 Oct
TMEM161B regulates cerebral cortical gyration, Sonic Hedgehog signaling, and ciliary structure in the developing central nervous system. Akula SK, Marciano JH, Lim Y, Exposito-Alonso D, Hylton NK, Hwang GH, Neil JE, Dominado N, Bunton-Stasyshyn RK, Song JHT, Talukdar M, Schmid A, Teboul L, Mo A, Shin T, Finander B, Beck SG, Yeh RC, Otani A, Qian X, DeGennaro EM, Alkuraya FS, Maddirevula S, Cascino GD, Giannini C, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Burrage LC, Rosenfield JA, Ketkar S, Clark GD, Bacino C, Lewis RA, Segal RA, Bazan JF, Smith KA, Golden JA, Cho G, Walsh CA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 36669111 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Jan 24
Phenotypic expansion in DDX3X - a common cause of intellectual disability in females. Wang X, Posey JE, Rosenfeld JA, Bacino CA, Scaglia F, Immken L, Harris JM, Hickey SE, Mosher TM, Slavotinek A, Zhang J, Beuten J, Leduc MS, He W, Vetrini F, Walkiewicz MA, Bi W, Xiao R, Liu P, Shao Y, Gezdirici A, Gulec EY, Jiang Y, Darilek SA, Hansen AW, Khayat MM, Pehlivan D, Piard J, Muzny DM, Hanchard N, Belmont JW, Van Maldergem L, Gibbs RA, Eldomery MK, Akdemir ZC, Adesina AM, Chen S, Lee YC, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Lee B, Lupski JR, Eng CM, Xia F, Yang Y, Graham BH, Moretti P Annals of clinical and translational neurology 30349862 Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2018 Oct
The clinical and molecular spectrum of QRICH1 associated neurodevelopmental disorder. Kumble S, Levy AM, Punetha J, Gao H, Ah Mew N, Anyane-Yeboa K, Benke PJ, Berger SM, Bjerglund L, Campos-Xavier B, Ciliberto M, Cohen JS, Comi AM, Curry C, Damaj L, Denommé-Pichon AS, Emrick L, Faivre L, Fasano MB, Fiévet A, Finkel RS, García-Miñaúr S, Gerard A, Gomez-Puertas P, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Hoffman TL, Howard L, Iglesias AD, Izumi K, Larson A, Leiber A, Lozano R, Marcos-Alcalde I, Mintz CS, Mullegama SV, Møller RS, Odent S, Oppermann H, Ostergaard E, Pacio-Míguez M, Palomares-Bralo M, Parikh S, Paulson AM, Platzer K, Posey JE, Potocki L, Revah-Politi A, Rio M, Ritter AL, Robinson S, Rosenfeld JA, Santos-Simarro F, Sousa SB, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wéber M, Xie Y, Chung WK, Brown NJ, Tümer Z Human mutation 34859529 Hum Mutat 2022 Feb
Wide range of phenotypic severity in individuals with late truncations unique to the predominant CDKL5 transcript in the brain. Keehan L, Haviland I, Gofin Y, Swanson LC, El Achkar CM, Schreiber J, VanNoy GE, O'Heir E, O'Donnell-Luria A, Lewis RA, Magoulas P, Tran A, Azamian MS, Chao HT, Pham L, Samaco RC, Elsea S, Thorpe E, Kesari A, Perry D, Lee B, Lalani SR, Rosenfeld JA, Olson HE, Burrage LC, Undiagnosed Diseases Network American journal of medical genetics. Part A 35934918 Am J Med Genet A 2022 Dec
A novel, de novo intronic variant in POGZ causes White-Sutton syndrome. Merriweather A, Murdock DR, Rosenfeld JA, Dai H, Ketkar S, Emrick L, Nicholas S, Lewis RA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bacino CA, Scott DA, Lee B, Sutton VR, Potocki L, Burrage LC American journal of medical genetics. Part A 35396900 Am J Med Genet A 2022 Jul
Missed diagnoses: Clinically relevant lessons learned through medical mysteries solved by the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Cope H, Spillmann R, Rosenfeld JA, Brokamp E, Signer R, Schoch K, Glanton E, Sullivan JA, Macnamara E, Lincoln S, Golden-Grant K, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Orengo JP, Clark G, Burrage LC, Posey JE, Punetha J, Robertson A, Cogan J, Phillips JA 3rd, Martinez-Agosto J, Shashi V Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 32730690 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2020 Oct
Cohort Expansion and Genotype-Phenotype Analysis of RAB11A-Associated Neurodevelopmental Disorder. Borroto MC, Patel H, Srivastava S, Swanson LC, Keren B, Whalen S, Mignot C, Wang X, Chen Q, Rosenfeld JA, McLean S, Littlejohn RO, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Emrick L, Burrage LC, Attali R, Lesca G, Acquaviva-Bourdain C, Sarret C, Seaver LH, Platzer K, Bartolomaeus T, Wünsch C, Fischer S, Rodriguez Barreto AM, Granadillo JL, Schreiner E, Brunet T, Schatz UA, Thiffault I, Mullegama SV, Michaud JL, Hamdan FF, Rossignol E, Campeau PM Pediatric neurology 39181022 Pediatr Neurol 2024 Nov
De novo variants in CACNA1E found in patients with intellectual disability, developmental regression and social cognition deficit but no seizures. Royer-Bertrand B, Jequier Gygax M, Cisarova K, Rosenfeld JA, Bassetti JA, Moldovan O, O'Heir E, Burrage LC, Allen J, Emrick LT, Eastman E, Kumps C, Abbas S, Van Winckel G, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Chabane N, Zackai EH, Lebon S, Keena B, Bhoj EJ, Umair M, Li D, Donald KA, Superti-Furga A Molecular autism 34702355 Mol Autism 2021 Oct 26
Heterozygous variants in SPTBN1 cause intellectual disability and autism. Rosenfeld JA, Xiao R, Bekheirnia MR, Kanani F, Parker MJ, Koenig MK, van Haeringen A, Ruivenkamp C, Rosmaninho-Salgado J, Almeida PM, Sá J, Pinto Basto J, Palen E, Oetjens KF, Burrage LC, Xia F, Liu P, Eng CM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Yang Y, Posey JE, Lee BH American journal of medical genetics. Part A 33847457 Am J Med Genet A 2021 Jul
PPP3CA truncating variants clustered in the regulatory domain cause early-onset refractory epilepsy. Panneerselvam S, Wang J, Zhu W, Dai H, Pappas JG, Rabin R, Low KJ, Rosenfeld JA, Emrick L, Xiao R, Xia F, Yang Y, Eng CM, Anderson A, Chau V, Soler-Alfonso C, Streff H, Lalani SR, Mercimek-Andrews S, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, DDD Study, Bi W Clinical genetics 33963760 Clin Genet 2021 Aug
Pathogenic Variants in Fucokinase Cause a Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation. Ng BG, Rosenfeld JA, Emrick L, Jain M, Burrage LC, Lee B, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Craigen WJ, Bearden DR, Graham BH, Freeze HH American journal of human genetics 30503518 Am J Hum Genet 2018 Dec 6
Atypical Alexander disease with dystonia, retinopathy, and a brain mass mimicking astrocytoma. Machol K, Jankovic J, Vijayakumar D, Burrage LC, Jain M, Lewis RA, Fuller GN, Xu M, Penas-Prado M, Gule-Monroe MK, Rosenfeld JA, Chen R, Eng CM, Yang Y, Lee BH, Moretti PM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Dhar SU Neurology. Genetics 30046660 Neurol Genet 2018 Aug
Dominant-negative mutations in human IL6ST underlie hyper-IgE syndrome. Béziat V, Tavernier SJ, Chen YH, Ma CS, Materna M, Laurence A, Staal J, Aschenbrenner D, Roels L, Worley L, Claes K, Gartner L, Kohn LA, De Bruyne M, Schmitz-Abe K, Charbonnier LM, Keles S, Nammour J, Vladikine N, Maglorius Renkilaraj MRL, Seeleuthner Y, Migaud M, Rosain J, Jeljeli M, Boisson B, Van Braeckel E, Rosenfeld JA, Dai H, Burrage LC, Murdock DR, Lambrecht BN, Avettand-Fenoel V, Vogel TP, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Esther CR, Haskologlu S, Dogu F, Ciznar P, Boutboul D, Ouachée-Chardin M, Amourette J, Lebras MN, Gauvain C, Tcherakian C, Ikinciogullari A, Beyaert R, Abel L, Milner JD, Grimbacher B, Couderc LJ, Butte MJ, Freeman AF, Catherinot É, Fieschi C, Chatila TA, Tangye SG, Uhlig HH, Haerynck F, Casanova JL, Puel A The Journal of experimental medicine 32207811 J Exp Med 2020 Jun 1
Loss-of-function variants in MYCBP2 cause neurobehavioural phenotypes and corpus callosum defects. AlAbdi L, Desbois M, Rusnac DV, Sulaiman RA, Rosenfeld JA, Lalani S, Murdock DR, Burrage LC, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Billie Au PY, Towner S, Wilson WG, Wong L, Brunet T, Strobl-Wildemann G, Burton JE, Hoganson G, McWalter K, Begtrup A, Zarate YA, Christensen EL, Opperman KJ, Giles AC, Helaby R, Kania A, Zheng N, Grill B, Alkuraya FS Brain : a journal of neurology 36200388 Brain 2023 Apr 19
The contribution of mosaicism to genetic diseases and de novo pathogenic variants. Tinker RJ, Bastarache L, Ezell K, Kobren SN, Esteves C, Rosenfeld JA, Macnamara EF, Hamid R, Cogan JD, Rinker D, Mukharjee S, Glass I, Dipple K, Phillips JA 3rd, Undiagnosed Diseases Network American journal of medical genetics. Part A 37246601 Am J Med Genet A 2023 Oct
Cardiovascular Precision Medicine in the Genomics Era. Dainis AM, Ashley EA JACC. Basic to translational science 30062216 JACC Basic Transl Sci 2018 Apr
Targeted Long-Read RNA Sequencing Demonstrates Transcriptional Diversity Driven by Splice-Site Variation in MYBPC3. Dainis A, Tseng E, Clark TA, Hon T, Wheeler M, Ashley E Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine 31112421 Circ Genom Precis Med 2019 May
Early somatic mosaicism is a rare cause of long-QT syndrome. Priest JR, Gawad C, Kahlig KM, Yu JK, O'Hara T, Boyle PM, Rajamani S, Clark MJ, Garcia ST, Ceresnak S, Harris J, Boyle S, Dewey FE, Malloy-Walton L, Dunn K, Grove M, Perez MV, Neff NF, Chen R, Maeda K, Dubin A, Belardinelli L, West J, Antolik C, Macaya D, Quertermous T, Trayanova NA, Quake SR, Ashley EA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 27681629 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 Oct 11
Medical relevance of protein-truncating variants across 337,205 individuals in the UK Biobank study. DeBoever C, Tanigawa Y, Lindholm ME, McInnes G, Lavertu A, Ingelsson E, Chang C, Ashley EA, Bustamante CD, Daly MJ, Rivas MA Nature communications 29691392 Nat Commun 2018 Apr 24
The Undiagnosed Diseases Program--Reply. Gahl WA, Wise AL, Ashley EA JAMA 27139070 JAMA 2016 May 3
Exome sequencing identifies de novo pathogenic variants in FBN1 and TRPS1 in a patient with a complex connective tissue phenotype. Zastrow DB, Zornio PA, Dries A, Kohler J, Fernandez L, Waggott D, Walkiewicz M, Eng CM, Manning MA, Farrelly E, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Fisher PG, Ashley EA, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies 28050602 Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 2017 Jan
Multidimensional structure-function relationships in human β-cardiac myosin from population-scale genetic variation. Homburger JR, Green EM, Caleshu C, Sunitha MS, Taylor RE, Ruppel KM, Metpally RP, Colan SD, Michels M, Day SM, Olivotto I, Bustamante CD, Dewey FE, Ho CY, Spudich JA, Ashley EA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 27247418 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016 Jun 14
Silencing of MYH7 ameliorates disease phenotypes in human iPSC-cardiomyocytes. Dainis A, Zaleta-Rivera K, Ribeiro A, Chang ACH, Shang C, Lan F, Burridge PW, Liu WR, Wu JC, Chang ACY, Pruitt BL, Wheeler M, Ashley E Physiological genomics 32567507 Physiol Genomics 2020 Jul 1
Characterization of HNRNPA1 mutations defines diversity in pathogenic mechanisms and clinical presentation. Beijer D, Kim HJ, Guo L, O'Donovan K, Mademan I, Deconinck T, Van Schil K, Fare CM, Drake LE, Ford AF, Kochański A, Kabzińska D, Dubuisson N, Van den Bergh P, Voermans NC, Lemmers RJ, van der Maarel SM, Bonner D, Sampson JB, Wheeler MT, Mehrabyan A, Palmer S, De Jonghe P, Shorter J, Taylor JP, Baets J JCI insight 34291734 JCI Insight 2021 Jul 22
Phenotypic Expression, Natural History, and Risk Stratification of Cardiomyopathy Caused by Filamin C Truncating Variants. Gigli M, Stolfo D, Graw SL, Merlo M, Gregorio C, Nee Chen S, Dal Ferro M, PaldinoMD A, De Angelis G, Brun F, Jirikowic J, Salcedo EE, Turja S, Fatkin D, Johnson R, van Tintelen JP, Te Riele ASJM, Wilde AAM, Lakdawala NK, Picard K, Miani D, Muser D, Maria Severini G, Calkins H, James CA, Murray B, Tichnell C, Parikh VN, Ashley EA, Reuter C, Song J, Judge DP, McKenna WJ, Taylor MRG, Sinagra G, Mestroni L Circulation 34587765 Circulation 2021 Nov 16
Implementing the Single Institutional Review Board Model: Lessons from the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Splinter K, Hull SC, Holm IA, McDonough TL, Wise AL, Ramoni RB, Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network Clinical and translational science 28945957 Clin Transl Sci 2018 Jan
Cardiovascular disease: The rise of the genetic risk score. Knowles JW, Ashley EA PLoS medicine 29601582 PLoS Med 2018 Mar
Disseminated Coccidioidomycosis Treated with Interferon-γ and Dupilumab. Tsai M, Thauland TJ, Huang AY, Bun C, Fitzwater S, Krogstad P, Douine ED, Nelson SF, Lee H, Garcia-Lloret MI, Butte MJ The New England journal of medicine 32521134 N Engl J Med 2020 Jun 11
