Image of the Week
Some of the most amazing things to come out of the HuBMAP Consortium are the images of healthy human tissues generated by our researchers.
Here, we collected them in one place to celebrate the work of these talented individuals.
![CODEX of human medullary rays in the kidney, courtesy of Dr. Elizabeth Neumann of Vanderbilt](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/40kidney_codex_sept_vandy_twitter.png)
CODEX of human medullary rays in the kidney, courtesy of Dr. Elizabeth Neumann of Vanderbilt
![RNAscope image of portal triad in the liver, courtesy of Aubrianna Decker at Columbia University](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/39RNAscope_liver_right%20side.png)
RNAscope image of portal triad in the liver, courtesy of Aubrianna Decker at Columbia University
![Mass spec image of the portal triad in human kidney, courtesy of Dr. Hua Tian from Penn State](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/38liver%20tissue_tian_twitter.png)
Mass spec image of the portal triad in human kidney, courtesy of Dr. Hua Tian from Penn State
![IBEX image of healthy human spleen, courtesy of Dr. Andrea Radtke of the Germain Lab at NIAID](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/37Radtke_Germain_Spleen_twitter_0.jpg)
IBEX image of healthy human spleen, courtesy of Dr. Andrea Radtke of the Germain Lab at NIAID
![IBEX image of germinal center of human lymph nodes, courtesy of Dr. Andrea Radtke of the Germain Lab at NIAID](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/36germinal%20center_Radtke_HuBMAP_NIH_2._twitter_0.jpg)
IBEX image of germinal center of human lymph nodes, courtesy of Dr. Andrea Radtke of the Germain Lab at NIAID
![IBEX image of healthy human lymph nodes, courtesy of Dr. Andrea Radtke of the Germain Lab at NIAID](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/35Human_LN_NIH_Radtke_Germain_twitter.jpg)
IBEX image of healthy human lymph nodes, courtesy of Dr. Andrea Radtke of the Germain Lab at NIAID
![IMC image of human thymus, courtesy of Michelle Daniel of the Bodenmiller Lab](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/34imc_thymus_twitter.jpg)
IMC image of human thymus, courtesy of Michelle Daniel of the Bodenmiller Lab
![Lightsheet microscopy image of heathy human pancreas, from Katelyn Carty at the University of Florida](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/33_6289_20x_MsGcg_RbCol4_SMACy3_islet3_merged_MIP_100umbar_twitter.jpg)
Lightsheet microscopy image of heathy human pancreas, from Katelyn Carty at the University of Florida
![CODEX image of healthy human colon, from Dr. John Hickey of the Nolan Lab at Stanford](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/32reg003_overlay1_RGB_twitter.jpg)
CODEX image of healthy human colon, from Dr. John Hickey of the Nolan Lab at Stanford
![Sci-Space image of mouse embryo (stage E14), from Dr. Cole Trapnell at UW](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/31composite_stained_section_IotW_twitter.png)
Sci-Space image of mouse embryo (stage E14), from Dr. Cole Trapnell at UW
![CODEX image of human kidney medulla, from Dr. Elizabeth Neumann at Vanderbilt](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/30codex_kidney_june%2028%2C%202021_twitter.png)
CODEX image of human kidney medulla, from Dr. Elizabeth Neumann at Vanderbilt
![Mass spec image of H2 and H4 histones in rat brain, courtesy of Drs. Dusan Velickovic and Kevin Zemaitis at PNNL](/sites/default/files/image-of-the-week/29H4_vs_H2_cut_label_twitter.png)
Mass spec image of H2 and H4 histones in rat brain, courtesy of Drs. Dusan Velickovic and Kevin Zemaitis at PNNL