Websites of Interest
The Molecular Libraries and Imaging program has transitioned from Common Fund support. For more information, please visit: Please note that since the Molecular Libraries and Imaging program is no longer supported by the Common Fund, the program website is being maintained as an archive and will not be updated on a regular basis.

Bridging Interventional Development Gaps (BrIDGs)
The Bridging Interventional Development Gaps (BrIDGs) program, formerly known as NIH-RAID, assists researchers in advancing promising therapeutic agents through late-stage preclinical development and into clinical testing.
Chemical Biology Consortium (CBC)
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Chemical Biology Consortium (CBC) was established to facilitate the discovery and development of new agents to treat cancer.
Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Disease (TRND)
Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Disease (TRND) is an effort to encourage and speed the development of new drugs for rare and neglected diseases.
NIH Psychoactive Drug Screening Program
NIH Psychoactive Drug Screening Program provides screening of novel psychoactive compounds for pharmacological and functional activity.
The Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP)
The Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) at NCI has comprehensive repositories which contain chemicals from synthetics, natural products, radiolabeled materials, biologics reference standards and reagents, tumor repository for use by researchers.
NIMH Chemical Synthesis and Drug Supply Program
The goals of the program include the identification of novel targets (genes or molecules) for therapeutic intervention, characterization of the behavioral effects of psychoactive agents, and design and development of novel ligands for functional brain imaging in humans, psychoactive agents for basic and clinical research, and potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of mental disorders.