Gain-of-function mutations in ALPK1 cause an NF-κB-mediated autoinflammatory disease: functional assessment, clinical phenotyping and disease course of patients with ROSAH syndrome. Kozycki CT, Kodati S, Huryn L, Wang H, Warner BM, Jani P, Hammoud D, Abu-Asab MS, Jittayasothorn Y, Mattapallil MJ, Tsai WL, Ullah E, Zhou P, Tian X, Soldatos A, Moutsopoulos N, Kao-Hsieh M, Heller T, Cowen EW, Lee CR, Toro C, Kalsi S, Khavandgar Z, Baer A, Beach M, Long Priel D, Nehrebecky M, Rosenzweig S, Romeo T, Deuitch N, Brenchley L, Pelayo E, Zein W, Sen N, Yang AH, Farley G, Sweetser DA, Briere L, Yang J, de Oliveira Poswar F, Schwartz IVD, Silva Alves T, Dusser P, Koné-Paut I, Touitou I, Titah SM, van Hagen PM, van Wijck RTA, van der Spek PJ, Yano H, Benneche A, Apalset EM, Jansson RW, Caspi RR, Kuhns DB, Gadina M, Takada H, Ida H, Nishikomori R, Verrecchia E, Sangiorgi E, Manna R, Brooks BP, Sobrin L, Hufnagel RB, Beck D, Shao F, Ombrello AK, Aksentijevich I, Kastner DL, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Annals of the rheumatic diseases 35868845 Ann Rheum Dis 2022 Oct
Clinical application of a scale to assess genomic healthcare empowerment (GEmS): Process and illustrative case examples. McConkie-Rosell A, Schoch K, Sullivan J, Spillmann RC, Cope H, Tan QK, Palmer CGS, Undiagnosed Disease Network, Hooper SR, Shashi V Journal of genetic counseling 34115423 J Genet Couns 2022 Feb
Bi-allelic ATG4D variants are associated with a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by speech and motor impairment. Morimoto M, Bhambhani V, Gazzaz N, Davids M, Sathiyaseelan P, Macnamara EF, Lange J, Lehman A, Zerfas PM, Murphy JL, Acosta MT, Wang C, Alderman E, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Reichert S, Thurm A, Adams DR, Introne WJ, Gorski SM, Boerkoel CF, Gahl WA, Tifft CJ, Malicdan MCV NPJ genomic medicine 36765070 NPJ Genom Med 2023 Feb 10
MPEG1/Perforin-2 Haploinsufficiency Associated Polymicrobial Skin Infections and Considerations for Interferon-γ Therapy. Merselis LC, Jiang SY, Nelson SF, Lee H, Prabaker KK, Baker JL, Munson GP, Butte MJ Frontiers in immunology 33224153 Front Immunol 2020
Expansion of NEUROD2 phenotypes to include developmental delay without seizures. Mis EK, Sega AG, Signer RH, Cartwright T, Ji W, Martinez-Agosto JA, Nelson SF, Palmer CGS, Lee H, Mitzelfelt T, Konstantino M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Jeffries L, Khokha MK, Marco E, Martin MG, Lakhani SA American journal of medical genetics. Part A 33438828 Am J Med Genet A 2021 Apr
KMT2B-related disorders: expansion of the phenotypic spectrum and long-term efficacy of deep brain stimulation. Cif L, Demailly D, Lin JP, Barwick KE, Sa M, Abela L, Malhotra S, Chong WK, Steel D, Sanchis-Juan A, Ngoh A, Trump N, Meyer E, Vasques X, Rankin J, Allain MW, Applegate CD, Isfahani SA, Baleine J, Balint B, Bassetti JA, Baple EL, Bhatia KP, Blanchet C, Burglen L, Cambonie G, Seng EC, Bastaraud SC, Cyprien F, Coubes C, d'Hardemare V, Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study, Doja A, Dorison N, Doummar D, Dy-Hollins ME, Farrelly E, Fitzpatrick DR, Fearon C, Fieg EL, Fogel BL, Forman EB, Fox RG, Genomics England Research Consortium, Gahl WA, Galosi S, Gonzalez V, Graves TD, Gregory A, Hallett M, Hasegawa H, Hayflick SJ, Hamosh A, Hully M, Jansen S, Jeong SY, Krier JB, Krystal S, Kumar KR, Laurencin C, Lee H, Lesca G, François LL, Lynch T, Mahant N, Martinez-Agosto JA, Milesi C, Mills KA, Mondain M, Morales-Briceno H, NIHR BioResource, Ostergaard JR, Pal S, Pallais JC, Pavillard F, Perrigault PF, Petersen AK, Polo G, Poulen G, Rinne T, Roujeau T, Rogers C, Roubertie A, Sahagian M, Schaefer E, Selim L, Selway R, Sharma N, Signer R, Soldatos AG, Stevenson DA, Stewart F, Tchan M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Verma IC, de Vries BBA, Wilson JL, Wong DA, Zaitoun R, Zhen D, Znaczko A, Dale RC, de Gusmão CM, Friedman J, Fung VSC, King MD, Mohammad SS, Rohena L, Waugh JL, Toro C, Raymond FL, Topf M, Coubes P, Gorman KM, Kurian MA ArXiv 39990802 ArXiv 2025 Feb 10
The genome empowerment scale: An assessment of parental empowerment in families with undiagnosed disease. McConkie-Rosell A, Schoch K, Sullivan J, Cope H, Spillmann R, Palmer CGS, Pena L, Jiang YH, Daniels N, Walley N, Tan KG, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Hooper SR, Shashi V Clinical genetics 31448412 Clin Genet 2019 Dec
Bi-allelic TMEM94 Truncating Variants Are Associated with Neurodevelopmental Delay, Congenital Heart Defects, and Distinct Facial Dysmorphism. Stephen J, Maddirevula S, Nampoothiri S, Burke JD, Herzog M, Shukla A, Steindl K, Eskin A, Patil SJ, Joset P, Lee H, Garrett LJ, Yokoyama T, Balanda N, Bodine SP, Tolman NJ, Zerfas PM, Zheng A, Ramantani G, Girisha KM, Rivas C, Suresh PV, Elkahloun A, Alsaif HS, Wakil SM, Mahmoud L, Ali R, Prochazkova M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network members, Kulkarni AB, Ben-Omran T, Colak D, Morris HD, Rauch A, Martinez-Agosto JA, Nelson SF, Alkuraya FS, Gahl WA, Malicdan MCV American journal of human genetics 30526868 Am J Hum Genet 2018 Dec 6
Myopathy associated with homozygous PYROXD1 pathogenic variants detected by genome sequencing. Woods JD, Khanlou N, Lee H, Signer R, Shieh P, Chen J, Herzog M, Palmer C, Martinez-Agosto J, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Nelson SF Neuropathology : official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology 32037607 Neuropathology 2020 Jun
Increased Menopausal Age Reduces the Risk of Parkinson's Disease: A Mendelian Randomization Approach. Kusters CDJ, Paul KC, Duarte Folle A, Keener AM, Bronstein JM, Bertram L, Hansen J, Horvath S, Sinsheimer JS, Lill CM, Ritz BR Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 34426982 Mov Disord 2021 Oct
De novo variants in EMC1 lead to neurodevelopmental delay and cerebellar degeneration and affect glial function in Drosophila. Chung HL, Rump P, Lu D, Glassford MR, Mok JW, Fatih J, Basal A, Marcogliese PC, Kanca O, Rapp M, Fock JM, Kamsteeg EJ, Lupski JR, Larson A, Haninbal MC, Bellen H, Harel T Human molecular genetics 35234901 Hum Mol Genet 2022 Sep 29
Genetic Variants Associated With Mineral Metabolism Traits in Chronic Kidney Disease. Laster ML, Rowan B, Chen HC, Schwantes-An TH, Sheng X, Friedman PA, Ikizler TA, Sinshiemer JS, Ix JH, Susztak K, de Boer IH, Kestenbaum B, Hung A, Moe SM, Perwad F, Robinson-Cohen C The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 35587600 J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2022 Aug 18
Reanalysis of RNA sequencing data ends diagnostic odyssey and expands the phenotypic spectrum of congenital titinopathy. McNamee L, Schoch K, Huang A, Lee H, Wang LK, Smith EC, Lark RK, Buckley AF, Jobanputra V, Nelson SF, Shashi V, Undiagnosed Diseases Network American journal of medical genetics. Part A 38924341 Am J Med Genet A 2024 Nov
Data sharing in the undiagnosed diseases network. Brownstein CA, Holm IA, Ramoni R, Goldstein DB, Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network Human mutation 26220576 Hum Mutat 2015 Oct
GABRG2 Variants Associated with Febrile Seizures. Hernandez CC, Shen Y, Hu N, Shen W, Narayanan V, Ramsey K, He W, Zou L, Macdonald RL Biomolecules 36979350 Biomolecules 2023 Feb 22
The frontiers of sequencing in undiagnosed neurodevelopmental diseases. Lee H, Nelson SF Current opinion in genetics & development 32599523 Curr Opin Genet Dev 2020 Dec
KMT2B-related disorders: expansion of the phenotypic spectrum and long-term efficacy of deep brain stimulation. Cif L, Demailly D, Lin JP, Barwick KE, Sa M, Abela L, Malhotra S, Chong WK, Steel D, Sanchis-Juan A, Ngoh A, Trump N, Meyer E, Vasques X, Rankin J, Allain MW, Applegate CD, Attaripour Isfahani S, Baleine J, Balint B, Bassetti JA, Baple EL, Bhatia KP, Blanchet C, Burglen L, Cambonie G, Seng EC, Bastaraud SC, Cyprien F, Coubes C, d'Hardemare V, Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study, Doja A, Dorison N, Doummar D, Dy-Hollins ME, Farrelly E, Fitzpatrick DR, Fearon C, Fieg EL, Fogel BL, Forman EB, Fox RG, Genomics England Research Consortium, Gahl WA, Galosi S, Gonzalez V, Graves TD, Gregory A, Hallett M, Hasegawa H, Hayflick SJ, Hamosh A, Hully M, Jansen S, Jeong SY, Krier JB, Krystal S, Kumar KR, Laurencin C, Lee H, Lesca G, François LL, Lynch T, Mahant N, Martinez-Agosto JA, Milesi C, Mills KA, Mondain M, Morales-Briceno H, NIHR BioResource, Ostergaard JR, Pal S, Pallais JC, Pavillard F, Perrigault PF, Petersen AK, Polo G, Poulen G, Rinne T, Roujeau T, Rogers C, Roubertie A, Sahagian M, Schaefer E, Selim L, Selway R, Sharma N, Signer R, Soldatos AG, Stevenson DA, Stewart F, Tchan M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Verma IC, de Vries BBA, Wilson JL, Wong DA, Zaitoun R, Zhen D, Znaczko A, Dale RC, de Gusmão CM, Friedman J, Fung VSC, King MD, Mohammad SS, Rohena L, Waugh JL, Toro C, Raymond FL, Topf M, Coubes P, Gorman KM, Kurian MA Brain : a journal of neurology 33150406 Brain 2020 Dec 5
An autosomal dominant neurological disorder caused by de novo variants in FAR1 resulting in uncontrolled synthesis of ether lipids. Ferdinandusse S, McWalter K, Te Brinke H, IJlst L, Mooijer PM, Ruiter JPN, van Lint AEM, Pras-Raves M, Wever E, Millan F, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Begtrup A, Tarnopolsky M, Brady L, Ladda RL, Sell SL, Nowak CB, Douglas J, Tian C, Ulm E, Perlman S, Drack AV, Chong K, Martin N, Brault J, Brokamp E, Toro C, Gahl WA, Macnamara EF, Wolfe L, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Waisfisz Q, Zwijnenburg PJG, Ziegler A, Barth M, Smith R, Ellingwood S, Gaebler-Spira D, Bakhtiari S, Kruer MC, van Kampen AHC, Wanders RJA, Waterham HR, Cassiman D, Vaz FM Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 33239752 Genet Med 2021 Apr
De novo variants in DENND5B cause a neurodevelopmental disorder. Scala M, Tomati V, Ferla M, Lena M, Cohen JS, Fatemi A, Brokamp E, Bican A, Phillips JA 3rd, Koziura ME, Nicouleau M, Rio M, Siquier K, Boddaert N, Musante I, Tamburro S, Baldassari S, Iacomino M, Scudieri P, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Rosenfeld JA, Bellus G, Reed S, Al Saif H, Russo RS, Walsh MB, Cantagrel V, Crunk A, Gustincich S, Ruggiero SM, Fitzgerald MP, Helbig I, Striano P, Severino M, Salpietro V, Pedemonte N, Zara F American journal of human genetics 38387458 Am J Hum Genet 2024 Mar 7
Cases from the Undiagnosed Diseases Network: The continued value of counseling skills in a new genomic era. Macnamara EF, Schoch K, Glanton E, Fieg E, Brokamp E, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Signer R, LeBlanc K, McConkie-Rosell A, Palmer CGS Journal of genetic counseling 30680851 J Genet Couns 2019 Apr
Novel NUDT2 variant causes intellectual disability and polyneuropathy. Diaz F, Khosa S, Niyazov D, Lee H, Person R, Morrow MM, Signer R, Dorrani N, Zheng A, Herzog M, Freundlich R, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Birath JB, Cervantes-Manzo Y, Martinez-Agosto JA, Palmer C, Nelson SF, Fogel BL, Mishra SK Annals of clinical and translational neurology 33058507 Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2020 Nov
The Undiagnosed Diseases Network: Characteristics of solvable applicants and diagnostic suggestions for nonaccepted ones. Mulvihill JJ, Findley L, Ni W, Sinsheimer JS, Cole FS, Esteves C, Bernstein JA, Newman JH, Wheeler MT, Mokry JR, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 38967101 Genet Med 2024 Oct
Psychosocial Profiles of Parents of Children with Undiagnosed Diseases: Managing Well or Just Managing? McConkie-Rosell A, Hooper SR, Pena LDM, Schoch K, Spillmann RC, Jiang YH, Cope H, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Palmer C, Shashi V Journal of genetic counseling 29297108 J Genet Couns 2018 Aug
Family genetic result communication in rare and undiagnosed disease communities: Understanding the practice. Studwell CM, Glanton E, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Sinsheimer JS, Palmer CGS, LeBlanc K Journal of genetic counseling 33108040 J Genet Couns 2021 Apr
Continuing a search for a diagnosis: the impact of adolescence and family dynamics. Miller IM, Yashar BM, Undiagnosed Disease Network, Macnamara EF Orphanet journal of rare diseases 36624503 Orphanet J Rare Dis 2023 Jan 9
De novo missense variants in phosphatidylinositol kinase PIP5KIγ underlie a neurodevelopmental syndrome associated with altered phosphoinositide signaling. Morleo M, Venditti R, Theodorou E, Briere LC, Rosello M, Tirozzi A, Tammaro R, Al-Badri N, High FA, Shi J, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Telethon Undiagnosed Diseases Program, Putti E, Ferrante L, Cetrangolo V, Torella A, Walker MA, Tenconi R, Iascone M, Mei D, Guerrini R, van der Smagt J, Kroes HY, van Gassen KLI, Bilal M, Umair M, Pingault V, Attie-Bitach T, Amiel J, Ejaz R, Rodan L, Zollino M, Agrawal PB, Del Bene F, Nigro V, Sweetser DA, Franco B American journal of human genetics 37451268 Am J Hum Genet 2023 Aug 3
Dominant missense variants in SREBF2 are associated with complex dermatological, neurological, and skeletal abnormalities. Moulton MJ, Atala K, Zheng Y, Dutta D, Grange DK, Lin WW, Wegner DJ, Wambach JA, Duker AL, Bober MB, Kratz L, Wise CA, Oxendine I, Khanshour A, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Cole FS, Rios J, Bellen HJ Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 38847193 Genet Med 2024 Sep
Inherited CHST11/MIR3922 deletion is associated with a novel recessive syndrome presenting with skeletal malformation and malignant lymphoproliferative disease. Chopra SS, Leshchiner I, Duzkale H, McLaughlin H, Giovanni M, Zhang C, Stitziel N, Fingeroth J, Joyce RM, Lebo M, Rehm H, Vuzman D, Maas R, Sunyaev SR, Murray M, Cassa CA Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 26436107 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2015 Sep
Tissue Specificity of Human Disease Module. Kitsak M, Sharma A, Menche J, Guney E, Ghiassian SD, Loscalzo J, Barabási AL Scientific reports 27748412 Sci Rep 2016 Oct 17
Comparison of Protein N-Homocysteinylation in Rat Plasma under Elevated Homocysteine Using a Specific Chemical Labeling Method. Zang T, Pottenplackel LP, Handy DE, Loscalzo J, Dai S, Deth RC, Zhou ZS, Ma J Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 27617989 Molecules 2016 Sep 8
The Future of Genetics and Genomics: Closing the Phenotype Gap in Precision Medicine. MacRae CA, Vasan RS Circulation 27324359 Circulation 2016 Jun 21
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A reference map of the human binary protein interactome. Luck K, Kim DK, Lambourne L, Spirohn K, Begg BE, Bian W, Brignall R, Cafarelli T, Campos-Laborie FJ, Charloteaux B, Choi D, Coté AG, Daley M, Deimling S, Desbuleux A, Dricot A, Gebbia M, Hardy MF, Kishore N, Knapp JJ, Kovács IA, Lemmens I, Mee MW, Mellor JC, Pollis C, Pons C, Richardson AD, Schlabach S, Teeking B, Yadav A, Babor M, Balcha D, Basha O, Bowman-Colin C, Chin SF, Choi SG, Colabella C, Coppin G, D'Amata C, De Ridder D, De Rouck S, Duran-Frigola M, Ennajdaoui H, Goebels F, Goehring L, Gopal A, Haddad G, Hatchi E, Helmy M, Jacob Y, Kassa Y, Landini S, Li R, van Lieshout N, MacWilliams A, Markey D, Paulson JN, Rangarajan S, Rasla J, Rayhan A, Rolland T, San-Miguel A, Shen Y, Sheykhkarimli D, Sheynkman GM, Simonovsky E, Taşan M, Tejeda A, Tropepe V, Twizere JC, Wang Y, Weatheritt RJ, Weile J, Xia Y, Yang X, Yeger-Lotem E, Zhong Q, Aloy P, Bader GD, De Las Rivas J, Gaudet S, Hao T, Rak J, Tavernier J, Hill DE, Vidal M, Roth FP, Calderwood MA Nature 32296183 Nature 2020 Apr
The role of glutathione peroxidase-1 in health and disease. Handy DE, Loscalzo J Free radical biology & medicine 35691509 Free Radic Biol Med 2022 Aug 1
De Novo Variants in the ATPase Module of MORC2 Cause a Neurodevelopmental Disorder with Growth Retardation and Variable Craniofacial Dysmorphism. Guillen Sacoto MJ, Tchasovnikarova IA, Torti E, Forster C, Andrew EH, Anselm I, Baranano KW, Briere LC, Cohen JS, Craigen WJ, Cytrynbaum C, Ekhilevitch N, Elrick MJ, Fatemi A, Fraser JL, Gallagher RC, Guerin A, Haynes D, High FA, Inglese CN, Kiss C, Koenig MK, Krier J, Lindstrom K, Marble M, Meddaugh H, Moran ES, Morel CF, Mu W, Muller EA 2nd, Nance J, Natowicz MR, Numis AL, Ostrem B, Pappas J, Stafstrom CE, Streff H, Sweetser DA, Szybowska M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Walker MA, Wang W, Weiss K, Weksberg R, Wheeler PG, Yoon G, Kingston RE, Juusola J American journal of human genetics 32693025 Am J Hum Genet 2020 Aug 6
L-2-Hydroxyglutarate Protects Against Cardiac Injury via Metabolic Remodeling. He H, Mulhern RM, Oldham WM, Xiao W, Lin YD, Liao R, Loscalzo J Circulation research 36043417 Circ Res 2022 Sep 16
A novel DPH5-related diphthamide-deficiency syndrome causing embryonic lethality or profound neurodevelopmental disorder. Shankar SP, Grimsrud K, Lanoue L, Egense A, Willis B, Hörberg J, AlAbdi L, Mayer K, Ütkür K, Monaghan KG, Krier J, Stoler J, Alnemer M, Shankar PR, Schaffrath R, Alkuraya FS, Brinkmann U, Eriksson LA, Lloyd K, Rauen KA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 36205747 Genet Med 2022 Oct
Target identification among known drugs by deep learning from heterogeneous networks. Zeng X, Zhu S, Lu W, Liu Z, Huang J, Zhou Y, Fang J, Huang Y, Guo H, Li L, Trapp BD, Nussinov R, Eng C, Loscalzo J, Cheng F Chemical science 34123272 Chem Sci 2020 Jan 13
Closing the Genotype-Phenotype Loop for Precision Medicine. MacRae CA, Seidman CE Circulation 29038206 Circulation 2017 Oct 17
Network-based approach to prediction and population-based validation of in silico drug repurposing. Cheng F, Desai RJ, Handy DE, Wang R, Schneeweiss S, Barabási AL, Loscalzo J Nature communications 30002366 Nat Commun 2018 Jul 12
GAPDH inhibits intracellular pathways during starvation for cellular energy homeostasis. Yang JS, Hsu JW, Park SY, Li J, Oldham WM, Beznoussenko GV, Mironov AA, Loscalzo J, Hsu VW Nature 30209366 Nature 2018 Sep
Network Analysis to Risk Stratify Patients With Exercise Intolerance. Oldham WM, Oliveira RKF, Wang RS, Opotowsky AR, Rubins DM, Hainer J, Wertheim BM, Alba GA, Choudhary G, Tornyos A, MacRae CA, Loscalzo J, Leopold JA, Waxman AB, Olschewski H, Kovacs G, Systrom DM, Maron BA Circulation research 29437835 Circ Res 2018 Mar 16
Multiomics Network Medicine Approaches to Precision Medicine and Therapeutics in Cardiovascular Diseases. Wang RS, Maron BA, Loscalzo J Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 36794589 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2023 Apr
Expression of CD70 Modulates Nitric Oxide and Redox Status in Endothelial Cells. Pandey AK, Waldeck-Weiermair M, Wells QS, Xiao W, Yadav S, Eroglu E, Michel T, Loscalzo J Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 35924558 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2022 Sep
Metabolic Responses to Reductive Stress. Xiao W, Loscalzo J Antioxidants & redox signaling 31218894 Antioxid Redox Signal 2020 Jun
Epigenetic Inheritance Underlying Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Napoli C, Benincasa G, Loscalzo J Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 30727752 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2019 Apr
Illuminating drug action by network integration of disease genes: a case study of myocardial infarction. Wang RS, Loscalzo J Molecular bioSystems 27004607 Mol Biosyst 2016 Apr 26
A genome-wide positioning systems network algorithm for in silico drug repurposing. Cheng F, Lu W, Liu C, Fang J, Hou Y, Handy DE, Wang R, Zhao Y, Yang Y, Huang J, Hill DE, Vidal M, Eng C, Loscalzo J Nature communications 31375661 Nat Commun 2019 Aug 2
The Impact of Whole-Genome Sequencing on the Primary Care and Outcomes of Healthy Adult Patients: A Pilot Randomized Trial. Vassy JL, Christensen KD, Schonman EF, Blout CL, Robinson JO, Krier JB, Diamond PM, Lebo M, Machini K, Azzariti DR, Dukhovny D, Bates DW, MacRae CA, Murray MF, Rehm HL, McGuire AL, Green RC, MedSeq Project Annals of internal medicine 28654958 Ann Intern Med 2017 Aug 1
Ciliopathy patient variants reveal organelle-specific functions for TUBB4B in axonemal microtubules. Dodd DO, Mechaussier S, Yeyati PL, McPhie F, Anderson JR, Khoo CJ, Shoemark A, Gupta DK, Attard T, Zariwala MA, Legendre M, Bracht D, Wallmeier J, Gui M, Fassad MR, Parry DA, Tennant PA, Meynert A, Wheway G, Fares-Taie L, Black HA, Mitri-Frangieh R, Faucon C, Kaplan J, Patel M, McKie L, Megaw R, Gatsogiannis C, Mohamed MA, Aitken S, Gautier P, Reinholt FR, Hirst RA, O'Callaghan C, Heimdal K, Bottier M, Escudier E, Crowley S, Descartes M, Jabs EW, Kenia P, Amiel J, Bacci GM, Calogero C, Palazzo V, Tiberi L, Blümlein U, Rogers A, Wambach JA, Wegner DJ, Fulton AB, Kenna M, Rosenfeld M, Holm IA, Quigley A, Hall EA, Murphy LC, Cassidy DM, von Kriegsheim A, Scottish Genomes Partnership16, Genomics England Research Consortium45, Undiagnosed Diseases Network46, Papon JF, Pasquier L, Murris MS, Chalmers JD, Hogg C, Macleod KA, Urquhart DS, Unger S, Aitman TJ, Amselem S, Leigh MW, Knowles MR, Omran H, Mitchison HM, Brown A, Marsh JA, Welburn JPI, Ti SC, Horani A, Rozet JM, Perrault I, Mill P Science (New York, N.Y.) 38662826 Science 2024 Apr 26
Multi-Omics and Single-Cell Omics: New Tools in Drug Target Discovery. Loscalzo J Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 38536899 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2024 Apr
Individualized interactomes for network-based precision medicine in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with implications for other clinical pathophenotypes. Maron BA, Wang RS, Shevtsov S, Drakos SG, Arons E, Wever-Pinzon O, Huggins GS, Samokhin AO, Oldham WM, Aguib Y, Yacoub MH, Rowin EJ, Maron BJ, Maron MS, Loscalzo J Nature communications 33558530 Nat Commun 2021 Feb 8
Moving Beyond the Sarcomere to Explain Heterogeneity in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: JACC Review Topic of the Week. Maron BJ, Maron MS, Maron BA, Loscalzo J Journal of the American College of Cardiology 31000001 J Am Coll Cardiol 2019 Apr 23
Repurposing Drugs for the Treatment of COVID-19 and Its Cardiovascular Manifestations. Wang RS, Loscalzo J Circulation research 37167362 Circ Res 2023 May 12
Genomic sequencing in clinical practice: applications, challenges, and opportunities. Krier JB, Kalia SS, Green RC Dialogues in clinical neuroscience 27757064 Dialogues Clin Neurosci 2016 Sep
Efficient Computational Modeling of Human Ventricular Activation and Its Electrocardiographic Representation: A Sensitivity Study. Cranford JP, O'Hara TJ, Villongco CT, Hafez OM, Blake RC, Loscalzo J, Fattebert JL, Richards DF, Zhang X, Glosli JN, McCulloch AD, Krummen DE, Lightstone FC, Wong SE Cardiovascular engineering and technology 29549620 Cardiovasc Eng Technol 2018 Sep
Network-Based Disease Module Discovery by a Novel Seed Connector Algorithm with Pathobiological Implications. Wang RS, Loscalzo J Journal of molecular biology 29791871 J Mol Biol 2018 Sep 14
Nutri(meta)genetics and cardiovascular disease: novel concepts in the interaction of diet and genomic variation. Joseph J, Loscalzo J Current atherosclerosis reports 25782777 Curr Atheroscler Rep 2015 May
The application of big data to cardiovascular disease: paths to precision medicine. Leopold JA, Maron BA, Loscalzo J The Journal of clinical investigation 31895052 J Clin Invest 2020 Jan 2
Pharmacogenomics and Placebo Response in a Randomized Clinical Trial in Asthma. Wang RS, Croteau-Chonka DC, Silverman EK, Loscalzo J, Weiss ST, Hall KT Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 31557306 Clin Pharmacol Ther 2019 Dec
Analysis of redox landscapes and dynamics in living cells and in vivo using genetically encoded fluorescent sensors. Zou Y, Wang A, Shi M, Chen X, Liu R, Li T, Zhang C, Zhang Z, Zhu L, Ju Z, Loscalzo J, Yang Y, Zhao Y Nature protocols 30258175 Nat Protoc 2018 Oct
An integrated clinical program and crowdsourcing strategy for genomic sequencing and Mendelian disease gene discovery. Haghighi A, Krier JB, Toth-Petroczy A, Cassa CA, Frank NY, Carmichael N, Fieg E, Bjonnes A, Mohanty A, Briere LC, Lincoln S, Lucia S, Gupta VA, Söylemez O, Sutti S, Kooshesh K, Qiu H, Fay CJ, Perroni V, Valerius J, Hanna M, Frank A, Ouahed J, Snapper SB, Pantazi A, Chopra SS, Leshchiner I, Stitziel NO, Feldweg A, Mannstadt M, Loscalzo J, Sweetser DA, Liao E, Stoler JM, Nowak CB, Sanchez-Lara PA, Klein OD, Perry H, Patsopoulos NA, Raychaudhuri S, Goessling W, Green RC, Seidman CE, MacRae CA, Sunyaev SR, Maas RL, Vuzman D, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Brigham and Women’s Hospital FaceBase Project, Brigham Genomic Medicine (BGM) NPJ genomic medicine 30131872 NPJ Genom Med 2018
The Undiagnosed Diseases Network as a Tool for Graduate Medical Education. Aday AW, Krier JB, Pallais JC, Fieg EL, MacRae CA, Loscalzo J, Members of the UDN The American journal of medicine 31301294 Am J Med 2020 Feb
COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease: From Bench to Bedside. Chung MK, Zidar DA, Bristow MR, Cameron SJ, Chan T, Harding CV 3rd, Kwon DH, Singh T, Tilton JC, Tsai EJ, Tucker NR, Barnard J, Loscalzo J Circulation research 33856918 Circ Res 2021 Apr 16
Early-pregnancy transcriptome signatures of preeclampsia: from peripheral blood to placenta. Yadama AP, Maiorino E, Carey VJ, McElrath TF, Litonjua AA, Loscalzo J, Weiss ST, Mirzakhani H Scientific reports 33046794 Sci Rep 2020 Oct 12
Importance of scientific collaboration in contemporary drug discovery and development: a detailed network analysis. Cheng F, Ma Y, Uzzi B, Loscalzo J BMC biology 33050894 BMC Biol 2020 Oct 13
A homozygous splice variant in ATP5PO, disrupts mitochondrial complex V function and causes Leigh syndrome in two unrelated families. Ganapathi M, Friocourt G, Gueguen N, Friederich MW, Le Gac G, Okur V, Loaëc N, Ludwig T, Ka C, Tanji K, Marcorelles P, Theodorou E, Lignelli-Dipple A, Voisset C, Walker MA, Briere LC, Bourhis A, Blondel M, LeDuc C, Hagen J, Cooper C, Muraresku C, Ferec C, Garenne A, Lelez-Soquet S, Rogers CA, Shen Y, Strode DK, Bizargity P, Iglesias A, Goldstein A, High FA, Network UD, Sweetser DA, Ganetzky R, Van Hove JLK, Procaccio V, Le Marechal C, Chung WK Journal of inherited metabolic disease 35621276 J Inherit Metab Dis 2022 Sep
A crosslinked dextran sulfate-chitosan nanoparticle for delivery of therapeutic heparin-binding proteins. Guarino VA, Blau A, Alvarenga J, Loscalzo J, Zhang YY International journal of pharmaceutics 34775044 Int J Pharm 2021 Dec 15
A systematic comprehensive longitudinal evaluation of dietary factors associated with acute myocardial infarction and fatal coronary heart disease. Milanlouei S, Menichetti G, Li Y, Loscalzo J, Willett WC, Barabási AL Nature communications 33247093 Nat Commun 2020 Nov 27
A dynamic single cell-based framework for digital twins to prioritize disease genes and drug targets. Li X, Lee EJ, Lilja S, Loscalzo J, Schäfer S, Smelik M, Strobl MR, Sysoev O, Wang H, Zhang H, Zhao Y, Gawel DR, Bohle B, Benson M Genome medicine 35513850 Genome Med 2022 May 6
Network medicine framework for identifying drug-repurposing opportunities for COVID-19. Morselli Gysi D, do Valle Í, Zitnik M, Ameli A, Gan X, Varol O, Ghiassian SD, Patten JJ, Davey RA, Loscalzo J, Barabási AL Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 33906951 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021 May 11
Allelic strengths of encephalopathy-associated UBA5 variants correlate between in vivo and in vitro assays. Pan X, Alvarez AN, Ma M, Lu S, Crawford MW, Briere LC, Kanca O, Yamamoto S, Sweetser DA, Wilson JL, Napier RJ, Pruneda JN, Bellen HJ eLife 38079206 Elife 2023 Dec 11
Disease networks. Uncovering disease-disease relationships through the incomplete interactome. Menche J, Sharma A, Kitsak M, Ghiassian SD, Vidal M, Loscalzo J, Barabási AL Science (New York, N.Y.) 25700523 Science 2015 Feb 20
Genetically encoded fluorescent sensors reveal dynamic regulation of NADPH metabolism. Tao R, Zhao Y, Chu H, Wang A, Zhu J, Chen X, Zou Y, Shi M, Liu R, Su N, Du J, Zhou HM, Zhu L, Qian X, Liu H, Loscalzo J, Yang Y Nature methods 28581494 Nat Methods 2017 Jul
Emerging Role of Precision Medicine in Cardiovascular Disease. Leopold JA, Loscalzo J Circulation research 29700074 Circ Res 2018 Apr 27
An argument for early genomic sequencing in atypical cases: a WISP3 variant leads to diagnosis of progressive pseudorheumatoid arthropathy of childhood. Cassa CA, Smith SE, Docken W, Hoffman E, McLaughlin H, Chun S, Leshchiner I, Miraoui H, Raychaudhuri S, Frank NY, Wilson BJ, Sunyaev SR, Maas RL, Brigham Genomic Medicine, Vuzman D Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 26493744 Rheumatology (Oxford) 2016 Mar
Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of GABRG2 variants: a recurrent GABRG2 missense variant associated with a severe phenotype. Zou F, McWalter K, Schmidt L, Decker A, Picker JD, Lincoln S, Sweetser DA, Briere LC, Harini C, Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Marsh E, Medne L, Wang RY, Leydiker K, Mower A, Visser G, Cuppen I, van Gassen KL, van der Smagt J, Yousaf A, Tennison M, Shanmugham A, Butler E, Richard G, McKnight D Journal of neurogenetics 28460589 J Neurogenet 2017 Mar-Jun
MYC overrides HIF-1α to regulate proliferating primary cell metabolism in hypoxia. Copeland CA, Olenchock BA, Ziehr D, McGarrity S, Leahy K, Young JD, Loscalzo J, Oldham WM eLife 37428010 Elife 2023 Jul 10
Phenomics and Robust Multiomics Data for Cardiovascular Disease Subtyping. Maiorino E, Loscalzo J Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 37226730 Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2023 Jul
Assessment of community efforts to advance network-based prediction of protein-protein interactions. Wang XW, Madeddu L, Spirohn K, Martini L, Fazzone A, Becchetti L, Wytock TP, Kovács IA, Balogh OM, Benczik B, Pétervári M, Ágg B, Ferdinandy P, Vulliard L, Menche J, Colonnese S, Petti M, Scarano G, Cuomo F, Hao T, Laval F, Willems L, Twizere JC, Vidal M, Calderwood MA, Petrillo E, Barabási AL, Silverman EK, Loscalzo J, Velardi P, Liu YY Nature communications 36949045 Nat Commun 2023 Mar 22
Allelic strengths of encephalopathy-associated UBA5 variants correlate between in vivo and in vitro assays. Pan X, Alvarez AN, Ma M, Lu S, Crawford MW, Briere LC, Kanca O, Yamamoto S, Sweetser DA, Wilson JL, Napier RJ, Pruneda JN, Bellen HJ medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37502976 medRxiv 2023 Oct 2
Network Medicine Framework for Identifying Drug Repurposing Opportunities for COVID-19. Morselli Gysi D, Do Valle Í, Zitnik M, Ameli A, Gan X, Varol O, Ghiassian SD, Patten JJ, Davey R, Loscalzo J, Barabási AL ArXiv 32550253 ArXiv 2020 Apr 15
Network determinants of cardiovascular calcification and repositioned drug treatments. Song E, Wang RS, Leopold JA, Loscalzo J FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 32638415 FASEB J 2020 Aug
A description of novel variants and review of phenotypic spectrum in UBA5-related early epileptic encephalopathy. Briere LC, Walker MA, High FA, Cooper C, Rogers CA, Callahan CJ, Ishimura R, Ichimura Y, Caruso PA, Sharma N, Brokamp E, Koziura ME, Mohammad SS, Dale RC, Riley LG, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Phillips JA, Komatsu M, Sweetser DA Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies 33811063 Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 2021 Jun
Comprehensive characterization of protein-protein interactions perturbed by disease mutations. Cheng F, Zhao J, Wang Y, Lu W, Liu Z, Zhou Y, Martin WR, Wang R, Huang J, Hao T, Yue H, Ma J, Hou Y, Castrillon JA, Fang J, Lathia JD, Keri RA, Lightstone FC, Antman EM, Rabadan R, Hill DE, Eng C, Vidal M, Loscalzo J Nature genetics 33558758 Nat Genet 2021 Mar
Piezo mechanosensory channels regulate centrosome integrity and mitotic entry. David L, Martinez L, Xi Q, Kooshesh KA, Zhang Y, Shah JV, Maas RL, Wu H Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 36574677 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Jan 3
A seed sequence variant in miR-145-5p causes multisystem smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome. Lino Cardenas CL, Briere LC, Sweetser DA, Lindsay ME, Musolino PL The Journal of clinical investigation 36649075 J Clin Invest 2023 Mar 1
De Novo Pathogenic Variants in N-cadherin Cause a Syndromic Neurodevelopmental Disorder with Corpus Collosum, Axon, Cardiac, Ocular, and Genital Defects. Accogli A, Calabretta S, St-Onge J, Boudrahem-Addour N, Dionne-Laporte A, Joset P, Azzarello-Burri S, Rauch A, Krier J, Fieg E, Pallais JC, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, McConkie-Rosell A, McDonald M, Freedman SF, Rivière JB, Lafond-Lapalme J, Simpson BN, Hopkin RJ, Trimouille A, Van-Gils J, Begtrup A, McWalter K, Delphine H, Keren B, Genevieve D, Argilli E, Sherr EH, Severino M, Rouleau GA, Yam PT, Charron F, Srour M American journal of human genetics 31585109 Am J Hum Genet 2019 Oct 3
Ultrasensitive sensors reveal the spatiotemporal landscape of lactate metabolism in physiology and disease. Li X, Zhang Y, Xu L, Wang A, Zou Y, Li T, Huang L, Chen W, Liu S, Jiang K, Zhang X, Wang D, Zhang L, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Chen X, Jia W, Zhao A, Yan X, Zhou H, Zhu L, Ma X, Ju Z, Jia W, Wang C, Loscalzo J, Yang Y, Zhao Y Cell metabolism 36309010 Cell Metab 2023 Jan 3
Molecular networks in Network Medicine: Development and applications. Silverman EK, Schmidt HHHW, Anastasiadou E, Altucci L, Angelini M, Badimon L, Balligand JL, Benincasa G, Capasso G, Conte F, Di Costanzo A, Farina L, Fiscon G, Gatto L, Gentili M, Loscalzo J, Marchese C, Napoli C, Paci P, Petti M, Quackenbush J, Tieri P, Viggiano D, Vilahur G, Glass K, Baumbach J Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Systems biology and medicine 32307915 Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med 2020 Nov
Precision Medicine. Loscalzo J Circulation research 30920923 Circ Res 2019 Mar 29
Identification of potent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 infection by combined pharmacological evaluation and cellular network prioritization. Patten JJ, Keiser PT, Morselli-Gysi D, Menichetti G, Mori H, Donahue CJ, Gan X, Valle ID, Geoghegan-Barek K, Anantpadma M, Boytz R, Berrigan JL, Stubbs SH, Ayazika T, O'Leary C, Jalloh S, Wagner F, Ayehunie S, Elledge SJ, Anderson D, Loscalzo J, Zitnik M, Gummuluru S, Namchuk MN, Barabási AL, Davey RA iScience 35992305 iScience 2022 Sep 16
A novel DPH5-related diphthamide-deficiency syndrome causing embryonic lethality or profound neurodevelopmental disorder. Shankar SP, Grimsrud K, Lanoue L, Egense A, Willis B, Hörberg J, AlAbdi L, Mayer K, Ütkür K, Monaghan KG, Krier J, Stoler J, Alnemer M, Shankar PR, Schaffrath R, Alkuraya FS, Brinkmann U, Eriksson LA, Lloyd K, Rauen KA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 35482014 Genet Med 2022 Jul
Pathogenic MAST3 Variants in the STK Domain Are Associated with Epilepsy. Spinelli E, Christensen KR, Bryant E, Schneider A, Rakotomamonjy J, Muir AM, Giannelli J, Littlejohn RO, Roeder ER, Schmidt B, Wilson WG, Marco EJ, Iwama K, Kumada S, Pisano T, Barba C, Vetro A, Brilstra EH, van Jaarsveld RH, Matsumoto N, Goldberg-Stern H, Carney PW, Andrews PI, El Achkar CM, Berkovic S, Rodan LH, Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), McWalter K, Guerrini R, Scheffer IE, Mefford HC, Mandelstam S, Laux L, Millichap JJ, Guemez-Gamboa A, Nairn AC, Carvill GL Annals of neurology 34185323 Ann Neurol 2021 Aug
Integrating pharmacogenomics and cheminformatics with diverse disease phenotypes for cell type-guided drug discovery. Halu A, Chelvanambi S, Decano JL, Matamalas JT, Whelan M, Asano T, Kalicharran N, Singh SA, Loscalzo J, Aikawa M Genome medicine 39833831 Genome Med 2025 Jan 20
Genomics in medicine: a novel elective rotation for internal medicine residents. Geng LN, Kohler JN, Levonian P, Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Bernstein JA, Ford JM, Ahuja N, Witteles R, Hom J, Wheeler M Postgraduate medical journal 31439813 Postgrad Med J 2019 Oct
Drug-Placebo Additivity in Randomized Clinical Trials. Hall KT, Loscalzo J Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 31502253 Clin Pharmacol Ther 2019 Dec
Fine-Tuning of PGC1α Expression Regulates Cardiac Function and Longevity. Zhu X, Shen W, Yao K, Wang H, Liu B, Li T, Song L, Diao D, Mao G, Huang P, Li C, Zhang H, Zou Y, Qiu Y, Zhao Y, Wang W, Yang Y, Hu Z, Auwerx J, Loscalzo J, Zhou Y, Ju Z Circulation research 31412728 Circ Res 2019 Sep 13
Immunometabolic Endothelial Phenotypes: Integrating Inflammation and Glucose Metabolism. Xiao W, Oldham WM, Priolo C, Pandey AK, Loscalzo J Circulation research 33890812 Circ Res 2021 Jun 25
NEDD9 Is a Novel and Modifiable Mediator of Platelet-Endothelial Adhesion in the Pulmonary Circulation. Alba GA, Samokhin AO, Wang RS, Zhang YY, Wertheim BM, Arons E, Greenfield EA, Lundberg Slingsby MH, Ceglowski JR, Haley KJ, Bowman FP, Yu YR, Haney JC, Eng G, Mitchell RN, Sheets A, Vargas SO, Seo S, Channick RN, Leary PJ, Rajagopal S, Loscalzo J, Battinelli EM, Maron BA American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 33523764 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2021 Jun 15
Adaptions to Hypoxia and Redox Stress: Essential Concepts Confounded by Misleading Terminology. Loscalzo J Circulation research 27492841 Circ Res 2016 Aug 5
Genetic Misdiagnoses and the Potential for Health Disparities. Manrai AK, Funke BH, Rehm HL, Olesen MS, Maron BA, Szolovits P, Margulies DM, Loscalzo J, Kohane IS The New England journal of medicine 27532831 N Engl J Med 2016 Aug 18
Rare Variants in the Functional Domains of Complement Factor H Are Associated With Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Triebwasser MP, Roberson ED, Yu Y, Schramm EC, Wagner EK, Raychaudhuri S, Seddon JM, Atkinson JP Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 26501415 Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2015 Oct
Network Medicine in Pathobiology. Lee LY, Loscalzo J The American journal of pathology 31014954 Am J Pathol 2019 Jul
The Matchmaker Exchange: a platform for rare disease gene discovery. Philippakis AA, Azzariti DR, Beltran S, Brookes AJ, Brownstein CA, Brudno M, Brunner HG, Buske OJ, Carey K, Doll C, Dumitriu S, Dyke SO, den Dunnen JT, Firth HV, Gibbs RA, Girdea M, Gonzalez M, Haendel MA, Hamosh A, Holm IA, Huang L, Hurles ME, Hutton B, Krier JB, Misyura A, Mungall CJ, Paschall J, Paten B, Robinson PN, Schiettecatte F, Sobreira NL, Swaminathan GJ, Taschner PE, Terry SF, Washington NL, Züchner S, Boycott KM, Rehm HL Human mutation 26295439 Hum Mutat 2015 Oct
novoCaller: a Bayesian network approach for de novo variant calling from pedigree and population sequence data. Mohanty AK, Vuzman D, Francioli L, Cassa C, Brigham Genomic Medicine, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Brigham and Women’s Hospital FaceBase Project, Toth-Petroczy A, Sunyaev S Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 30169785 Bioinformatics 2019 Apr 1
Systems Biology Approaches to Redox Metabolism in Stress and Disease States. Wang RS, Oldham WM, Maron BA, Loscalzo J Antioxidants & redox signaling 29121773 Antioxid Redox Signal 2018 Oct 1
MicroRNA Dysregulation in Pulmonary Arteries from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Relationships with Vascular Remodeling. Musri MM, Coll-Bonfill N, Maron BA, Peinado VI, Wang RS, Altirriba J, Blanco I, Oldham WM, Tura-Ceide O, García-Lucio J, de la Cruz-Thea B, Meister G, Loscalzo J, Barberà JA American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 29757677 Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2018 Oct
Responses to reductive stress in the cardiovascular system. Handy DE, Loscalzo J Free radical biology & medicine 27940350 Free Radic Biol Med 2017 Aug
Endophenotype Network Models: Common Core of Complex Diseases. Ghiassian SD, Menche J, Chasman DI, Giulianini F, Wang R, Ricchiuto P, Aikawa M, Iwata H, Müller C, Zeller T, Sharma A, Wild P, Lackner K, Singh S, Ridker PM, Blankenberg S, Barabási AL, Loscalzo J Scientific reports 27278246 Sci Rep 2016 Jun 9
Mapping rare, deleterious mutations in Factor H: Association with early onset, drusen burden, and lower antigenic levels in familial AMD. Wagner EK, Raychaudhuri S, Villalonga MB, Java A, Triebwasser MP, Daly MJ, Atkinson JP, Seddon JM Scientific reports 27572114 Sci Rep 2016 Aug 30
Interferon-γ Impairs Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Glucose Metabolism by Tryptophan Catabolism and Activates Fatty Acid Oxidation. Lee LY, Oldham WM, He H, Wang R, Mulhern R, Handy DE, Loscalzo J Circulation 34636650 Circulation 2021 Nov 16
What Causes Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy? Maron BA, Wang RS, Carnethon MR, Rowin EJ, Loscalzo J, Maron BJ, Maron MS The American journal of cardiology 35843734 Am J Cardiol 2022 Sep 15
Illuminating NAD(+) Metabolism in Live Cells and In Vivo Using a Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Sensor. Zou Y, Wang A, Huang L, Zhu X, Hu Q, Zhang Y, Chen X, Li F, Wang Q, Wang H, Liu R, Zuo F, Li T, Yao J, Qian Y, Shi M, Yue X, Chen W, Zhang Z, Wang C, Zhou Y, Zhu L, Ju Z, Loscalzo J, Yang Y, Zhao Y Developmental cell 32197067 Dev Cell 2020 Apr 20
Comprehensive network medicine-based drug repositioning via integration of therapeutic efficacy and side effects. Paci P, Fiscon G, Conte F, Wang RS, Handy DE, Farina L, Loscalzo J NPJ systems biology and applications 35443763 NPJ Syst Biol Appl 2022 Apr 20
De novo MCM6 variants in neurodevelopmental disorders: a recognizable phenotype related to zinc binding residues. Smits DJ, Schot R, Popescu CA, Dias KR, Ades L, Briere LC, Sweetser DA, Kushima I, Aleksic B, Khan S, Karageorgou V, Ordonez N, Sleutels FJGT, van der Kaay DCM, Van Mol C, Van Esch H, Bertoli-Avella AM, Roscioli T, Mancini GMS Human genetics 37198333 Hum Genet 2023 Jul
Hhex is Required at Multiple Stages of Adult Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Differentiation. Goodings C, Smith E, Mathias E, Elliott N, Cleveland SM, Tripathi RM, Layer JH, Chen X, Guo Y, Shyr Y, Hamid R, Du Y, Davé UP Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) 25968920 Stem Cells 2015 Aug
Extensive phenotyping of individuals at risk for familial interstitial pneumonia reveals clues to the pathogenesis of interstitial lung disease. Kropski JA, Pritchett JM, Zoz DF, Crossno PF, Markin C, Garnett ET, Degryse AL, Mitchell DB, Polosukhin VV, Rickman OB, Choi L, Cheng DS, McConaha ME, Jones BR, Gleaves LA, McMahon FB, Worrell JA, Solus JF, Ware LB, Lee JW, Massion PP, Zaynagetdinov R, White ES, Kurtis JD, Johnson JE, Groshong SD, Lancaster LH, Young LR, Steele MP, Phillips Iii JA, Cogan JD, Loyd JE, Lawson WE, Blackwell TS American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 25389906 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2015 Feb 15
Rare variants in RTEL1 are associated with familial interstitial pneumonia. Cogan JD, Kropski JA, Zhao M, Mitchell DB, Rives L, Markin C, Garnett ET, Montgomery KH, Mason WR, McKean DF, Powers J, Murphy E, Olson LM, Choi L, Cheng DS, Blue EM, Young LR, Lancaster LH, Steele MP, Brown KK, Schwarz MI, Fingerlin TE, Schwartz DA, Lawson WE, Loyd JE, Zhao Z, Phillips JA 3rd, Blackwell TS American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 25607374 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2015 Mar 15
Health Supervision for People With Achondroplasia. Hoover-Fong J, Scott CI, Jones MC, COMMITTEE ON GENETICS Pediatrics 32457214 Pediatrics 2020 Jun
Rapid resolution of hyperammonemia in neonates using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a platform to drive hemodialysis. Robinson JR, Conroy PC, Hardison D, Hamid R, Grubb PH, Pietsch JB, Lovvorn HN 3rd Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 29467521 J Perinatol 2018 Jun
Health Care Supervision for Children With Williams Syndrome. Morris CA, Braddock SR, COUNCIL ON GENETICS Pediatrics 31964759 Pediatrics 2020 Feb
Limitations of exome sequencing in detecting rare and undiagnosed diseases. Burdick KJ, Cogan JD, Rives LC, Robertson AK, Koziura ME, Brokamp E, Duncan L, Hannig V, Pfotenhauer J, Vanzo R, Paul MS, Bican A, Morgan T, Duis J, Newman JH, Hamid R, Phillips JA 3rd, Undiagnosed Diseases Network American journal of medical genetics. Part A 32190976 Am J Med Genet A 2020 Jun
Magnetic Resonance Imaging characteristics in case of TOR1AIP1 muscular dystrophy. Bhatia A, Mobley BC, Cogan J, Koziura ME, Brokamp E, Phillips J, Newman J, Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), Moore SA, Hamid R, Members of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network Clinical imaging 31299614 Clin Imaging 2019 Nov-Dec
Mitochondrial NADP(+) is essential for proline biosynthesis during cell growth. Tran DH, Kesavan R, Rion H, Soflaee MH, Solmonson A, Bezwada D, Vu HS, Cai F, Phillips JA 3rd, DeBerardinis RJ, Hoxhaj G Nature metabolism 33833463 Nat Metab 2021 Apr
One is the loneliest number: genotypic matchmaking using the electronic health record. Brokamp E, Koziura ME, Phillips JA 3rd, Tang LA, Cogan JD, Rives LC, Robertson AK, Duncan L, Bican A, Peterson JF, Newman JH, Hamid R, Bastarache L, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 34230636 Genet Med 2021 Oct
A Case Study of Dysfunctional Nicotinamide Metabolism in a 20-Year-Old Male. DeBalsi KL, Newman JH, Sommerville LJ, Phillips JA 3rd, Hamid R, Cogan J, Fessel JP, Evans AM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Kennedy AD Metabolites 36984839 Metabolites 2023 Mar 8
Patient-Specific iPSC-Derived Endothelial Cells Uncover Pathways that Protect against Pulmonary Hypertension in BMPR2 Mutation Carriers. Gu M, Shao NY, Sa S, Li D, Termglinchan V, Ameen M, Karakikes I, Sosa G, Grubert F, Lee J, Cao A, Taylor S, Ma Y, Zhao Z, Chappell J, Hamid R, Austin ED, Gold JD, Wu JC, Snyder MP, Rabinovitch M Cell stem cell 28017794 Cell Stem Cell 2017 Apr 6
Increased prevalence of EPAS1 variant in cattle with high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Newman JH, Holt TN, Cogan JD, Womack B, Phillips JA 3rd, Li C, Kendall Z, Stenmark KR, Thomas MG, Brown RD, Riddle SR, West JD, Hamid R Nature communications 25873470 Nat Commun 2015 Apr 15
Y Not? Sex Chromosomes May Modify Sexual Dimorphism in Pulmonary Hypertension. Austin ED, Hamid R American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 28968140 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018 Apr 1
Health Supervision for Children and Adolescents With Down Syndrome. Bull MJ, Trotter T, Santoro SL, Christensen C, Grout RW, COUNCIL ON GENETICS, Burke LW, Berry SA, Geleske TA, Holm I, Hopkin RJ, Introne WJ, Lyons MJ, Monteil DC, Scheuerle A, Stoler JM, Vergano SA, Chen E, Hamid R, Downs SM, Grout RW, Cunniff C, Parisi MA, Ralston SJ, Scott JA, Shapira SK, Spire P Pediatrics 35490285 Pediatrics 2022 May 1
SVEP1 as a Genetic Modifier of TEK-Related Primary Congenital Glaucoma. Young TL, Whisenhunt KN, Jin J, LaMartina SM, Martin SM, Souma T, Limviphuvadh V, Suri F, Souzeau E, Zhang X, Dan Y, Anagnos E, Carmona S, Jody NM, Stangel N, Higuchi EC, Huang SJ, Siggs OM, Simões MJ, Lawson BM, Martin JS, Elahi E, Narooie-Nejad M, Motlagh BF, Quaggin SE, Potter HD, Silva ED, Craig JE, Egas C, Maroofian R, Maurer-Stroh S, Bradfield YS, Tompson SW Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 33027505 Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2020 Oct 1
Management Principles for Acute Illness in Patients With Medium-Chain Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency. McGregor TL, Berry SA, Dipple KM, Hamid R, COUNCIL ON GENETICS Pediatrics 33372121 Pediatrics 2021 Jan
A Novel SHOC2 Variant in Rasopathy. Hannig V, Jeoung M, Jang ER, Phillips JA 3rd, Galperin E Human mutation 25137548 Hum Mutat 2014 Nov
Identifying digenic disease genes via machine learning in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Mukherjee S, Cogan JD, Newman JH, Phillips JA 3rd, Hamid R, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Meiler J, Capra JA American journal of human genetics 34529933 Am J Hum Genet 2021 Oct 7
IgG4-related disease: Association with a rare gene variant expressed in cytotoxic T cells. Newman JH, Shaver A, Sheehan JH, Mallal S, Stone JH, Pillai S, Bastarache L, Riebau D, Allard-Chamard H, Stone WM, Perugino C, Pilkinton M, Smith SA, McDonnell WJ, Capra JA, Meiler J, Cogan J, Xing K, Mahajan VS, Mattoo H, Hamid R, Phillips JA 3rd, Undiagnosed Disease Network Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 30993913 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2019 Jun
Estrogen Metabolite 16α-Hydroxyestrone Exacerbates Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor Type II-Associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Through MicroRNA-29-Mediated Modulation of Cellular Metabolism. Chen X, Talati M, Fessel JP, Hemnes AR, Gladson S, French J, Shay S, Trammell A, Phillips JA, Hamid R, Cogan JD, Dawson EP, Womble KE, Hedges LK, Martinez EG, Wheeler LA, Loyd JE, Majka SJ, West J, Austin ED Circulation 26487756 Circulation 2016 Jan 5
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Hamid R, Yan L American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 28362194 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017 Apr 1
Phenotype risk scores identify patients with unrecognized Mendelian disease patterns. Bastarache L, Hughey JJ, Hebbring S, Marlo J, Zhao W, Ho WT, Van Driest SL, McGregor TL, Mosley JD, Wells QS, Temple M, Ramirez AH, Carroll R, Osterman T, Edwards T, Ruderfer D, Velez Edwards DR, Hamid R, Cogan J, Glazer A, Wei WQ, Feng Q, Brilliant M, Zhao ZJ, Cox NJ, Roden DM, Denny JC Science (New York, N.Y.) 29590070 Science 2018 Mar 16
Three-dimensional spatial analysis of missense variants in RTEL1 identifies pathogenic variants in patients with Familial Interstitial Pneumonia. Sivley RM, Sheehan JH, Kropski JA, Cogan J, Blackwell TS, Phillips JA, Bush WS, Meiler J, Capra JA BMC bioinformatics 29361909 BMC Bioinformatics 2018 Jan 23
Lessons learned: next-generation sequencing applied to undiagnosed genetic diseases. Schuler BA, Nelson ET, Koziura M, Cogan JD, Hamid R, Phillips JA 3rd The Journal of clinical investigation 35362483 J Clin Invest 2022 Apr 1
Polygenic Contributions to Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions in a Large Electronic Health Record Sample. Schirle L, Samuels DC, Faucon A, Cox NJ, Bruehl S The journal of pain 36736868 J Pain 2023 Jun
Heterozygous rare variants in NR2F2 cause a recognizable multiple congenital anomaly syndrome with developmental delays. Ganapathi M, Matsuoka LS, March M, Li D, Brokamp E, Benito-Sanz S, White SM, Lachlan K, Ahimaz P, Sewda A, Bastarache L, Thomas-Wilson A, Stoler JM, Bramswig NC, Baptista J, Stals K, Demurger F, Cogne B, Isidor B, Bedeschi MF, Peron A, Amiel J, Zackai E, Schacht JP, Iglesias AD, Morton J, Schmetz A, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Seidel V, Lucia S, Baskin SM, Thiffault I, Cogan JD, Gordon CT, Chung WK, Bowdin S, Bhoj E European journal of human genetics : EJHG 37500725 Eur J Hum Genet 2023 Oct
The utility of the traditional medical genetics diagnostic evaluation in the context of next-generation sequencing for undiagnosed genetic disorders. Shashi V, McConkie-Rosell A, Rosell B, Schoch K, Vellore K, McDonald M, Jiang YH, Xie P, Need A, Goldstein DB Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 23928913 Genet Med 2014 Feb
Partial Loss of USP9X Function Leads to a Male Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Disorder Converging on Transforming Growth Factor β Signaling. Johnson BV, Kumar R, Oishi S, Alexander S, Kasherman M, Vega MS, Ivancevic A, Gardner A, Domingo D, Corbett M, Parnell E, Yoon S, Oh T, Lines M, Lefroy H, Kini U, Van Allen M, Grønborg S, Mercier S, Küry S, Bézieau S, Pasquier L, Raynaud M, Afenjar A, Billette de Villemeur T, Keren B, Désir J, Van Maldergem L, Marangoni M, Dikow N, Koolen DA, VanHasselt PM, Weiss M, Zwijnenburg P, Sa J, Reis CF, López-Otín C, Santiago-Fernández O, Fernández-Jaén A, Rauch A, Steindl K, Joset P, Goldstein A, Madan-Khetarpal S, Infante E, Zackai E, Mcdougall C, Narayanan V, Ramsey K, Mercimek-Andrews S, Pena L, Shashi V, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Schoch K, Sullivan JA, Pinto E Vairo F, Pichurin PN, Ewing SA, Barnett SS, Klee EW, Perry MS, Koenig MK, Keegan CE, Schuette JL, Asher S, Perilla-Young Y, Smith LD, Rosenfeld JA, Bhoj E, Kaplan P, Li D, Oegema R, van Binsbergen E, van der Zwaag B, Smeland MF, Cutcutache I, Page M, Armstrong M, Lin AE, Steeves MA, Hollander ND, Hoffer MJV, Reijnders MRF, Demirdas S, Koboldt DC, Bartholomew D, Mosher TM, Hickey SE, Shieh C, Sanchez-Lara PA, Graham JM Jr, Tezcan K, Schaefer GB, Danylchuk NR, Asamoah A, Jackson KE, Yachelevich N, Au M, Pérez-Jurado LA, Kleefstra T, Penzes P, Wood SA, Burne T, Pierson TM, Piper M, Gécz J, Jolly LA Biological psychiatry 31443933 Biol Psychiatry 2020 Jan 15
Endocannabinoid dysfunction in neurological disease: neuro-ocular DAGLA-related syndrome. Bainbridge MN, Mazumder A, Ogasawara D, Abou Jamra R, Bernard G, Bertini E, Burglen L, Cope H, Crawford A, Derksen A, Dure L, Gantz E, Koch-Hogrebe M, Hurst ACE, Mahida S, Marshall P, Micalizzi A, Novelli A, Peng H, Rady Children's Institute for Genomic Medicine, Rodriguez D, Robbins SL, Rutledge SL, Scalise R, Schließke S, Shashi V, Srivastava S, Thiffault I, Topol S, Undiagnosed Disease Network, Qebibo L, Wieczorek D, Cravatt B, Haricharan S, Torkamani A, Friedman J Brain : a journal of neurology 35737950 Brain 2022 Oct 21
A case-control collapsing analysis identifies epilepsy genes implicated in trio sequencing studies focused on de novo mutations. Zhu X, Padmanabhan R, Copeland B, Bridgers J, Ren Z, Kamalakaran S, O'Driscoll-Collins A, Berkovic SF, Scheffer IE, Poduri A, Mei D, Guerrini R, Lowenstein DH, Allen AS, Heinzen EL, Goldstein DB PLoS genetics 29186148 PLoS Genet 2017 Nov
Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Consensus Treatment Plans for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-Associated and Idiopathic Chronic Anterior Uveitis. Angeles-Han ST, Lo MS, Henderson LA, Lerman MA, Abramson L, Cooper AM, Parsa MF, Zemel LS, Ronis T, Beukelman T, Cox E, Sen HN, Holland GN, Brunner HI, Lasky A, Rabinovich CE, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Disease-Specific and Uveitis Subcommittee of the Childhood Arthritis Rheumatology and Research Alliance Arthritis care & research 29806733 Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2019 Apr
Somatic uniparental disomy of Chromosome 16p in hemimegalencephaly. Griffin NG, Cronin KD, Walley NM, Hulette CM, Grant GA, Mikati MA, LaBreche HG, Rehder CW, Allen AS, Crino PB, Heinzen EL Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies 28864461 Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 2017 Sep
Monoallelic variation in DHX9, the gene encoding the DExH-box helicase DHX9, underlies neurodevelopment disorders and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Calame DG, Guo T, Wang C, Garrett L, Jolly A, Dawood M, Kurolap A, Henig NZ, Fatih JM, Herman I, Du H, Mitani T, Becker L, Rathkolb B, Gerlini R, Seisenberger C, Marschall S, Hunter JV, Gerard A, Heidlebaugh A, Challman T, Spillmann RC, Jhangiani SN, Coban-Akdemir Z, Lalani S, Liu L, Revah-Politi A, Iglesias A, Guzman E, Baugh E, Boddaert N, Rondeau S, Ormieres C, Barcia G, Tan QKG, Thiffault I, Pastinen T, Sheikh K, Biliciler S, Mei D, Melani F, Shashi V, Yaron Y, Steele M, Wakeling E, Østergaard E, Nazaryan-Petersen L, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Millan F, Santiago-Sim T, Thevenon J, Bruel AL, Thauvin-Robinet C, Popp D, Platzer K, Gawlinski P, Wiszniewski W, Marafi D, Pehlivan D, Posey JE, Gibbs RA, Gailus-Durner V, Guerrini R, Fuchs H, Hrabě de Angelis M, Hölter SM, Cheung HH, Gu S, Lupski JR American journal of human genetics 37467750 Am J Hum Genet 2023 Aug 3
A humanized Caenorhabditis elegans model of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia-associated variants in kinesin light chain KLC4. Gümüşderelioğlu S, Resch L, Brock T, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Luxton GWG, Tan QK, Hopkins C, Starr DA bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 36789438 bioRxiv 2023 Jan 8
A new approach for rare variation collapsing on functional protein domains implicates specific genic regions in ALS. Gelfman S, Dugger S, de Araujo Martins Moreno C, Ren Z, Wolock CJ, Shneider NA, Phatnani H, Cirulli ET, Lasseigne BN, Harris T, Maniatis T, Rouleau GA, Brown RH Jr, Gitler AD, Myers RM, Petrovski S, Allen A, Goldstein DB, Harms MB Genome research 30940688 Genome Res 2019 May
Histopathologic assessment of cultured human thymus. Hale LP, Neff J, Cheatham L, Cardona D, Markert ML, Kurtzberg J PloS one 32208448 PLoS One 2020
Expanding the Boundaries of RNA Sequencing as a Diagnostic Tool for Rare Mendelian Disease. Gonorazky HD, Naumenko S, Ramani AK, Nelakuditi V, Mashouri P, Wang P, Kao D, Ohri K, Viththiyapaskaran S, Tarnopolsky MA, Mathews KD, Moore SA, Osorio AN, Villanova D, Kemaladewi DU, Cohn RD, Brudno M, Dowling JJ American journal of human genetics 30827497 Am J Hum Genet 2019 Mar 7
A comprehensive iterative approach is highly effective in diagnosing individuals who are exome negative. Shashi V, Schoch K, Spillmann R, Cope H, Tan QK, Walley N, Pena L, McConkie-Rosell A, Jiang YH, Stong N, Need AC, Goldstein DB, Undiagnosed Diseases Network Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 29907797 Genet Med 2019 Jan
Further evidence for the involvement of EFL1 in a Shwachman-Diamond-like syndrome and expansion of the phenotypic features. Tan QK, Cope H, Spillmann RC, Stong N, Jiang YH, McDonald MT, Rothman JA, Butler MW, Frush DP, Lachman RS, Lee B, Bacino CA, Bonner MJ, McCall CM, Pendse AA, Walley N, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Shashi V, Pena LDM Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies 29970384 Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 2018 Oct
GATAD2B-associated neurodevelopmental disorder (GAND): clinical and molecular insights into a NuRD-related disorder. Shieh C, Jones N, Vanle B, Au M, Huang AY, Silva APG, Lee H, Douine ED, Otero MG, Choi A, Grand K, Taff IP, Delgado MR, Hajianpour MJ, Seeley A, Rohena L, Vernon H, Gripp KW, Vergano SA, Mahida S, Naidu S, Sousa AB, Wain KE, Challman TD, Beek G, Basel D, Ranells J, Smith R, Yusupov R, Freckmann ML, Ohden L, Davis-Keppen L, Chitayat D, Dowling JJ, Finkel R, Dauber A, Spillmann R, Pena LDM, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Metcalfe K, Splitt M, Lachlan K, McKee SA, Hurst J, Fitzpatrick DR, Morton JEV, Cox H, Venkateswaran S, Young JI, Marsh ED, Nelson SF, Martinez JA, Graham JM Jr, Kini U, Mackay JP, Pierson TM Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 31949314 Genet Med 2020 May
Whole-exome sequencing in 20,197 persons for rare variants in Alzheimer's disease. Raghavan NS, Brickman AM, Andrews H, Manly JJ, Schupf N, Lantigua R, Wolock CJ, Kamalakaran S, Petrovski S, Tosto G, Vardarajan BN, Goldstein DB, Mayeux R, Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project Annals of clinical and translational neurology 30009200 Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2018 Jul
A relatively common homozygous TRAPPC4 splicing variant is associated with an early-infantile neurodegenerative syndrome. Ghosh SG, Scala M, Beetz C, Helman G, Stanley V, Yang X, Breuss MW, Mazaheri N, Selim L, Hadipour F, Pais L, Stutterd CA, Karageorgou V, Begtrup A, Crunk A, Juusola J, Willaert R, Flore LA, Kennelly K, Spencer C, Brown M, Trapane P, Hurst ACE, Lane Rutledge S, Goodloe DH, McDonald MT, Shashi V, Schoch K, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Tomoum H, Zaitoun R, Hadipour Z, Galehdari H, Pagnamenta AT, Mojarrad M, Sedaghat A, Dias P, Quintas S, Eslahi A, Shariati G, Bauer P, Simons C, Houlden H, Issa MY, Zaki MS, Maroofian R, Gleeson JG European journal of human genetics : EJHG 32901138 Eur J Hum Genet 2021 Feb
Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy due to biallelic pathogenic variants in PIGQ: Report of seven new subjects and review of the literature. Johnstone DL, Nguyen TTM, Zambonin J, Kernohan KD, St-Denis A, Baratang NV, Hartley T, Geraghty MT, Richer J, Majewski J, Bareke E, Guerin A, Pendziwiat M, Pena LDM, Braakman HMH, Gripp KW, Edmondson AC, He M, Spillmann RC, Eklund EA, Bayat A, McMillan HJ, Boycott KM, Campeau PM Journal of inherited metabolic disease 32588908 J Inherit Metab Dis 2020 Nov
T cell-depleted cultured pediatric thymus tissue as a model for some aspects of human age-related thymus involution. Hale LP, Cheatham L, Macintyre AN, LaFleur B, Sanders B, Troy J, Kurtzberg J, Sempowski GD GeroScience 33420705 Geroscience 2021 Jun
Association of ultra-rare coding variants with genetic generalized epilepsy: A case-control whole exome sequencing study. Koko M, Motelow JE, Stanley KE, Bobbili DR, Dhindsa RS, May P, Canadian Epilepsy Network, Epi4K Consortium, Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project, EpiPGX Consortium, EuroEPINOMICS-CoGIE Consortium Epilepsia 35032048 Epilepsia 2022 Mar
Diverse genetic causes of polymicrogyria with epilepsy. Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project, Epi4K Consortium Epilepsia 33818783 Epilepsia 2021 Apr
Biallelic variants in ribonuclease inhibitor (RNH1), an inflammasome modulator, are associated with a distinctive subtype of acute, necrotizing encephalopathy. Shashi V, Schoch K, Ganetzky R, Kranz PG, Sondheimer N, Markert ML, Cope H, Sadeghpour A, Roehrs P, Arbogast T, Muraresku C, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Tyndall AV, Esser MJ, Woodward KE, Ping-Yee Au B, Parboosingh JS, Lamont RE, Bernier FP, Wright NAM, Benseler SM, Parsons SJ, El-Dairi M, Smith EC, Valdez P, Tennison M, Innes AM, Davis EE Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 37191094 Genet Med 2023 Sep
A second hotspot for pathogenic exon-skipping variants in CDC45. Schoch K, Ruegg MSG, Fellows BJ, Cao J, Uhrig S, Einsele-Scholz S, Biskup S, Hawarden SRA, Salpietro V, Capra V, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Brown CM, Accogli A, Shashi V, Bicknell LS European journal of human genetics : EJHG 38467731 Eur J Hum Genet 2024 Jul
Sensitivity of whole exome sequencing in detecting infantile- and late-onset Pompe disease. Mori M, Haskell G, Kazi Z, Zhu X, DeArmey SM, Goldstein JL, Bali D, Rehder C, Cirulli ET, Kishnani PS Molecular genetics and metabolism 29122469 Mol Genet Metab 2017 Dec
New diagnosis of atypical ataxia-telangiectasia in a 17-year-old boy with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and a novel ATM mutation. Roohi J, Crowe J, Loredan D, Anyane-Yeboa K, Mansukhani MM, Omesi L, Levine J, Revah Politi A, Zha S Journal of human genetics 28123174 J Hum Genet 2017 Apr
Orion: Detecting regions of the human non-coding genome that are intolerant to variation using population genetics. Gussow AB, Copeland BR, Dhindsa RS, Wang Q, Petrovski S, Majoros WH, Allen AS, Goldstein DB PloS one 28797091 PLoS One 2017
Somatic SLC35A2 variants in the brain are associated with intractable neocortical epilepsy. Winawer MR, Griffin NG, Samanamud J, Baugh EH, Rathakrishnan D, Ramalingam S, Zagzag D, Schevon CA, Dugan P, Hegde M, Sheth SA, McKhann GM, Doyle WK, Grant GA, Porter BE, Mikati MA, Muh CR, Malone CD, Bergin AMR, Peters JM, McBrian DK, Pack AM, Akman CI, LaCoursiere CM, Keever KM, Madsen JR, Yang E, Lidov HGW, Shain C, Allen AS, Canoll PD, Crino PB, Poduri AH, Heinzen EL Annals of neurology 29679388 Ann Neurol 2018 Jun
Unraveling non-participation in genomic research: A complex interplay of barriers, facilitators, and sociocultural factors. McConkie-Rosell A, Spillmann RC, Schoch K, Sullivan JA, Walley N, McDonald M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Hooper SR, Shashi V Journal of genetic counseling 37005744 J Genet Couns 2023 Oct
Alternative transcripts in variant interpretation: the potential for missed diagnoses and misdiagnoses. Schoch K, Tan QK, Stong N, Deak KL, McConkie-Rosell A, McDonald MT, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Goldstein DB, Jiang YH, Shashi V Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 32366967 Genet Med 2020 Jul
Pathogenic SPTBN1 variants cause an autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental syndrome. Cousin MA, Creighton BA, Breau KA, Spillmann RC, Torti E, Dontu S, Tripathi S, Ajit D, Edwards RJ, Afriyie S, Bay JC, Harper KM, Beltran AA, Munoz LJ, Falcon Rodriguez L, Stankewich MC, Person RE, Si Y, Normand EA, Blevins A, May AS, Bier L, Aggarwal V, Mancini GMS, van Slegtenhorst MA, Cremer K, Becker J, Engels H, Aretz S, MacKenzie JJ, Brilstra E, van Gassen KLI, van Jaarsveld RH, Oegema R, Parsons GM, Mark P, Helbig I, McKeown SE, Stratton R, Cogne B, Isidor B, Cacheiro P, Smedley D, Firth HV, Bierhals T, Kloth K, Weiss D, Fairley C, Shieh JT, Kritzer A, Jayakar P, Kurtz-Nelson E, Bernier RA, Wang T, Eichler EE, van de Laar IMBH, McConkie-Rosell A, McDonald MT, Kemppainen J, Lanpher BC, Schultz-Rogers LE, Gunderson LB, Pichurin PN, Yoon G, Zech M, Jech R, Winkelmann J, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Genomics England Research Consortium, Beltran AS, Zimmermann MT, Temple B, Moy SS, Klee EW, Tan QK, Lorenzo DN Nature genetics 34211179 Nat Genet 2021 Jul
Hemizygous mutations in L1CAM in two unrelated male probands with childhood onset psychosis. Sato MS, Kyriakopoulos M, James A, Marwedel S, Borsay C, Gutierrez AA, Blakemore AI, Need AC Psychiatric genetics 32404617 Psychiatr Genet 2020 Jun
Spliceosome malfunction causes neurodevelopmental disorders with overlapping features. Li D, Wang Q, Bayat A, Battig MR, Zhou Y, Bosch DG, van Haaften G, Granger L, Petersen AK, Pérez-Jurado LA, Aznar-Laín G, Aneja A, Hancarova M, Bendova S, Schwarz M, Kremlikova Pourova R, Sedlacek Z, Keena BA, March ME, Hou C, O'Connor N, Bhoj EJ, Harr MH, Lemire G, Boycott KM, Towne M, Li M, Tarnopolsky M, Brady L, Parker MJ, Faghfoury H, Parsley LK, Agolini E, Dentici ML, Novelli A, Wright M, Palmquist R, Lai K, Scala M, Striano P, Iacomino M, Zara F, Cooper A, Maarup TJ, Byler M, Lebel RR, Balci TB, Louie R, Lyons M, Douglas J, Nowak C, Afenjar A, Hoyer J, Keren B, Maas SM, Motazacker MM, Martinez-Agosto JA, Rabani AM, McCormick EM, Falk MJ, Ruggiero SM, Helbig I, Møller RS, Tessarollo L, Tomassoni Ardori F, Palko ME, Hsieh TC, Krawitz PM, Ganapathi M, Gelb BD, Jobanputra V, Wilson A, Greally J, Jacquemont S, Jizi K, Bruel AL, Quelin C, Misra VK, Chick E, Romano C, Greco D, Arena A, Morleo M, Nigro V, Seyama R, Uchiyama Y, Matsumoto N, Taira R, Tashiro K, Sakai Y, Yigit G, Wollnik B, Wagner M, Kutsche B, Hurst AC, Thompson ML, Schmidt R, Randolph L, Spillmann RC, Shashi V, Higginbotham EJ, Cordeiro D, Carnevale A, Costain G, Khan T, Funalot B, Tran Mau-Them F, Fernandez Garcia Moya L, García-Miñaúr S, Osmond M, Chad L, Quercia N, Carrasco D, Li C, Sanchez-Valle A, Kelley M, Nizon M, Jensson BO, Sulem P, Stefansson K, Gorokhova S, Busa T, Rio M, Hadj Habdallah H, Lesieur-Sebellin M, Amiel J, Pingault V, Mercier S, Vincent M, Philippe C, Fatus-Fauconnier C, Friend K, Halligan RK, Biswas S, Rosser J, Shoubridge C, Corbett M, Barnett C, Gecz J, Leppig K, Slavotinek A, Marcelis C, Pfundt R, de Vries BB, van Slegtenhorst MA, Brooks AS, Cogne B, Rambaud T, Tümer Z, Zackai EH, Akizu N, Song Y, Hakonarson H The Journal of clinical investigation 37962958 J Clin Invest 2024 Jan 2
Rare germline heterozygous missense variants in BRCA1-associated protein 1, BAP1, cause a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder. Küry S, Ebstein F, Mollé A, Besnard T, Lee MK, Vignard V, Hery T, Nizon M, Mancini GMS, Giltay JC, Cogné B, McWalter K, Deb W, Mor-Shaked H, Li H, Schnur RE, Wentzensen IM, Denommé-Pichon AS, Fourgeux C, Verheijen FW, Faurie E, Schot R, Stevens CA, Smits DJ, Barr E, Sheffer R, Bernstein JA, Stimach CL, Kovitch E, Shashi V, Schoch K, Smith W, van Jaarsveld RH, Hurst ACE, Smith K, Baugh EH, Bohm SG, Vyhnálková E, Ryba L, Delnatte C, Neira J, Bonneau D, Toutain A, Rosenfeld JA, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Audebert-Bellanger S, Gilbert-Dussardier B, Odent S, Laumonnier F, Berger SI, Smith ACM, Bourdeaut F, Stern MH, Redon R, Krüger E, Margueron R, Bézieau S, Poschmann J, Isidor B American journal of human genetics 35051358 Am J Hum Genet 2022 Feb 3
Bi-allelic variants in neuronal cell adhesion molecule cause a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by developmental delay, hypotonia, neuropathy/spasticity. Kurolap A, Kreuder F, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Duvdevani MP, Harel T, Tammer L, Xin B, Bakhtiari S, Rice J, van Eyk CL, Gecz J, Mah JK, Atkinson D, Cope H, Sullivan JA, Douek AM, Colquhoun D, Henry J, Wlodkowic D, Parman Y, Candayan A, Kocasoy-Orhan E, Ilivitzki A, Soudry S, Leibu R, Glaser F, Sency V, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Ast G, Shashi V, Fahey MC, Battaloğlu E, Jordanova A, Meiner V, Innes AM, Wang H, Elpeleg O, Kruer MC, Kaslin J, Baris Feldman H American journal of human genetics 35108495 Am J Hum Genet 2022 Mar 3
Correction: Phenotypic expansion of CACNA1C-associated disorders to include isolated neurological manifestations. Rodan LH, Spillmann RC, Kurata HT, Lamothe SM, Maghera J, Jamra RA, Alkelai A, Antonarakis SE, Atallah I, Bar-Yosef O, Bilan F, Bjorgo K, Blanc X, Van Bogaert P, Bolkier Y, Burrage LC, Christ BU, Granadillo JL, Dickson P, Donald KA, Dubourg C, Eliyahu A, Emrick L, Engleman K, Gonfiantini MV, Good JM, Kalser J, Kloeckner C, Lachmeijer G, Macchiaiolo M, Nicita F, Odent S, O'Heir E, Ortiz-Gonzalez X, Pacio-Miguez M, Palomares-Bralo M, Pena L, Platzer K, Quinodoz M, Ranza E, Rosenfeld JA, Roulet-Perez E, Santani A, Santos-Simarro F, Pode-Shakked B, Skraban C, Slaugh R, Superti-Furga A, Thiffault I, van Jaabrsveld RH, Vincent M, Wang HG, Zacher P, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Rush E, Pitt GS, Au PYB, Shashi V Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 34522029 Genet Med 2021 Oct
Rare variant analyses validate known ALS genes in a multi-ethnic population and identifies ANTXR2 as a candidate in PLS. Pottinger TD, Motelow JE, Povysil G, Moreno CAM, Ren Z, Phatnani H, New York Genome Center ALS Sequencing Consortium, Aitman TJ, Santoyo-Lopez J, Scottish Genomes Partnership, Mitsumoto H, ALS COSMOS Study Group, PLS COSMOS Study Group, GTAC Investigators, Goldstein DB, Harms MB Research square 38196621 Res Sq 2023 Dec 21
Detection of a mosaic CDKL5 deletion and inversion by optical genome mapping ends an exhaustive diagnostic odyssey. Cope H, Barseghyan H, Bhattacharya S, Fu Y, Hoppman N, Marcou C, Walley N, Rehder C, Deak K, Alkelai A, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Vilain E, Shashi V Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 33955715 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2021 Jul
TSPEAR variants are primarily associated with ectodermal dysplasia and tooth agenesis but not hearing loss: A novel cohort study. Bowles B, Ferrer A, Nishimura CJ, Pinto E Vairo F, Rey T, Leheup B, Sullivan J, Schoch K, Stong N, Agolini E, Cocciadiferro D, Williams A, Cummings A, Loddo S, Genovese S, Roadhouse C, McWalter K, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Wentzensen IM, Li C, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Lanpher BC, Dentici ML, Ankala A, Hamm JA, Dallapiccola B, Radio FC, Shashi V, Gérard B, Bloch-Zupan A, Smith RJ, Klee EW American journal of medical genetics. Part A 34042254 Am J Med Genet A 2021 Aug
Missense and truncating variants in CHD5 in a dominant neurodevelopmental disorder with intellectual disability, behavioral disturbances, and epilepsy. Parenti I, Lehalle D, Nava C, Torti E, Leitão E, Person R, Mizuguchi T, Matsumoto N, Kato M, Nakamura K, de Man SA, Cope H, Shashi V, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Friedman J, Joset P, Steindl K, Rauch A, Muffels I, van Hasselt PM, Petit F, Smol T, Le Guyader G, Bilan F, Sorlin A, Vitobello A, Philippe C, van de Laar IMBH, van Slegtenhorst MA, Campeau PM, Au PYB, Nakashima M, Saitsu H, Yamamoto T, Nomura Y, Louie RJ, Lyons MJ, Dobson A, Plomp AS, Motazacker MM, Kaiser FJ, Timberlake AT, Fuchs SA, Depienne C, Mignot C Human genetics 33944996 Hum Genet 2021 Jul
Loss of tubulin deglutamylase CCP1 causes infantile-onset neurodegeneration. Shashi V, Magiera MM, Klein D, Zaki M, Schoch K, Rudnik-Schöneborn S, Norman A, Lopes Abath Neto O, Dusl M, Yuan X, Bartesaghi L, De Marco P, Alfares AA, Marom R, Arold ST, Guzmán-Vega FJ, Pena LD, Smith EC, Steinlin M, Babiker MO, Mohassel P, Foley AR, Donkervoort S, Kaur R, Ghosh PS, Stanley V, Musaev D, Nava C, Mignot C, Keren B, Scala M, Tassano E, Picco P, Doneda P, Fiorillo C, Issa MY, Alassiri A, Alahmad A, Gerard A, Liu P, Yang Y, Ertl-Wagner B, Kranz PG, Wentzensen IM, Stucka R, Stong N, Allen AS, Goldstein DB, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Schoser B, Rösler KM, Alfadhel M, Capra V, Chrast R, Strom TM, Kamsteeg EJ, Bönnemann CG, Gleeson JG, Martini R, Janke C, Senderek J The EMBO journal 30420557 EMBO J 2018 Dec 3
De novo and inherited private variants in MAP1B in periventricular nodular heterotopia. Heinzen EL, O'Neill AC, Zhu X, Allen AS, Bahlo M, Chelly J, Chen MH, Dobyns WB, Freytag S, Guerrini R, Leventer RJ, Poduri A, Robertson SP, Walsh CA, Zhang M, Epi4K Consortium, Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project PLoS genetics 29738522 PLoS Genet 2018 May
Annotating pathogenic non-coding variants in genic regions. Gelfman S, Wang Q, McSweeney KM, Ren Z, La Carpia F, Halvorsen M, Schoch K, Ratzon F, Heinzen EL, Boland MJ, Petrovski S, Goldstein DB Nature communications 28794409 Nat Commun 2017 Aug 9
Adults with lysosomal storage diseases in the undiagnosed diseases network. Xiao C, Koziura M, Cope H, Spillman R, Tan K, Hisama FM, Tifft CJ, Toro C Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 35848209 Mol Genet Genomic Med 2022 Sep
Heterozygous variants in MYBPC1 are associated with an expanded neuromuscular phenotype beyond arthrogryposis. Shashi V, Geist J, Lee Y, Yoo Y, Shin U, Schoch K, Sullivan J, Stong N, Smith E, Jasien J, Kranz P, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Lee Y, Shin YB, Wright NT, Choi M, Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos A Human mutation 31264822 Hum Mutat 2019 Aug
Exome/Genome Sequencing in Undiagnosed Syndromes. Sullivan JA, Schoch K, Spillmann RC, Shashi V Annual review of medicine 36706750 Annu Rev Med 2023 Jan 27
Rare variant analyses validate known ALS genes in a multi-ethnic population and identifies ANTXR2 as a candidate in PLS. Pottinger TD, Motelow JE, Povysil G, Moreno CAM, Ren Z, Phatnani H, New York Genome Center ALS Sequencing Consortium, Aitman TJ, Santoyo-Lopez J, Scottish Genomes Partnership, Mitsumoto H, ALS COSMOS Study Group, PLS COSMOS Study Group, GTAC Investigators, Goldstein DB, Harms MB medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 37873269 medRxiv 2023 Oct 23
Parental perspectives of episodic irritability in an ultra-rare genetic disorder associated with NACC1. Schoch K, McConkie-Rosell A, Walley N, Bhambhani V, Feyma T, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Pizoli CE, Smith EC, Tan QK, Shashi V Orphanet journal of rare diseases 37667351 Orphanet J Rare Dis 2023 Sep 4
A humanized Caenorhabditis elegans model of hereditary spastic paraplegia-associated variants in KLC4. Gümüşderelioğlu S, Resch L, Brock T, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Luxton GWG, Cope H, Tan QK, Hopkins C, Starr DA Disease models & mechanisms 37565267 Dis Model Mech 2023 Aug 1
Variants in LRRC7 lead to intellectual disability, autism, aggression and abnormal eating behaviors. Willim J, Woike D, Greene D, Das S, Pfeifer K, Yuan W, Lindsey A, Itani O, Böhme AL, Tibbe D, Hönck HH, Hassani Nia F, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Zech M, Brunet T, Faivre L, Sorlin A, Vitobello A, Smol T, Colson C, Baranano K, Schatz K, Bayat A, Schoch K, Spillmann R, Davis EE, Conboy E, Vetrini F, Platzer K, Neuser S, Gburek-Augustat J, Grace AN, Mitchell B, Stegmann A, Sinnema M, Meeks N, Saunders C, Cadieux-Dion M, Hoyer J, Van-Gils J, de Sainte-Agathe JM, Thompson ML, Bebin EM, Weisz-Hubshman M, Tabet AC, Verloes A, Levy J, Latypova X, Harder S, Silverman GA, Pak SC, Schedl T, Freson K, Mumford A, Turro E, Schlein C, Shashi V, Kreienkamp HJ Nature communications 39256359 Nat Commun 2024 Sep 10
Patients as Partners in Rare Disease Diagnosis and Research. McCray AT, LeBlanc K, Undiagnosed Diseases Network The Yale journal of biology and medicine 34970107 Yale J Biol Med 2021 Dec
WEScover: selection between clinical whole exome sequencing and gene panel testing. Lee IH, Lin Y, Alvarez WJ, Hernandez-Ferrer C, Mandl KD, Kong SW BMC bioinformatics 34016036 BMC Bioinformatics 2021 May 20
Finding commonalities in rare diseases through the undiagnosed diseases network. Yates J, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Jouhet V, LeBlanc K, Esteves C, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, DeSain TN, Benik N, Stedman J, Palmer N, Mellon G, Kohane I, Avillach P Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 34009343 J Am Med Inform Assoc 2021 Jul 30
Epigenetic regulation during human cortical development: Seq-ing answers from the brain to the organoid. Lewis EMA, Kaushik K, Sandoval LA, Antony I, Dietmann S, Kroll KL Neurochemistry international 33915225 Neurochem Int 2021 Jul
Drosophila as a diet discovery tool for treating amino acid disorders. Mele S, Martelli F, Lin J, Kanca O, Christodoulou J, Bellen HJ, Piper MDW, Johnson TK Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM 36567227 Trends Endocrinol Metab 2023 Feb
The Clinical Genome and Ancestry Report: An interactive web application for prioritizing clinically implicated variants from genome sequencing data with ancestry composition. Lee IH, Negron JA, Hernandez-Ferrer C, Alvarez WJ, Mandl KD, Kong SW Human mutation 31691385 Hum Mutat 2020 Feb
Phenotypic overlap between rare disease patients and variant carriers in a large population cohort informs biological mechanisms. Fitzsimmons L, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Beaulieu-Jones B, Kobren SN medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38699301 medRxiv 2024 Apr 19
Identifying potential dietary treatments for inherited metabolic disorders using Drosophila nutrigenomics. Martelli F, Lin J, Mele S, Imlach W, Kanca O, Barlow CK, Paril J, Schittenhelm RB, Christodoulou J, Bellen HJ, Piper MDW, Johnson TK Cell reports 38416643 Cell Rep 2024 Mar 26
Comprehensive Analysis of Tissue-wide Gene Expression and Phenotype Data Reveals Tissues Affected in Rare Genetic Disorders. Feiglin A, Allen BK, Kohane IS, Kong SW Cell systems 28822752 Cell Syst 2017 Aug 23
Spastin is an essential regulator of male meiosis, acrosome formation, manchette structure and nuclear integrity. Cheers SR, O'Connor AE, Johnson TK, Merriner DJ, O'Bryan MK, Dunleavy JEM Development (Cambridge, England) 36971361 Development 2023 Mar 15
Loss of IRF2BPL impairs neuronal maintenance through excess Wnt signaling. Marcogliese PC, Dutta D, Ray SS, Dang NDP, Zuo Z, Wang Y, Lu D, Fazal F, Ravenscroft TA, Chung H, Kanca O, Wan J, Douine ED, Network UD, Pena LDM, Yamamoto S, Nelson SF, Might M, Meyer KC, Yeo NC, Bellen HJ Science advances 35044823 Sci Adv 2022 Jan 21
Rare disease patient matchmaking: development and outcomes of an internet case-finding strategy in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. LeBlanc K, Glanton E, Nagy A, Bater J, Berro T, McGuinness MA, Studwell C, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Might M Orphanet journal of rare diseases 33971915 Orphanet J Rare Dis 2021 May 10
Enriched phenotypes in rare variant carriers suggest pathogenic mechanisms in rare disease patients. Fitzsimmons L, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Beaulieu-Jones B, Kobren SN BioData mining 39825393 BioData Min 2025 Jan 17
A defined diet for pre-adult Drosophila melanogaster. Martelli F, Quig A, Mele S, Lin J, Fulton TL, Wansbrough M, Barlow CK, Schittenhelm RB, Johnson TK, Piper MDW Scientific reports 38521863 Sci Rep 2024 Mar 23
iPSC-derived neurons as a higher-throughput readout for autism: promises and pitfalls. Prilutsky D, Palmer NP, Smedemark-Margulies N, Schlaeger TM, Margulies DM, Kohane IS Trends in molecular medicine 24374161 Trends Mol Med 2014 Feb
Participation in a national diagnostic research study: assessing the patient experience. Rosenfeld LE, LeBlanc K, Nagy A, Ego BK, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, McCray AT Orphanet journal of rare diseases 37032333 Orphanet J Rare Dis 2023 Apr 10
Machine Learning of Patient Characteristics to Predict Admission Outcomes in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Amiri H, Kohane IS, Undiagnosed Diseases Network JAMA network open 33630084 JAMA Netw Open 2021 Feb 1
Joint, multifaceted genomic analysis enables diagnosis of diverse, ultra-rare monogenic presentations. Kobren SN, Moldovan MA, Reimers R, Traviglia D, Li X, Barnum D, Veit A, Corona RI, Carvalho Neto GV, Willett J, Berselli M, Ronchetti W, Nelson SF, Martinez-Agosto JA, Sherwood R, Krier J, Kohane IS, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Sunyaev SR bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38405764 bioRxiv 2024 Aug 13
GCN2 mediates access to stored amino acids for somatic maintenance during Drosophila ageing. Johnstone JN, Mirth CK, Johnson TK, Schittenhelm RB, Piper MDW bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 38014136 bioRxiv 2023 Nov 14
A multi-nutrient array protocol to study disease-diet interactions in Drosophila melanogaster. Lin J, Martelli F, Mele S, Quig A, Johnson TK, Piper MDW STAR protocols 39083384 STAR Protoc 2024 Sep 20
Balancing serendipity and reproducibility: Pluripotent stem cells as experimental systems for intellectual and developmental disorders. Anderson NC, Chen PF, Meganathan K, Afshar Saber W, Petersen AJ, Bhattacharyya A, Kroll KL, Sahin M, Cross-IDDRC Human Stem Cell Working Group Stem cell reports 33861989 Stem Cell Reports 2021 Jun 8
Comparative analysis of whole-genome sequencing pipelines to minimize false negative findings. Hwang KB, Lee IH, Li H, Won DG, Hernandez-Ferrer C, Negron JA, Kong SW Scientific reports 30824715 Sci Rep 2019 Mar 1
A multidimensional precision medicine approach identifies an autism subtype characterized by dyslipidemia. Luo Y, Eran A, Palmer N, Avillach P, Levy-Moonshine A, Szolovits P, Kohane IS Nature medicine 32778826 Nat Med 2020 Sep
VarPPUD: Variant post prioritization developed for undiagnosed genetic disorders. Yin R, Gutierrez A, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Kobren SN, Avillach P medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 38699371 medRxiv 2024 Apr 20
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Spermine synthase deficiency causes lysosomal dysfunction and oxidative stress in models of Snyder-Robinson syndrome. Li C, Brazill JM, Liu S, Bello C, Zhu Y, Morimoto M, Cascio L, Pauly R, Diaz-Perez Z, Malicdan MCV, Wang H, Boccuto L, Schwartz CE, Gahl WA, Boerkoel CF, Zhai RG Nature communications 29097652 Nat Commun 2017 Nov 2
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Long-term safety and efficacy of deutetrabenazine for the treatment of tardive dyskinesia. Fernandez HH, Stamler D, Davis MD, Factor SA, Hauser RA, Jimenez-Shahed J, Ondo WG, Jarskog LF, Woods SW, Bega D, LeDoux MS, Shprecher DR, Anderson KE Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 31296586 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2019 Dec
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A recurrent de novo missense mutation in UBTF causes developmental neuroregression. Toro C, Hori RT, Malicdan MCV, Tifft CJ, Goldstein A, Gahl WA, Adams DR, Fauni HB, Wolfe LA, Xiao J, Khan MM, Tian J, Hope KA, Reiter LT, Tremblay MG, Moss T, Franks AL, Balak C, C4RCD Research Group, LeDoux MS Human molecular genetics 29300972 Hum Mol Genet 2018 Feb 15
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Glial overexpression of Dube3a causes seizures and synaptic impairments in Drosophila concomitant with down regulation of the Na(+)/K(+) pump ATPα. Hope KA, LeDoux MS, Reiter LT Neurobiology of disease 28888970 Neurobiol Dis 2017 Dec
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A patient with multisystem dysfunction carries a truncation mutation in human SLC12A2, the gene encoding the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter, NKCC1. Delpire E, Wolfe L, Flores B, Koumangoye R, Schornak CC, Omer S, Pusey B, Lau C, Markello T, Adams DR Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies 27900370 Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud 2016 Nov
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Interpreting an apoptotic corpse as anti-inflammatory involves a chloride sensing pathway. Perry JSA, Morioka S, Medina CB, Iker Etchegaray J, Barron B, Raymond MH, Lucas CD, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Delpire E, Ravichandran KS Nature cell biology 31792382 Nat Cell Biol 2019 Dec
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A mutation in the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter-1 leads to changes in cellular metabolism. Omer S, Koumangoye R, Delpire E Journal of cellular physiology 32039487 J Cell Physiol 2020 Oct
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Dissection of a Down syndrome-associated trisomy to separate the gene dosage-dependent and -independent effects of an extra chromosome. Xing Z, Li Y, Cortes-Gomez E, Jiang X, Gao S, Pao A, Shan J, Song Y, Perez A, Yu T, Highsmith MR, Boadu F, Conroy JM, Singh PK, Bakin AV, Cheng J, Duan Z, Wang J, Liu S, Tycko B, Yu YE Human molecular genetics 37014740 Hum Mol Genet 2023 Jun 19
Analysis of mutations in primary and metastatic synovial sarcoma. Xing Z, Wei L, Jiang X, Conroy J, Glenn S, Bshara W, Yu T, Pao A, Tanaka S, Kawai A, Choi C, Wang J, Liu S, Morrison C, Yu YE Oncotarget 30627328 Oncotarget 2018 Dec 7
Triplications of human chromosome 21 orthologous regions in mice result in expansion of megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitors and reduction of granulocyte-macrophage progenitors. Liu C, Yu T, Xing Z, Jiang X, Li Y, Pao A, Mu J, Wallace PK, Stoica G, Bakin AV, Yu YE Oncotarget 29435140 Oncotarget 2018 Jan 12
Genetic and epigenetic pathways in Down syndrome: Insights to the brain and immune system from humans and mouse models. Yu YE, Xing Z, Do C, Pao A, Lee EJ, Krinsky-McHale S, Silverman W, Schupf N, Tycko B Progress in brain research 32057305 Prog Brain Res 2020
FOXR1 regulates stress response pathways and is necessary for proper brain development. Mota A, Waxman HK, Hong R, Lagani GD, Niu SY, Bertherat FL, Wolfe L, Malicdan CM, Markello TC, Adams DR, Gahl WA, Cheng CS, Beffert U, Ho A PLoS genetics 34723967 PLoS Genet 2021 Nov
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Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of Succinyl-CoA ligase deficiency through functional validation of a new SUCLG1 variant. Donti TR, Masand R, Scott DA, Craigen WJ, Graham BH Molecular genetics and metabolism 27484306 Mol Genet Metab 2016 Sep
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Functional cellular analyses reveal energy metabolism defect and mitochondrial DNA depletion in a case of mitochondrial aconitase deficiency. Sadat R, Barca E, Masand R, Donti TR, Naini A, De Vivo DC, DiMauro S, Hanchard NA, Graham BH Molecular genetics and metabolism 26992325 Mol Genet Metab 2016 May
Biochemical signatures mimicking multiple carboxylase deficiency in children with mutations in MT-ATP6. Larson AA, Balasubramaniam S, Christodoulou J, Burrage LC, Marom R, Graham BH, Diaz GA, Glamuzina E, Hauser N, Heese B, Horvath G, Mattman A, van Karnebeek C, Lane Rutledge S, Williamson A, Estrella L, Van Hove JKL, Weisfeld-Adams JD Mitochondrion 29307858 Mitochondrion 2019 Jan
Simultaneous Examination of Cellular Pathways using Multiplex Hextuple Luciferase Assaying. Sarrion-Perdigones A, Chang L, Gonzalez Y, Gallego-Flores T, Young DW, Venken KJT Current protocols in molecular biology 32539239 Curr Protoc Mol Biol 2020 Jun
Multiplexed drug-based selection and counterselection genetic manipulations in Drosophila. Matinyan N, Karkhanis MS, Gonzalez Y, Jain A, Saltzman A, Malovannaya A, Sarrion-Perdigones A, Dierick HA, Venken KJT Cell reports 34525356 Cell Rep 2021 Sep 14
Drosophila Heterochromatin Stabilization Requires the Zinc-Finger Protein Small Ovary. Benner L, Castro EA, Whitworth C, Venken KJT, Yang H, Fang J, Oliver B, Cook KR, Lerit DA Genetics 31558581 Genetics 2019 Nov
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Bi-allelic IARS mutations in a child with intra-uterine growth retardation, neonatal cholestasis, and mild developmental delay. Orenstein N, Weiss K, Oprescu SN, Shapira R, Kidron D, Vanagaite-Basel L, Antonellis A, Muenke M Clinical genetics 27891590 Clin Genet 2017 Jun
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MARS variant associated with both recessive interstitial lung and liver disease and dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Rips J, Meyer-Schuman R, Breuer O, Tsabari R, Shaag A, Revel-Vilk S, Reif S, Elpeleg O, Antonellis A, Harel T European journal of medical genetics 29655802 Eur J Med Genet 2018 Oct
Compound heterozygosity for loss-of-function GARS variants results in a multisystem developmental syndrome that includes severe growth retardation. Oprescu SN, Chepa-Lotrea X, Takase R, Golas G, Markello TC, Adams DR, Toro C, Gropman AL, Hou YM, Malicdan MCV, Gahl WA, Tifft CJ, Antonellis A Human mutation 28675565 Hum Mutat 2017 Oct
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Recurrent Mutations in the Basic Domain of TWIST2 Cause Ablepharon Macrostomia and Barber-Say Syndromes. Marchegiani S, Davis T, Tessadori F, van Haaften G, Brancati F, Hoischen A, Huang H, Valkanas E, Pusey B, Schanze D, Venselaar H, Vulto-van Silfhout AT, Wolfe LA, Tifft CJ, Zerfas PM, Zambruno G, Kariminejad A, Sabbagh-Kermani F, Lee J, Tsokos MG, Lee CC, Ferraz V, da Silva EM, Stevens CA, Roche N, Bartsch O, Farndon P, Bermejo-Sanchez E, Brooks BP, Maduro V, Dallapiccola B, Ramos FJ, Chung HY, Le Caignec C, Martins F, Jacyk WK, Mazzanti L, Brunner HG, Bakkers J, Lin S, Malicdan MC, Boerkoel CF, Gahl WA, de Vries BB, van Haelst MM, Zenker M, Markello TC American journal of human genetics 26119818 Am J Hum Genet 2015 Jul 2

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